10 Strongest Kaku Techniques in One Piece

Kaku is a former CP9 agent who has now joined the CP0 group. He has Rokushiki martial arts skills as well as very great sword skills, especially in the use of Rankyaku.

In addition, Kaku's fighting ability increased even more after he ate the Ushi Ushi no Mi devil fruit, Model: Giraffe. Kaku is able to combine his martial arts skills with this devil fruit to create very deadly techniques.

In this article, we would like to discuss in more detail the list of Kaku's most interesting techniques in One Piece. Without further ado, just check out the discussion below!

10. Rankyaku “Sen”

Rankyaku “Sen” is a variation of the Rankyaku which looks quite different. When issuing this technique, Kaku will fire his Rankyaku like a bullet towards the target in front of him.

Normally, Rankyaku has a very distinctive looking curve. However, this technique shoots towards the enemy in a straight line.

9. Rankyaku “Hakurai”

By using both legs simultaneously, Kaku can cast his Rankyaku technique "Hakurai" which is much stronger than his normal Rankyaku technique.

This technique is capable of producing very sharp air slashes and reaching a wider area. In addition, the power of this technique is on the same level as Zoro's Nanajūni Pound Hō attack.

8. Kama Kirin

After mastering his devil fruit powers, Kaku can use his giraffe neck to attack enemies. One of his very powerful techniques is the Kama Kirin.

By utilizing his hard, square-shaped neck, Kaku can attack opponents in the air. He can utilize the Soru technique to speed up and increase his attack power.

7. Henchikirin

Like the previous technique, Henchikirin is a technique developed by Kaku by utilizing the power of his giraffe devil fruit.

When issuing this moment, Kaku will function his neck like a whip. He will whip the opponent with a brutal attack. This technique is proven to be able to make Zoro's troubles.

6. Bigan

Different from Shigan in general, Bigan is a special technique belonging to Kaku by relying on his box-shaped nose.

The power of this technique became even crazier when Kaku utilized his giraffe form. He is able to create a large hole in the wall in one strike. In addition, this technique is quite difficult for Zoro to block.

5. Tekkai “Mushikaku”

Again, Kaku developed a strange technique after he ate a devil fruit. By combining the strength of a giraffe and Tekkai, he creates a very unique style called Tekkai "Mushikaku".

When using this technique, Kaku's body will look like a cube. Even though the shape is very cute, Kaku thinks that the defense of this technique is very strong and has almost no openings to attack.

4. Rankyaku “Kiri Shigure”

After using the Mushikaku technique, Kaku can issue a very interesting stance called Rankyaku "Kiri Shigure". When issuing the technique, Kaku will create hundreds of small Rankyaku with both hands and feet.

Kaku directs the attack towards the sky until the attack showers the opponent with a barrage of attacks. Not only is it difficult to be avoided by the opponent, this attack is capable of causing fatal injuries to the opponent.

3. Pasta Machine/Gekirin

The Pasta Machine is a very absurd technique of Kaku and is inspired by the pasta machine. After he pulled the giraffe's neck too deep, his legs and arms suddenly became very long.

In that form, Kaku developed a new sword technique called Gekirin. This technique allows Kaku to issue several very powerful and deadly slashes towards the opponent.

2. Kirin Hodan/Kyoku Bigan “Kirimanjaro”

When issuing the Kirin Hodan style, Kaku will pull his neck into his body so that the neck looks smaller. If he gets the right momentum, he is able to issue a very powerful attack towards the opponent.

An example is Kyoku Bigan "Kirimanjaro" whose name is inspired by the highest mountain in Africa. Similar to a cannon, this technique allows Kaku to shoot Bigan with much stronger destructive power.

1. Rankyakyu “Amane Dachi”

Of the many techniques mastered by Kaku, Rankyakyu "Amane Dachi" can be called the strongest technique. As proof, the technique was capable of cutting the Tower of Justice in two.

When using this stance, Kaku will spin his body at high speed like a top. After that, he will fire a circular Rankyaku which can destroy the opponent and the area around the battle.

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