Boku no Hero Academia: All Class 1-B Students and Their Power

Class 1-B is one of the hero classes at U.A High School which has tough competition with class 1-A. They compete to get stronger from time to time so they can become great Pro Heroes.

At the beginning of the story, the Class B students rarely get the spotlight so their strengths aren't properly exposed. Their strengths were finally revealed and explored coolly when they had a Joint Training Session with class 1-A.

Students from class 1-B turn out to have very interesting powers that are no less powerful than class 1-A. For more details, let's check out the information below!

1. Neito Monoma – Phantom Thief

This class 1-B student is a very annoying character because he always mocks class A students. He also considers his class to be superior and superior to class A. Even though he is annoying, he is able to make things more fun.

Monoma has a quirk called Copy. He is able to copy someone else's quirk by touching his target and using the quirk for about 10 minutes. Monoma is unable to use multiple quirks he copies at the same time. In addition, he also cannot copy certain quirks, such as Deku's One For All and Eri-chan's Rewind.

2. Itsuka Kendo – Battle Fist

Kendo is the very mature class president of 1-B. She always apologizes to the class A students for annoying Monoma who likes to make fun of them. Also, Kendo has an interesting rivalry with Momo.

Kendo has a quirk called Big Fist. With that ability, Kendo is able to control the size of her fists so that she is able to deal considerable damage when attacking her opponent. Because of that, she excels in close combat.

3. Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu – Real Steel

Next, there is Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu who is Kirishima's toughest rival. Tetsutetsu has a fairly shallow mind when it comes to strategizing. He usually takes action immediately and relies on his physical strength in fighting.

Tetsutetsu has a Quirk named Steel which allows him to turn his body into a hard, resilient iron. Not only that, this ability also makes Tetsutetsu resistant to fire and ice attacks to a certain extent.

4. Ibara Shiozaki – Vine

Ibara Shiozaki is one of the top students of class 1-B. What is unique about this girl is that she often utters words that are quite religious. Moreover, although she looks innocent, she is actually quite dangerous and very strong.

Shiozaki has a quirk called Vines which makes her have hair that looks like vines. Shiozaki can manipulate her hair at will and this hair has many uses in battle both for defense and for attack.

5. Juzo Honenuki – Mudman

The class 1-B student this time has quite the fearsome looks, but he is one of the top aces in his class. He is one of the only students able to enter U.A through official recommendations.

Juzo has a quirk called Softening. This quirk allows Juzo to soften anything he touches. With that ability. Juzo can easily control the battlefield because he can soften the ground that is the opponent's foothold and bury them alive.

6. Jurota Shishida – Beast

Next, there is Jurota Shishida who has quite an eccentric appearance. His appearance is closely related to his quirk. In addition, he is often seen full of energy when on the battlefield.

Shishida's Quirk is called Beast which allows him to turn into a beast. While in beast mode, his power will increase greatly. In addition, he also has a very sensitive sense of smell so that he is able to track his opponent's whereabouts easily.

7. Shihai Kuroiro – Vantablack

Kuroiro is a student of class 1-B whose strength is very similar to Tokoyami from class A. He also feels that the two of them have a lot in common. Even though his appearance was quite strange, Shihai possessed great strength.

Shihai has a quirk called Black which allows him to blend with shadows and darkness. With that ability, Shihai could launch surprise attacks and his movements became unpredictable. This Quirk requires the right tactics and strategies to get the most out of it in battle.

8. Togaru Kamakiri – Jack Mantis

This class 1-B student has a very aggressive and quite aggressive nature. Its nature is very similar to Bakugo. Apart from that, he also has a pretty eccentric appearance with a mohawk hairstyle that makes him look quite wild.

Togaru has a very dangerous quirk called Razor Sharp. With this quirk, he is able to create sharp blades or swords from all parts of his body. When used in combat, this ability is very dangerous and makes Togaru quite difficult to fight.

9. Setsuna Tokage - Lizard

Just like Juzo, Setsuna is also a class 1-B student who entered U.A via an official recommendation. Because of that, she is often relied on by her friends. She is also quite smart in strategizing and easy to work with.

Setsuna has quite a strange quirk called Lizard Tail Splitter. This ability allows him to separate his body into 50 parts. She can control that part at will and she is able to regenerate if a part of her body is destroyed or is no longer useful.

