10 Most Interesting Characters in DARLING in The FRANXX, Ranked

DARLING in the FRANXX is an anime about mecha with romance which is very interesting to watch. This anime tells the story of the human struggle against a monster named Klaxosaur which brings disaster in the future.

To face this monster, a group of young people must fight using a mecha named FRANXX. Uniquely, the robot is controlled by a man and a woman in pairs.

In this article, we would like to share our opinion about the most interesting characters in DARLING in the FRANXX. Who are they? Check the complete information below!

10. Ikuno

When compared to her friends, Ikuno doesn't really stand out because she is quiet. She rarely speaks and is less able to express her feelings towards her friends.

Even so, Ikuno is a very smart girl and is able to think logically. She spent years finding a medicine that could prevent the Parasites' aging process.

9. Miku

In contrast to the quiet Ikuno, Miku is very talkative and quite hyperactive. She didn't hesitate to express her annoyance towards the boys. Besides that, she often argues with Zorome.

Miku and Zorome are indeed very suitable as partners. They have a lot in common and are able to understand each other. Because of that, they can fight very well on the battlefield.

8. Futoshi

Futoshi was originally Kokoro's partner. They both control a FRANXX named Genista. However, she is then assigned to be Ikuno's partner after Kokoro volunteers to be partnered with Mitsuru.

Futoshi had objected to Kokoro's decision because he liked the girl. However, he slowly accepts that fact as long as he can see Kokoro happy. He really is a gentleman.

7. Zorome

Within the group, Zorome is arguably the most childish character. He has very high prestige so he does not want to lose to others. In addition, he likes to spit out spicy words.

Despite these traits, Zorome is able to bring excitement to the story. He was always able to break up a tense and serious atmosphere. In addition, he is also very loyal to his friends.

6. Mitsuru

Mitsuru is a very arrogant and arrogant character at first. He also treated Hiro in a bad way. However, he slowly starts to turn soft after he comes into contact with Kokoro.

Mitsuru and Kokoro are a very well matched couple. They also decided to get married as a form of their love bond. As a result of the marriage, their memories are altered so that they forget their moments together in the past.

5. Kokoro

Kokoro is a very kind and mature girl. She is very considerate of her friends. In addition, she has a critical mind because she begins to question her existence as human.

After finding a book on reproduction, Kokoro becomes interested in having a child. She also decides to form a bond with Mitsuru who she considers a special person.

4. Goro

Next, there is Hiro's best friend named Goro. He has a very wise and supportive nature. Under any circumstances, he tries to support whatever is best for Hiro.

Also, Goro has feelings for Ichigo for a long time. However, he needs the right time to express these feelings. Even though their love story was a bit winding, he is eventually able to live with Ichigo.

3. Ichigo

Ichigo is the leader of Squad 13. She always looks serious and tries to be a good example for her friends. In addition, she is very obsessed with Hiro because she thinks of him as a special person.

However, Ichigo has to swallow a bitter pill because Hiro prefers Zero Two. Although the feeling was painful, she gradually came to terms with reality. In the end, she also tied her heart to Goro.

2. Hiro

When he first appears, Hiro feels so weak and lacks confidence because he failed to become a pilot of the FRANXX. However, his spirit revived after he met a girl named Zero Two.

Together with Zero Two, Hiro is able to control Strelizia and fly freely in the air. Even though it was very risky, he was determined to become Zero Two's partner. They also become partners who are very harmonious and unbeatable on the battlefield.

1. Zero Two

The story of DARLING in the FRANXX is incomplete without the presence of Zero Two. She is a very complex and different girl because she is not human. She is a half klaxo sapien and human created by Dr. FRANXX.

Zero Two controls a very powerful FRANXX named Strelizia. She is feared by many because she often kills her partners during battle. That's what makes her often ostracized until she feels alone.

However, Zero Two's empty life begins to take color after she meets Hiro. She considers Hiro to be her darling or lover. They also undergo a very complex relationship and fight together to protect the earth.

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