Fairy Tail: 10 Best Characters From Edolas

In Fairy Tail, Edolas is a parallel dimension of the Earth so that the inhabitants of Edolas are very similar to the inhabitants of the earth. In addition, Edolas has limited magic so people can't use magic freely.

In this article, we would like to review a list of interesting characters from Edolas. Who are they? Check out the full details below!

10. Sugarboy

Sugarboy is the Captain of the 4th division in the Edolas Royal Army. He has the appearance as well as a rather goofy nature and likes to dramatize situations. However, he is capable of being serious at certain moments.

In fighting, Sugarboy has the expertise as a sword user. He has an interesting sword named Rosa Espada which has a strange ability. The sword is able to change the texture of the object it touches to become soft.

9. Coco

Unlike Sugarboy, Coco served as a messenger to the king in Edolas. She always reports the latest up to date news to the king. In addition, she has a cheerful nature and appearance.

Even though Coco was originally very loyal to the king, she decided to betray her after she learned of the king's scheming. She also knows that friendship is far more important than anything.

8. Hughes

In Edolas , Hughes was trusted to be the captain of the 2nd division. He has a pretty quirky appearance. In addition, he likes to say the word amazing in every conversation.

Hughes uses a wand called Command Tact as his main weapon. He demonstrated the power of the wand to manipulate anything in the Edolas Capital amusement park.

7. Faust

Fauts is known as the former king of Edolas who is cold-hearted and thirsty for strength. He intends to master all the magic power of the Lacrima created by Anima. That way, he could use magic freely and freely.

As a king, Faust had great influence as well as power. He is able to give orders to his subordinates. In addition, he has a deadly weapon named Dorma Anim.

6. Byro

Byro is the leader of the Edolas Royal Army who has a rough side. He is very loyal to the orders of the king. Because of that, he would do anything to fulfill the king's request.

In terms of ability, Byro is quite strong and has an interesting attack technique. He is able to use liquid alias liquid with various effects to attack opponents. In addition, he is able to transform into a giant octopus.

5. Shagotte

Shagotte is the ruler of the Exceed who rules the territory of Extalia. In addition, she is the birth mother of Carla. As a queen, she has both an elegant appearance and a glamorous outfit.

In addition, Shagotte was highly respected by the Exceeds. She has the ability of precognition that allows her to see the future. This ability was used by the Elders of Exceed so that they were feared and respected by the people of Edolas.

4. Porlyusica

Porlyusica is known as a close friend of Makarov who is great at healing magic. Unexpectedly, she turned out to be from Edolas. She is the Edolas version of a dragon named Grandeeney.

Although not described in detail, Porlyusica came to earth several decades ago. She also began to like life on Earth. It made her reluctant to return to Edolas and prefer to live on Earth.

3. Phanter Lily

Phanter Lily is an Exceed as well as an Edolas fighter who is very strong and tough. He has a serious nature and carries out his mission with full responsibility. In addition, he is very skilled in using the sword.

During the Edolas storyline, Phanter Lily was briefly involved in a fierce battle against Gajeel. Although he was originally very loyal to the king, he decided to betray the king and fight for what he thought was right.

2. Mystogan

Mystogan is the prince of Edolas and a member of the Fairy Tail guild. He has a very mysterious personality and is closed from others. Other than that, he had the exact same appearance as Jellal.

Mystogan left Edolas and went to Earth with the aim of closing the gates of the Anima. He wants to stop the evil cause as well as the chaos created by his father. Thanks to the help of his friends, he was able to achieve this goal.

1. Erza Knightwalker

Of the many characters in Edolas, Erza Knightwalker is arguably the most attractive character from Edolas. She has characteristics as well as strengths that are identical to Erza Scarlet.

As the captain of the Edolas combat division, Erza is very loyal to the king's orders. He is also merciless when dealing with his enemies. In addition, he wields an interesting weapon called Magic Spear: Ten Commandments.

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