All Megazords in Power Rangers Wild Force

In the story of Power Rangers Wild Force, there are many animal Wildzord that are very interesting and have great power. Wildzords are able to combine and transform into Megazords to battle giant Orgs.

What makes the Megazord in the Wild Force series very unique, the Megazord can be combined with various Wildzords depending on the needs and the battle situation.

Throughout the story, there are at least six main Megazords that help the Rangers in battle. Curious? Check out our review below!

1. Wild Force Megazord

Wild Force Megazord is the main Megazord of Power Rangers Wild Force. This megazord was first summoned during the fight against the Barbed Wire Org.

To form this Megazord, the Rangers would fuse their Crystal Sabers in a star-like formation. After that, their five major Zords will descend from the Animarium to earth and form this Megazord.

This Megazord usually uses Shark Shurge and Tiger Fury as basic attacks. In addition, this Megazord has a finisher called Wild Force Mega Roar which is fired through each Wildzord's mouth. After fusing with Soul Bird, this Megazord attack was renamed Soul Bird Cannon.

2. Kongazord

Kongazord is the second Megazord introduced in the story. This Megazord uses Gorilla as the main body, Bear Brother Wildzord, Yellow Eagle, and Black Bison. In addition, Kongazord can be combined with several other Zord.

Kongazord first appeared after Red Lion was injured because his powers were out of sync with Bear Brother. At the right time, Gorilla came to Ranger's aid and formed a new Megazord to fight the Bulldozer Org's power.

Kongazord has a finisher technique called Double Knuckle Final Strike. The technique is a shot from the Black Bear and Polar Bear that has been strengthened so that it can destroy the Orgs.

3. Predazord

Predazord is Zen-Aku's personal Megazord which later turns into Power Ranger Lunar Wolf. To form the Predazord, Zen-Aku/Lunar Wolf will summon the three main Dark Wildzords, namely Wolf, Hammerhead Shark, and Alligator.

In terms of strength, Predazord is very and capable of dominating other Megazords, especially when this Megazord is controlled by Zen-Aku. This Megazord has a weapon called the Gator Staff. In addition, the Predazord can use the Crescent Boomerang attack.

The final attack of the Predazord is called the Predator Wave by firing a white energy blast from the Alligator's mouth. After Merrick was freed from Zen-Aku's influence, this Megazord also turned into an ally of the Rangers.

4. Isis Megazord

The next Megazord in the Wild Force is the Isis Megazord. This Megazord is the strongest Megazord belonging to Power Rangers Wild Force. In addition, Megazord can be summoned after Cole summons Falcon Wildzord.

After the Falcon rose from the volcano, the Wildzord merged with the Giraffe, Deer, Rhino, and Armadillo to form the Isis Megazord. In addition to relying on the power of the Falcon, this Megazord becomes even stronger with the presence of the Deer Wildzord.

This megazord has the ability to fly as well as several powerful attacks such as Giraffe Spear and Deer Clutcher. In addition, the Isis Megazord has an attack called Isis Stare with a chalice shooting energy from two points on its two wings. That energy shot could freeze an Org and then destroy it with a final attack.

5. Pegasus Megazord

Pegasus Megazord is the last Megazord belonging to Power Rangers Wild Force. This Megazord has a combination of several main Zords, such as Red Lion, Blue Shark, White Tiger, Falcon, and Elephant as a complement.

Despite its name Pegasus, the shape of this Megazord is more similar to the mythological creature Centaur. The upper part of this Megazord uses the body of a Falcon with the arms of a White Tiger and Blue Shark plus an Elepanth sword and shield, while the lower part of this Megazord is a Red Lion.

This Megazord can be considered as a combination of several Megazords so that the abilities and attack techniques are the same, such as the Isis Stare and Pachyderm Crusher techniques. However, the Pegasus Megazord has the special ability to open gates to other dimensions.

6. Animus

Animus is an ancient Megazord from thousands of years ago who is considered a god. The Animus was destroyed 3000 years ago during the fight against Master Org. After being freed by the Ranger from the dark dimension, the Animus then appears in spirit form.

Animus will appear in emergency situations and help Rangers to get through difficulties. Uniquely, the Animus had disguised himself as a child named Kite and befriended the Rangers before revealing his identity.

Like a god, Animus certainly has terrible powers. In addition, the Zords that make up the Animus are the ancestors of the five main Zords of Power Rangers Wild Force.

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