10 Best Characters in Xiaolin Showdown. Who's Your Favorite?

Xiaolin Showdown is an American animated series that tells the story of four young Shaolin knights who fight against a group of criminals named Heylin. The four of them practice martial arts and master the ability to fight using natural elements. 

They are tasked with protecting Shen Gong Wu, an ancient artifact that has superhuman abilities from falling into Heylin's hands.

Let's check out the best characters from Xiaolin Showdown in this following article!

1. Omi

For those of you who used to like watching this cartoon, you must be familiar with the figure of Omi. He is an orphan who was trained in martial arts since birth. Omi is a Water Xiaolin Dragon that allows him to manipulate water in any form.

The water element in him represents his personality which can be as calm as water to terrifying like a tsunami. In addition, Omi is also a very talented fighter compared to his friends.

2. Raimundo Pedrosa

Next, there is Raimundo Pedrosa from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He is the Wind Xiaolin Dragon which allows him to create various wind-based attacks and allows him to fly.

One of his strongest attacks is that he is able to create extremely dangerous hurricanes. Even though he is a little selfish and likes to be on his own, Raimundo is very loyal and considerate towards his friends.

3. Kimiko Tohomiko

Kimiko is the duaghter of a wealthy Japanese businessman. She is a Fire Xiaolin Dragon that allows him to create and control fire-based elements. She is often seen wearing street style or Japanese clothing.

In battle, Kimiko is able to issue a variety of fire ring attacks to burn opponents. Besides being talented in combat, Kimiko is also smart in terms of modern technology.

4. Clay Balley

True to his appearance, Clay Balley is a cowboy from Texas. He is the Earth Xiaolin Dragon which allows him to create earthquakes and cracks in the ground while increasing his strength.

When compared to his friends, Clay is the most gentle and polite character. In addition, he also likes to speak wise words. However, Clay would get angry if someone touched his favorite hat.

5. Master Fung

Well, Master Fung is a Xiaolin master. He was the one who trained the Xiaolin Dragons. He often gives very heavy tasks to Omi and his friends, for example an order to pull a large rock up a cliff.

In addition, Master Fung also always provides guidance with confusing words. Apart from that, Master Fung is a very wise person and knows a lot of things. In addition, he is also very skilled in mastering martial techniques. Master Fung is usually seen meditating in the temple with the other members.

6. Dojo Kanojo Cho

The Dojo Kanojo is a green Chinese dragon and guardian of the ancient scrolls of Shen Gong Wu. He is also often a means of transportation for the priests. In addition, the Dojo is also able to change its body size from the size of a lizard to a dragon of 40 feet.

Dojo itself is a dragon that comes from the past. According to his calculations, he was born in the year 504 ad. In addition, he also had to be imprisoned once every 1500 years so that he would not cause a darkness catastrophe because of his power.

7. Jack Spicer

Next, we turn to the antagonists in this series. The first is Jack Spicer. He was a young man who declared himself to be a geius demon boy. Jack's genius made him able to create various kinds of mechanical robots to destroy Omi and his friends.

In addition, Jack is also an expert in creating weapons that are effective in combat thanks to experiments in his private robotics lab. Jack also aims to possess Shen Gong Wu and use it to dominate the world.

8. Wuya

In this story, Wuya is the main antagonist who must be defeated by Omi and his friends. She is a very powerful evil demon in the universe and once ruled the world 1500 years ago.

Nonetheless, she was once trapped in a Chinese puzzle box thanks to Grand Master Dashi. She is later freed by Jack Spicer and they work together to commit a crime. After that, Wuya managed to get into her physical form after combining the Serpent's Tail and Reversing Mirror.

9. Chase Young

Chase Young is a Xiaolin knight who almost got the title of Xiaolin Dragon until Hannibal Roy Bean came to him. Chase is tricked by Hannybal until he drinks Mang-Long soup which makes him lose all the good in him so that he turns into a completely evil human.

However, Chase also got a very great ability. He had even defeated many knights. Apart from that, Chase actually hates people like Jack Spicer, Hannibal, and also Master Monk Guan who is the only person who has ever defeated him. However, Chase respects Omi for a reason.

10. Hannibal Roy Bean

The antagonist character that is no less evil in this series is Hannybal Roy Bean. He is one of the most evil demons in the universe. He is also the main mastermind who has turned Chase into evil by giving him Lao-Mang-Long soup.

Not only Chase who became a victim, Hannibal also had time to mislead Raimundo into turning evil, but Raimundo managed to dodge and even tricked Hannibal back.

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