All Rangers in Power Rangers Mystic Force

In the story of Mystic Force, the Rangers have to deal with evil forces from the Underworld who intend to rule the world with darkness. To stop them, the Rangers must unite their magical powers.

In this article, we would like to further discuss all Rangers and their strengths who appear in this series. Curious? Immediately, let's discuss the following!

1. Nick Russell - Red Mystic Ranger

Nick Russell is the leader of the team. Shortly after he arrived at Briarwood, Nick had an amazing adventure. Although at first he doesn't believe in magic, Nick eventually uses it and transforms into the Red Ranger.

Nick is very loyal to his friends and he is very brave. In addition, the real identity of Nick is the biological child of Udonna and Leanbow. In addition, Nick is also known as Light who has the power to save the world from darkness.
As the Red Mystic Ranger, Nick is very strong and he is able to control the fire element in battle. In addition, Nick has various forms of transformation until he is able to use the power of a dragon called Fire Heart.

2. Charlie Thorn/Chip - Yellow Mystic Ranger

Charlie Thorn aka Chip is a very chatty and curious Yellow Mystic Ranger. When he first obtained magic power, Chip was so enthusiastic that he wasn't afraid to fight monsters from the Underworld.

Chip is very close to Vida as they have been friends for a long time. When Vida is turned into a vampire by Necrolai, Chip tries his best to bring Vida back to normal.
In terms of strength, Chip is able to use the lightning element to attack enemies. In addition, he is able to turn his weapon into a Crossbow which is very advantageous in long range combat.

3. Madison Rocca - Blue Mystic Ranger

This sweet girl is usually called by the name Maddie. She was able to transform into the Blue Mystic Ranger after she and her friends were chosen by Udonna as the saviors of the earth from the threat of darkness.

Maddie has a very calm and calm nature. In a difficult situation, Maddie keeps trying to think optimistically and encourage the Rangers. In addition, Maddie seems to like Nick.

When transformed into the Blue Mystic Ranger, Maddie is able to issue water-based attacks at enemies. She may not be as strong as her other comrades, but Maddie is able to increase the confidence of the Rangers when fighting.

4. Vida Rocca - Pink Mystic Ranger

Vida Rocca alias V is Maddie's sister who has a tomboy nature. The funny thing is, V actually gets the power as the Pink Mystic Ranger, even though V admits that pink is not her favorite color.

In contrast to the calm Maddie, V looks more energetic and she really likes DJ music. She used to play her mixer and turntables at Toby's record store. She will be angry if someone else uses her instrument without permission.
As the Pink Mystic Ranger, V is able to use the pink wind element. With the wind, V is able to create a tornado to attack the opponent. In addition, V has the special ability to manipulate his body size.

5. Xander Bly - Green Mystic Ranger

When compared to his other friends, Xander is the most ridiculous member of the Mystic Force and likes to joke around. In addition, he rarely practiced his magic power so he got punished by Daggeron to train harder.

Despite his humorous nature, Xander is an excellent partner. He will help his comrades when they are having trouble in battle. In addition, Xander's presence was able to calm things down.

When transformed into the Green Mystic Ranger, Xander has the special power to manipulate plant. In addition, he is also very superior in terms of physical strength, especially when he transforms into Titan form.

6. Daggeron - Solaris Knight

Daggeron is Udonna's comrade who had disappeared after the war. He is known as a very strong fighter and was trained directly by Leanbow who he respects very much.

While fighting the treacherous Calindor, Daggeron is cursed until he turns into a frog. Daggeron is freed from his curse after he is kissed by Maddie. After that, Daggeron fought alongside the Rangers and became their coach.
When fighting as a Solaris Knight, Daggeron has the power of the sun. In addition, Daggeron is very close to a cute genie named Jenji. Even more interesting, Daggeron's Zord is in the shape of a chariot and is different from those of the other Rangers.

7. Udonna - White Mystic Ranger

In the story, Udonna acts as a mentor who guides the Rangers in battle. With the power at her disposal, Udonna fights the threat of darkness from the Underworld without fear.

Udonna's powers become even greater when she transforms into the White Mystic Ranger. To change to that form, Udonna needs a Snow Staff which gives her the power to control snow. With that stick, Udonna is able to freeze her enemies.

8. Leanbow - Wolf Warrior

Leanbow is the husband of Udonna and father of Nick. In the past, he had sacrificed himself so that he could seal the monsters and bring peace to the world. However, he was changed to Koragg The Knight Wolf by Master Octomus.

After being freed from the influence of Koragg and Master, Leanbow finally regained his consciousness. He then fights alongside the Rangers as a Wolf Warrior who looks a lot like Koragg. However, the armor of the Wolf Warrior is identical to the dominant red color.

9. Koragg the Knight Wolf

Although Koragg is an enemy and not part of the Rangers, Koragg has armor and appearance that is very similar to the Power Ranger. He plays the loyal servant of a Master who fight with a honor.

Koragg's personality is very similar to that of Leanbow who is brave and willing to fight for honor. However, Koragg has a ruthless nature and he often gets the Rangers into trouble.
It wasn't surprising since Koragg got the power from Master. 

In addition, Koragg controls an interesting Zord named Catastros. With the Zord, Koragg is able to transform into the Megazord form.

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