All Rangers in Power Rangers S.P.D.

Power Rangers S.P.D aka Space Patrol Delta has an important task to keep the Earth safe from the threat of criminals from various galaxies. Moreover, they must stop Emperor Gruumm's evil ambitions of conquering the Earth.

In addition to focusing on the five main Rangers, there are still several other Rangers that are shown in the series. In this following article, we would like to review all the Rangers in the Power Rangers S.P.D. series

1. Jack Landors - S.P.D. Red Ranger

Together with his friend Z, Jack Landors at first was a street thief who used to steal food or clothes and distribute them to those in need. He is very similar to the robinhood.

Additionally, Jack decided to join the team as the Red Ranger after he saw Z fighting aliens as a member of the S.P.D. Although he was briefly doubted by the other members of the S.P.D., Jack finally succeeded in establishing himself as a resolute and respected leader.

Without morphing, Jack basically has a genetic ability that allows him to penetrate solid objects. In addition, Jack excels at using a gun. His power as a Red Ranger becomes even greater when he activates the Red Battlizer.

2. Sky Tate - S.P.D. Blue Ranger

Although Sky Tate often disagrees with Jack, he has a deep respect for Jack as his leader. Sky has a father who used to fight as a Red Ranger. That's what makes Sky obsessed with following in his father's footsteps as a Red Ranger.

However, Sky's wish did not turn out to be true. When he first morphed, Sky turned into a Blue Ranger. Even so, Sky gradually began to accept it and built great teamwork with Jack and the others.

Sky could be said to be the number two strongest person in the team. With his genetic power, Sky is able to create a kind of shield without the need to morph. At the end of the story, Sky then takes over the position of the Red Ranger after Jack leaves the team.

3. Bridge Sky - S.P.D. Green Ranger

Bridge Carson is a interesting person character who has great sense of humor. He has difficulty putting words together that made him like to mess when he spoke. Besides, Bridge has great analytical abilities.

Bridge is able to observe the small details that are around him and conclude something based on the hyphothesis he made. To strengthen his analysis, Bridge also requires further investigation before making a decision.

Like the other members of S.P.D., Bridge also has a special genetic ability that allows him to read a person's aura. In addition, Bridge also has strong instincts so that his ability as a Green Ranger is very useful in the team.

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4. Elizabeth Degaldo - S.P.D. Yellow Ranger

Elizabeth Degaldo is a friend of Jack who is usually called by the name "Z". Like Jack, Z was originally a street thief. After she was captured by members of the S.P.D., she was offered by Anubis Cruger to become a member of S.P.D and fight as the Yellow Ranger.

Unlike Jack, who had rejected the opportunity, Z immediately accepted Commander Cruger's offer because she really wanted to quit her old job and wanted to do something bigger and useful.

Z has a special genetic ability that allows her to create clones. She had experienced something unpleasant. Because of that, Z had time to help Sam who was ostracized by his friends due to his special ability.

5. Sydney Drew - S.P.D. Pink Ranger

The fifth members of the Power Rangers S.P.D. is Sydney Drew who is very chatty and looks fashionable. It's no wonder because Syd comes from a rich family so she always keeps his appearance to keep it looking perfect.

Although Syd has a somewhat spoiled nature, Syd has the ability to be skilled in combat. She fought as the Pink Ranger very bravely and had a special moment to uncover the evil of one of the aliens in the story.

Thanks to his genetic abilities, Syd is able to change the molecular structure of his skin into the structure of any object he touches, such as gold and iron. It really helps her in fighting against Krybot or other evil aliens.

6. Anubis Cruger - S.P.D. Shadow Ranger

Anubis Cruger is the commander of the Space Patrol Delta Earth's Base. His appearance is very unique because he is a dog-like alien and comes from the planet named Sirius that has been destroyed by Emperor Gruumm.

As a commander, Cruger has a very decisive and takes full responsibility for protecting the Earth from the threat of Emperor Gruumm and the Troobians. Therefore, Cruger always educate Rangers in a hard way.

At first, Cruger was reluctant to use his sword to fight. However, he changed his mind and returned to fighting as the Shadow Ranger. In terms of combat ability, Cruger is far superior to the members of the S.P.D. another and he had impressive swordsmanship.

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7. Sam - S.P.D. Omega Ranger

Sam is a little boy with super abilities who is saved by Z. Unexpectedly, he joins the S.P.D. and fight as the Omega Ranger in the future, in the year 2040 to be exact.

At that time, the Earth had been destroyed and the Rangers were defeated by Gruumm. To prevent that incident, Sam returns to 2025 and helps the Rangers in the fight. The effect of time travel makes Sam only able to change in the form of a ball of light or Omega Ranger.

As the Omega Ranger, Sam is very strong because he has more advanced technology from the future. With Omega Morpher, Sam is able to pull out various attack modes in battle, especially Hyper Mode which can slow down time.

8. Kat Manx - S.P.D. Kat Ranger

Kat Manx is an alien who has the appearance of a cat. Kat has a very high intelligence and she is in charge of all research as well as the design of the technology used by the S.P.D. Earth's Base.

Kat can be regarded as technical support who always helps Ranger in combat from a distance. He will provide information as well as advice that is important to the Rangers for their safety.

In addition, Kat had turned into Kat Ranger to stop the evil alien named Mooney. His fighting ability as Kat Ranger looks impressive. Unfortunately, Kat can only morph in short time.

9. S.P.D. Nova Ranger

In the final battle against Magnificence and Gruumm, the Rangers and the rest of the S.P.D. have been trough hard times. At that moment, the time portal suddenly opened and the Nova Ranger came to their aid in the battle.

Despite her is brief appearance, the Nova Ranger left a very interesting impression. In terms of combat power, Nova Ranger uses technology similar to Omega Ranger and she is able to issue Electro Mode attacks to destroy Krybot troops.

10. A-Squad

The A-Squad is a team of Power Rangers S.P.D. which was first created to protect the Earth. They are known as the best and most powerful team in terms of combat ability. However, they had disappeared without a trace while they were on a mission.

After the A-Squad disappeared, the B-Squad took over their mission to fight Kruum and protect the Earth. Some time later, the A-Squad suddenly appeared and they betrayed Cruger instead.

It had sparked anger from the B-Squad until the two Ranger troops fought it out. In terms of strength, the A-Squad are indeed very strong because they are highly trained. However, the B-Squad did not want to budge until they managed to defeat the A-Squad.

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