One Piece: All Members of CP0, Explained

CP0 or also known as Chiper Pol Aigis Zero is the strongest intelligence organization that works directly under the orders of the Tenryubito and the World Government. They have more power and influence than CP9.

The CP0 agents seem to have strong connections with the underground or with infamous pirates like the Yonko. In addition, some CP0 members are also still very mysterious because of the lack of information about them.

Well, this time we would like to summarize the list of CP0 members who have appeared in the story. Who are they? Come on, let's see the following summary!

1. Mysterious Trio

This mysterious trio is members of CP0 who was first introduced in the story, to be precise in the Dressrosa Arc. They always appear in important moments and their arrival certainly brings its own threat.

At Dressrosa, they announced that the information about Doflamingo relinquishing his Sichibukai status was false. Information about them is still very mysterious, especially since their power has not been shown yet.

However, they can certainly have a strength that is not much different from Rob Lucci considering that CP0 is the strongest Pol Ciper. In addition, they seem to be good at analyzing situations and turmoil in the ocean, for example, when they observe the war in Wano from the shadows.

Based on Robin's narrative in chapter 1031, CP9 members who wear masks have different levels compared to other agents. For this reason, agents with these masks need to be very careful because they may become a very serious threat.

2. Rob Lucci

Luffy's enemy on this one is a former CP9 agent who was the strongest of his time. He has the Neko Neko no Mi devil fruit ability Leopard model as well as a very talented user of the Rokushiki technique.

Lucci is a very formidable opponent and once made Luffy die in battle. He is also merciless with anyone who opposes the World Government. Although he was defeated by Luffy, he reappeared in the Dressosa arc as a CP0 agent with Spandam.

That might not be too surprising considering Lucci's strength is beyond normal humans in general. He is such a valuable asset to the World Government that he can become a part of CP0. Currently, he is also given the task of capturing Nico Robin in Wano.

3. Spandam

This character must also be familiar to every One Piece fans. Spandam had become the main enemy in the Enies Lobby arc. He is the leader of CP9 who is responsible for the arrest of Nico Robin as well as the Buster Call incident at Enies Lobby.

Even though he used to be the leader of the CP9, he wasn't really that strong. In fighting, he only relies on the Funkfreed sword which has the Zou Zou no Mi devil fruit ability. He also often looks silly and careless in his actions.

Apart from these traits, Spandam actually has a pretty genius brain. Evidence, he is among those who know the secret to the existence of Pluton's weapons and Nico Robin's valuable ability to read Poneglyphs. Perhaps, it was because of that intelligence that he was able to become part of the CP0 agent.

4. Kaku

This Pinocchio-like character is a former CP9 agent who became Zoro's enemy in the Enies Lobby arc. He is a giraffe-style Ushi Ushi no Mi devil fruit user, a user of the Rokushiki technique, and is also proficient in using two swords.

By combining the Rankyaku technique and his two swords, Kaku can display a four-sword or yontoryu fighting style. Kaku's formidable strength is able to force Zoro to his limit until Zoro is able to awaken the deadly Asura nine sword technique.

Kaku's identity as a CP0 agent was first shown in the Levely arc when all kings from around the world gathered at Mariejoa. He was seen along with other CP0 members, such as Lucci, Stussy, and the mysterious masked man who appeared in Dressrosa.

5. Stussy

Stussy is a beautiful woman who first appeared in the Whole Cake Island arc. In the underground, she was known as the Queen of Pleasure District. Along with the other lords of the underground, she attended Big Mom's tea party invitation.

As a CP0 secret agent, Stussy is of course very strong. She is capable of mastering the Rokushiki technique and has been confirmed to master two types of haki, namely kenbunshoku and bushosoku. She had used Shigan to attack Du Feld and used Geppou to escape from Big Mom's collapsing castle.

6. Maha

This agent first appeared in the Wano arc when he and two other agents negotiated with the shogun Kurozumi Orochi. He seems to have a taller body than the other agents. In addition, he also wore a mysterious mask and held a long staff.

In chapter 1041, the fact is revealed that this agent's name is Maha. He was seen badly injured after going through a fierce battle against Izo. In the fight, Izo was killed. It could be proof that Maha is very strong.

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