10 Most Interesting Duelists in Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V presents a duel monster story with different concepts and ideas. This anime features a new style of play known as Pendulum Summoning. In addition, the conflict in the story of this anime involves duelists who come from several alternative dimensions.

On this occasion, we would like to discuss a list of the most interesting duelists in the Arc-V story. Who are they? Check out more information below!

10. Kite Tenjo

The Kite Tenjo that appears in the Arc-V story is basically an alternative version of the Kite in the ZEXAL story. This character is from a different universe. He is known as a great duelist in Xyz Dimension.

Unlike the ZEXAL story, the Arc-V version of Kite uses a Deck that focuses on the use of Chiper monsters. He controls several monsters at once. In addition, he was able to remember the strategy of the opponent who was before him.

9. Jack Atlas

Unlike Kite Tenjo, Jack Atlas is a famous duelist in the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's. An alternate version appears in the Arc-V story and engages in a serious duel. He is from the Synchro Dimension and is known as the king of duels.

Much like the 5D's version, Jack Atlas uses a strength-focused Red Deck. He has a very strong Synchro Monster, an example is the Red Dragon Archfiend which is his flagship card.

8. Battle Beasts

Battle Beast is a member of Duel Academy as well as Sanders' best student. He has a fairly barbaric and aggressive appearance. In addition, he is very competitive in dueling against his enemies.

In dueling, Battle Beast uses an interesting Deck containing Gladiator monsters. In addition, he used several trap cards which were quite difficult for opponents to dodge during a duel.

7. Yugo

Yugo is an alternate version of Yuya Sakaki from the Synchro Dimension. He is known as a Turbo Duelist who is very reliable in dueling. He has an impulsive and easily emotional nature.

The deck used by Yugo in the duel is a Speedroid that focuses on Synchro Summon. In addition, he often relies on Speedroid Double Yoyo and Speedroid Terrortop as part of his strategy.

6. Yuri

Yuri is one of the main enemies faced by Yuya in the Arc-V story. She is an alternate version of Yuya from the Fusion Dimension. In addition, she is considered one of the strongest members of Duel Academy.

In the story, Yuri is seen using two very unique decks called Predaplant and Honor Student. She is able to use both decks to the fullest. One of her trump cards is the Starving Venom Fusion Dragon.

5. Leo Akaba

Just like Yuri, Leo Akaba is quite a troublesome enemy in the story. He was responsible for the incident of the attack on the Xyz Dimension. In addition, he has ambitions to complete Arc Project and Revival Zero.

As a duelist, Leo Akaba uses a Spirit Deck that focuses on Pendulum Summoning. He has some interesting cards, such as Spirit Tech Force – Pendulum Governor and Spirit Gem.

4. Declan Akaba

Despite being young, Declan Akaba shows his extremely talented dueling skills. He is known as the second CEO of Leo Corporation. In addition, he has a fierce rivalry with Yuya Sakaki.

In a duel, Declan uses a D/D Deck which contains a combination of Monster, Spell, and Trap cards. He is able to create a variety of interesting combos in a duel. Because of that, he was a difficult duelist to deal with.

3. Ray Akaba

Rey Akaba is the daughter of Leo Akaba and a professional duelist in Original Dimension. Just like Yuya, she has several alternative versions that come from another dimension. In addition, she was involved in a fierce confrontation against Z-ARC.

Although the deck that Ray uses is quite mysterious, she is seen using some powerful cards, such as En Moon and En Winds. She also shows signs that she is very skilled at using Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz Summoning.

2. Z-ARC

Of the many enemies that appear in the story, Z-ARC is the most formidable and difficult to deal with. He is the original incarnation of Yuya along with an alternate version from another dimension. In addition, he has a cruel and heartless nature.

Z-ARC uses Decks that are very strong and difficult to match. He uses tactics that focus on awakening his flagship cards, such as the Supreme King Z-ARC and Supreme King Dragon which look terrible in the eyes of the opponent.

1. Yuya Sakaki

Yuya Sakaki is the main character who is the main focus in the Arc-V story. He has a strong entertainer spirit and is very fond of the world of monster duels. Because of that, he decided to enter You Show Duel School to improve his abilities.

Yuya uses a Deck that focuses on strengthening his flagship card, the Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon. Even though he was very good at using Pendulum monsters, he started to learn to use other types of monsters, such as Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz.

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