Hunter x Hunter: All Members of Phantom Troupe and Their Strength

The Phantom Troupe is the most dangerous and also the most wanted criminal group in the Hunter x Hunter story. They are very well known for carrying out various kinds of criminal acts, such as robbery, murder, and even massacred a clan. They have a distinctive feature, namely spider tattoos and their number code as a member.

This group comes from a remote area called Ryusegai. It is a very poor and law-free area. In fact, the existence of the area is not listed on the map nor is it recognized by people. The difficult life in that place is the background for the formation of this criminal group.

One thing that is unique, Phantom Troupe has a special system in recruiting members. Anyone has the right to become a member of this group by defeating the main member. If the old member is defeated, the challenger will become a new member with the code number of the defeated member.

With this system, anyone can become the leader or chairman of this organization. Even though they barbaric and often commit crimes, the members' relationship is like that of family and they are forbidden to fight with each other.

Well, for those of you who used to like following the Hunter x Hunter story, surely you are already familiar with the members of the Phantom Troupe. Let's take a look at the list below.

1. Chrollo Lucilfer


Chrollo Lucilfer is the founder and leader of this criminal organization. He is a man who looks elegant and has a calm nature in any situation. When in a difficult situation, Chrollo can always adapt and control himself. He is a thinking character who considers everything before taking action. Not only that, Chrollo also has a charisma that makes him respected by the other members.

Chrollo is a Specialist. He has a very unique and deadly fighting skill as he can steal an opponent's Nen technique and use that ability for himself. However, to steal the opponent's Nen, Chrollo must meet four conditions. First, Chrollo must see the opponent use his Nen ability. The second condition, Chrollo must ask something related to Nen and the opponent must answer it. Next, the opponent must touch Chrollo's Bandit's Secret book. And the last condition, all of these conditions must be met within one hour.

One proof of Chrollo's ability in this story is that he could fight to a draw against Silva and Zeno Zoldyck who are famous as a very powerful assassin family. However, Chrollo was unfortunately defeated by Kurapika who was intent on taking revenge. Thanks to Kurapika's Judgment Chain technique, Chrollo's Nen ability was sealed and he couldn't use his Nen anymore.

2. Pakunoda


The next member is Pakunoda who was very loyal to Chrollo. She had the appearance of a secretary. However, behind that, Pakunoda was very good at intimidating the opponent and gathering information from the opponent thanks to her strength.

Like Chrollo, Pakunoda was a Specialist.  She had also a technique called Memory Bomb. With this technique, Pakunoda could read all the information in the opponent's memory and share it with all other members using a special Nen gun. However, Pakunoda died in the story after confronting Kurapika's Judgment Chain and giving all the information about Chrollo and Kurapika to the other members. She chosed death instead of betraying his friends.

3. Machi


Next, there is Machi who is also one of the strongest female member in the Phantom Troupe. She has a fairly cold demeanor and is also seen interacting with Hisoka more often. In addition, Hisoka is also interested in Machi. She is a Transmuter and her main strength is manipulating threads.

Machi's thread manipulation ability is extremely accurate. She can kill dozens of people in an instant. Machi's thread is also sharp and can cut things easily. In addition, Machi can also use her thread to stitch wounds because the thread has healing properties. One of the proofs is that Machi could reconnect Hisoka's severed hand.

4. Uvogin

Next, there is Uvogin who was the strongest Phantom Troupe member in terms of physique and stamina. He was a muscular man and also has a very wild nature, especially when he was in battle. Uvogin never fought at his maximum strength because he only used 20% of his strength when fighting. Nonetheless, Uvogin's strength was enough to give the opponent trouble.

The main proof of Uvogin's physical strength was that he could easily stop bullets with his teeth. In addition, his body was resistant to a hail of bullets, sniper fire, and even anti-tank missiles were ineffective against him. He was an Enhancer and also a technique called Big Bang Impact which is a super powerful punch. Unfortunately, Uvogin was defeated by Kurapika's Judgment Chain. He would rather die than divulge information about his friends.

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5. Shalnark


Shalnark was a member of the Phantom Troupe who had a face that looks like an ordinary person. He was an unpredictable person. However, compared to the other members, Shalnark had above average intelligence. His intelligence was one of his main weapons in fighting. In this group, he also acted as a spy thanks to his reliable ability to gather information.

Shalnark was a Manipulator and his main ability was controlling other people's bodies. To support this ability, Shalnark usually used a gadget in the form of a cellphone as a remote control. Shalnark could control the opponent's body at will after he implanted a microchip into the opponent's body. Uniquely, Shalnark could stick the microchip into his own body so he could fight in auto pilot mode.

6. Nobunaga Hazama

The next member is Nobunaga who has the appearance of a samurai in the Edo period. He is also seen to always carry a sword which he always uses very skillfully. Nobunaga was also Uvogin's best friend before they joined the Phantom Troupe. Therefore, Nobunaga was very angry when he got the news that Uvogin was defeated by Kurapika.

Nobunaga is an Enhancer. His main skill in fighting is the mastery of sword skill. To launch his attack, Nobunaga first mounted a stance and installed Ten around the battle area. Anyone who enters the area will be hit by a high-level slash attack from Nobunaga.

7. Franklin

The next member is Franklin. Compared to the other members, he has a large appearance and is also quite scary with a face full of stitches like the Frankenstein monster. However, he also has a caring side to his friends.

