Naruto: 10 Strongest Shino Aburame's Techniques

Shino Aburame is one of Naruto's friends as well as a talented ninja from Konoha. As a member of the Aburame clan, he has a very distinctive fighting style by using insects in battle.

On this occasion, we would like to discuss a list of Shino's most powerful and interesting jutsu in the story. Check out the reviews below!

10. Hijutsu: Mushiyose

Hijutsu: Muchiyose is one of Shino's jutsu which is very useful for gathering information through insects.

The way this jutsu works is also fairly simple. Shino only needed to place her palm on the ground or a tree. After that, he will create a net of chakra that is able to attract insects around him.

9. Mushi Jamingu no Jutsu

Unlike the previous technique, Mushi Jamingu no Jutsu serves as a very useful distraction to outwit the enemy. To activate this technique, Shino needs to feed a number of insects with her chakra.

Then, Shino would spread her bugs to various places within a large area. The effect is that the enemy has difficulty detecting Shino's true location because Shino's chakra signals are at several different points.

8. Mushi Bunshin no Jutsu

As an insect-using ninja, Shino is able to create a clone or shadow through Mushi Bunshin no Jutsu. When this jutsu is activated, a group of kikaichu insects will merge and imitate the form of Shino.

As with the shadow technique in general, this technique has many advantages. For example, Shino was able to trick the enemy through this technique. He can also use the clone to attack the enemy directly.

7. Mushi Kame no Jutsu

Mushi Kame no Jutsu is Shino's defensive insect technique. This jutsu allows Shino to be able to protect herself from the opponent's attack. In addition, the way the technique works is similar to Hyuga clan's Hakkesho Kaiten.

When activating this technique, Shino's insect will spin at high speed to form a dome that acts as a shield. Despite this, this technique is capable of being broken by a very strong attack.

6. Tetsuzanko

Tetsuzanko is a jutsu that can only be used by Shino after he creates a clone of insects. Unlike the previous technique, this technique tends to rely on physical attacks to attack the opponent.

This technique is almost similar to Killer B's and the Raikage's lariat technique. When using this technique, Shino and the insect's shadow will hit the enemy simultaneously to make the enemy bounce.

5. Hijutsu: Mushidama

Hijutsu: Mushidama is a technique used by Shino to hunt enemies from a distance. When this jutsu is activated, Shino will spread all her insects to various places to track the enemy's location.

Once the enemy's location is found, the insect will swarm the target and consume their chakra. No matter where the target escapes to, the insects will continue to hunt for the target.

4. Hijutsu: Mushimayu

Hijutsu: Mushimayu is arguably the most useful technique of the Aburame clan. This technique allows the user to accelerate the growth of insects so that the user is able to use massive numbers of insects during combat.

When this jutsu is activated, Shino's body functions as a cocoon for insects to breed. This made Shino vulnerable to being attacked by the enemy. Because of that, he needed a safe place during the process of using this jutsu.

3. Hijutsu: Mushiheki

Hijutsu: Mushiheki is one of Shino's strongest defensive jutsu. When casting this jutsu, Shino needed a large number of insects. After that, the insect will create a defensive wall that is difficult to destroy.

With the insect wall, Shino was able to defend herself and her comrades from enemy attacks. This jutsu proved effective to withstand the ruins as well as attacks from fire element jutsu.

2. Hijutsu: Mushitatsumaki

If the previous technique worked for defense, Hijutsu: Mushitatsumaki was Shino's very powerful offensive jutsu. This technique allows Shino to track as well as attack her enemy.

Once the enemy's location is found, Shino's insects will attack the enemy at high speed. So fast, this attack is almost like a very destructive and frightening tornado.

1. Kidaichu – Mushikui

Kidaichu – Mushikui is the greatest jutsu mastered by Shino Aburame. Unlike the previous jutsu, Shino needed to use a parasitic insect called kidaichu to activate this technique.

Once released, a bunch of kidaichu will pierce the opponent's skin. The insect consumes chakra and destroys the opponent's body from within until they grow large in no time.

This technique was shown by Shino to defeat the fragments of the Juubi monster during the Fourth Shinobi World War. If this technique is used on ordinary ninja, this jutsu will certainly be very fatal.

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