10 Most Popular Characters in A Certain Magical Index

A Certain Magical Index is an interesting anime that combines the concept of magic with science. This anime tells the story of the lives of espers who live in Academy City. They have special powers and are divided into several levels.

On this occasion, we would like to discuss a list of the most popular characters in the A Certain Magical Index story. Who are they? Check out more information below!

10. Saten Ruiko

Saten Ruiko is a cheerful and friendly girl. Moreover, she was known as a Level 0 esper in Academy City. Even then, she became insecure and obsessed with becoming more powerful like her friends.

Despite being at Level 0, Ruiko has a strong physique as well as stamina. She can run for long periods of time. In addition, she used to use a baseball bat as her main weapon in action.

9. Shirai Kuroko

Unlike the previous characters, Shirai Kuroko is a very talented Level 4 esper. She has an interesting character. She is trying to get used to the lifestyle of the future.

In the story, Kuroko joins the Judgment group which is tasked with maintaining peace in Academy City. She has the special ability to teleport very quickly.

8. Shokuhou Misaki

Shokuhou Misaki is known as a Level 5 esper who has the nickname The Queen. She has a huge influence at Tokiwadai Middle School. In addition, she has a very interesting power called Mental Out.

With the power of mind, Misaki is able to issue various special abilities, such as reading and controlling other people's thoughts, changing one's personality, telepathy, and destroying memories.

7. Index

Index Librorum Prohibitorum is one of the important characters in the story. After her memory was erased, she was unable to remember anything. However, Index has a special power called Perfect Memory.

Index was able to remember everything exactly. In addition, she was able to read a grimoire without being affected by its effects. With this ability, she is able to become the vessel of the 103,000 grimoires stored within her.

6. Kakine Teitoku

Although only a supporting character, Kakine Teitoku is a very popular character among fans. He was an extremely talented Level 5 esper in Academy City. In addition, he had a fierce rivalry with Accelerator.

Kakine has a special ability to control material that can be called dark matter. He can change the shape or size of the material at will. In addition, the material is able to resist the workings of the laws of physics.

5. Othinus

Othinus was the leader of Gremlin known as the Magic God. True to her nickname, she has such terrifying powers that she considers herself a god.

In the story, Othinus is attracted by a very powerful item called Gungnir. This item has a very powerful destructive power. Nonetheless, Othinus was more interested in rearranging the world according to her ideals.

4. Gokusai Kaibi

Gokusai Kaibi is one of the beautiful girls who is able to attract attention in the story. She joined the group SCHOOL. In addition, she is very obsessed with collecting a lot of money.

Kaibi has a special ability known as Measure Heart. That ability allows her to influence the feelings of others. In addition, she also relies on a variety of interesting weapons as support in the fight.

3. Kamijou Touma

As the main character in the story, Kamujou Touma is a fan favorite character. He had a very close relationship with Index. In addition, he often protects Index from various threats and dangers.

Touma has a mysterious power called Imagine Breaker. That ability allows him to negate all forms of magic. With his strength, he tries to help anyone who needs help.

2. Accelerator

Accelerator is considered the most powerful esper in Academy City. He has a very complex background in the story. Even though he was enemies for a while, he eventually became good friends with Touma after he was defeated by Touma.

Accelerator's strength was very different from that of other espers. He is able to control vectors that protect him from enemy attacks. In addition, he still retains interesting abilities, such as creating earthquakes to rewriting other people's memories.

1. Misaka Mikoto

Misaka Mikoto is the most liked character by A Certain Magical Index fans. She is a Level 5 esper as well as an excellent Electromaster. In addition, she often helps Touma on various occasions.

Mikoto has an attractive power related to electricity and magnetism. She has a very distinctive technique called Railgun. It was this technique that made Mikoto famous and at the same time wary of her enemies.

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