Franklin is an Emitter. His most lethal technique is the Double Machine Gun technique which allows him to shoot Nen bullets from his open fingers. Uniquely, the bullet is able to penetrate anything. Franklin also looks very sadistic because he kills anyone with this technique indiscriminately.

8. Phinx

Phinx is the second strongest member of the Phantom Troupe in terms of physique. Just like Uvogin, Phinx is also a Phantom Troupe fighter with bare hands. Even without using weapons, Phinx's attacks can make his opponent battered. Unlike Uvogin, who is wild and violent, Phinx has a calmer nature and tends to rely on tactics in battle.

Phinx is an Enhancer and he also have a deadly technique called Ripper Cyclotron. Phinx's attack increased greatly as he swing his arm in a circular manner many times. The more he twisted his arm, the more powerful the destructive power generated from his attack. In carrying out missions, he is often seen partnering with Feitan.

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9. Feitan

Feitan is the fifth strongest member of Phantom Troupe in terms of physical ability. He has a quiet and mysterious personality. One of its advantages in fighting is a high level of speed that can make it difficult for the enemy to compensate. In addition, he also uses a hidden sword and gun in combat.

Feitan is a Transmutter and he has a special technique called Pain Packer. This technique is quite unique in that he can use all the wounds he has acquired in battle and reuse them to counterattack. The more often he receives attacks from the enemy, the more attacks he will issue. The attack is in the form of a small sun that is very hot and can burn the enemy.

10. Shizuku


Next, there is a beautiful girl named Shizuku who looks innocent. She is a forgetful person. When she completely forgot something, she would never remember it again. In addition, Shizuku is also a left-handed person.

In fighting, Shizuku uses a weapon in the form of a vacuum cleaner which she calls Deme-chan. She uses the vacuum cleaner to distribute his a Conjurer. Her vacuum cleaner is very unique because it is capable of sucking in anything, such as stolen goods, poisons, certain substances, and so on.

11. Bonolenov


The next member is Bonolenov who has the appearance of a mummy. Uniquely, Bonolenov uses boxing gloves on both hands. This character is quite mysterious and is rarely shown fighting compared to the other members.

Bonolenov's main ability is actually behind his appearance. Bonolenov has many holes all over his body that can pull out needles. He can use the needles to defeat his enemies. This technique was shown by Bonolenov when he fought one of the Chimera ants. Bonolenov is a Conjurer, like Shizuku.

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12. Kortopi

Kortopi was one of the members of the Genei Ryodan with the weakest physical abilities among the other members. In addition, he was also quite mysterious and rarely talks. However, Kortopi was a member who had loyality to Chrollo.

Kortopi was rarely shown fighting, but he was a Conjurer. He was able to duplicate any object. The way his powers work was that he touched the object he wanted to duplicate with his left hand and created a replica of that object with his right. The effect of this ability would wear off within 24 hours.

13. Hisoka Morrow

Hisoka is a character who is quite mysterious and has a very quirky appearance like a magician and looks like a clown. He is a former member of the Phantom Troupe. He joined this group because he wanted to fight with its leader, Chrollo.

He was not a real member of the organization because the code number on his back was fake. He made himself the effect of his Nen ability, Bungee Gum which is like chewing gum. Hisoka's Bungee Gum ability is quite unique because anyone caught in this technique will not be able to escape, except by Hisoka's will.

In the story, Hisoka is very interested in Gon. He saw the hidden potential in Gon. Therefore, he always avoids when he meets Gon. He wants Gon to mature so that he becomes a worthy opponent for Hisoka to kill.

14. Kalluto Zoldyck

Kalluto Zoldyck is a member of the Zoldyck family and the younger brother of Killua. Even though she looks like an ordinary kid, Kalluto is a strong fighter. He joined the Phantom Troupe with number #4 replacing Hisoka who left. Kalluto's goal in joining this group was that she wanted to find her missing sister Alluka.

Kalluto uses a fan made of paper to fight. She Is a Manipulator. Kalluto's main ability is that she is able to manipulate and control paper fans and confetti in combat. With just the paper fan, Kalluto is shown to be able to destroy the iron that is about to attack her. In addition, she is also able to absorb information from enemies by sticking parts of confetti and making paper puppets of the person she is targeting.

15. Omokage

Omokage is a former member of the Phantom Troupe who only appeared in the movie Hunter x Hunter: Phantom Rouge. He was a member with code number four before being replaced by Hisoka. In the past, he was a puppet craftsman and joined the Phantom Troupe before the tragedy of the Kurta massacre.

Omokage is a Specialist with a technique called Soul Doll. This ability allows the Omokage to create a puppet copy of someone the target thinks strongly of. To activate the power, the doll must be close to the target. Omokage's puppets can also imitate someone's memories.

16. Illumi Zoldyck


Illumi Zoldyck is the eldest son of Silva and Kikyo as well as the older brother of Killua. He has a very mysterious personality and rarely speaks. He is also very close to Hisoka. He joined the Phantom Troupe group as well at Hisoka's request. Illumi has the code number 11 in place and replaces Uvogin position.

Illumi is a very strong fighter. He is a Manipulator and he often uses special needles to use his Nen powers. With that needle, Illumi can change his appearance to look like someone else. In addition, he can also manipulate others and wash other people's minds.

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