10. Sen Kaibara – Spiral

Next, there is Sen Kaibara who has a calm and level-headed personality. He is also quite mature in responding to Monoma's attitude which often mocks the kids from class A. Besides that, he has a quirk that is strong enough to attack opponents.

Kaibara's Quirk is a Gyrate which allows him to make every part of his body spin very fast like a drill machine. With the help of the Drill Gloves tool, Kaibara can increase his focus on attack power to defeat opponents.

11. Kinoko Komori – Shemage

This little girl from class 1-B is shy and less popular than her friends. Many thought that she was weak, but she had quite a troublesome abilities.

Kinoko has a quirk called Mushroom which allows her to expel mushroom spores from her body. The spores will grow into mushrooms very quickly depending on the humidity of the surrounding area. What was terrifying was that she is able to directly attack her target's lungs with the poisonous mushroom spores.

12. Hiryu Rin – Long Weizi

Hiryu Rin is a student in class 1-B who usually looks serious. He is very diligent in studying and practicing the quirk abilities he has. In addition, he also likes to work with other people to solve a problem.

Hiryu has a quirk called Scales which allows him to turn his skin into very hard reptile scales. This ability is similar to Kirishima's hardening ability at a glance. The difference is, Hiryu is able to shoot the scales at the target.

13. Reiko Yanagi – Emily

Reiko is a quiet student in class 1-B and rarely shows her expressions. He also has quite a strange posture because his style is similar to Japanese zombies or ghosts. In addition, he likes to beat around the bush in talking.

Reiko has a quirk called Poltergeist which allows her to control objects around her with the power of telekinesis. Unfortunately, Reiko is only able to control objects that weigh the equivalent of a human's weight.

14. Manga Fukidashi – Comicman

The next class B student is Manga Fukidashi also known as Comicman. He has a pretty eccentric appearance. In addition, he is quite expressive and easy going, just like the enthusiasm he showed during the practice match with class 1-A.

Fukidashi has a quirk called Comic which is very unique. He is able to manifest the words he speaks into a solid object. However, the words he can manifest are onomatopoeias, words that describe sound, for example MEOW! & BOOM!

15. Pony Tsunotori – Rocketti

This cute girl is a quite shy. She is a foreigner who doesn't really understand Japanese so her vocabulary is limited. She occasionally also uses English when speaking.

Pony has a quirk called Horn Cannon which is related to her horns. Pony can shoot her horns and control them like missiles to attack opponents. Once the horn is fired, it will grow back.

16. Yui Kodai – Rules

Yui Kodai is also one of the quiet students in 1-B and rarely shows her emotions to her friends. Despite her nature, she is quite skilled at using her quirk in battle.

Yui has a quirk called Size which allows her to manipulate the size of any inanimate object she has touched. The Quirk will activate when Yui simultaneously touches her fingertips.

17. Nirengeki Shoda - Mines

This fat guy from class 1-B has a humble personality. He is good friends with Tenya and Mina from class 1-A. Although rarely shown in battle, Nirengeki has a quirk that is potential and very useful for attacking opponents.

With his Twin Impact, Shoda is able to attack an opponent and make the opponent receive a much stronger impact than the first attack. He can activate this ability remotely. If trained hard, this quirk can give a fatal attack to the opponent.

18. Yosetsu Awase – Welder

Next, there is Yosetsu Awase who doesn't like hanging out with other people. He is also similar to Monoma because he often utters quite spicy words. Even so, he is not the typical selfish person because he still cares about other people.

Yosetsu has a quirk called Weld which is no less unique. With this quirk, Yosetsu has the ability to combine objects together at the atomic level. However, he must touch the two objects directly to combine them.

19. Kosei Tsuburuba - Tsuburuba

This class 1-B student is one of the students who likes to compete with other people. He is quite competitive in battle and he also has high prestige. Because of that, he doesn't want to lose to his rival.

Tsuburuba's Quirk is Solid Air which allows her to condense and strengthen the air she exhales. With this quirk, he is able to create air walls to prisons out of dense air and can only be destroyed with a powerful attack.

20. Kojiro Bondo – Plamo

The last student in class 1-B on this list is Kojiro Bondo who is not very popular compared to his other friends. he is very similar to Koji Koda from class 1-A who is quite difficult to communicate with other people.

Kojiro has a quirk called Cemendine. This quirk is very useful for trapping enemies because it allows Kojiro to secrete large amounts of a sticky, glue-like liquid.

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