10 Most Popular Characters in D. Gray Man, Ranked

D. Gray Man is one of the famous anime adapted from the manga by Katsura Hoshino. The story of this anime is centered on a group of humans who fight against a monster named Akuma who threatens the safety of mankind.

Throughout the story, there are many interesting characters with different strengths and backgrounds. Considering how cool this anime is, we would like to review the list of the most popular characters from D. Gray Man. Come on, let's just discuss the following!

10. Jasdero

Jasdero is Devit's twin who serves Noah's family. This character has an appearance that looks very scary. In addition, Jasdero has a childish personality and a unique laugh.

Even though Jasdero looks like a girl, he is actually a boy. He is always seen together with Devit and fighting together with his twin. They had been involved in a fierce battle against Arystar Krory.

9. Road Kamelot

Road Kamelot is the first Noah to be introduced in the story. This character looks like a zombie and has supernatural powers that allow her to travel to alternate dimensions at will.

In addition, Road Kamelot has a very powerful super regeneration ability. When she was in her own dimension, Road could control whatever she pleased and deal psychic damage to the opponent's mentality.

8. Leros

Lero is a unique umbrella that is owned by Earl and has the ability to speak. Lero's design looks very quirky because his head looks like a Halloween pumpkin. In addition, Lero is able to use magic power with permission from Earl.

With his abilities, Lero is able to make his enemies troubled. Even though he isn't overpowered, Lero's character is very entertaining, making the storyline more fluid and less serious.

7. Millennium Earl

Millennium Earl is the main enemy that Allen and friends face in the story of D. Gray Man. This character has the ambition to destroy humanity by turning them into a monster named Akuma.

Earl has dangerous magical abilities that allow him to kill his opponents with deadly spells. Even though his appearance looks very unique, Earl is very dangerous and has a sadistic side when he attacks his enemies.

6. Kanda Yu

Kanda Yu is a member of the Black Order as well as Allen's partner in the organization. He could be considered as Allen's brother who always helped him throughout their adventures.

Kanda has an Innocence named Mugen in the form of a sword with supernatural powers. With that sword, Kanda can issue various deadly slashes and release energy beams to eradicate the Akumas.

5. Marian Cross

This character is Allen Walker's teacher who is known as a scientist as well as one of the strongest exorcists. Marian Cross has great skills in combat and is able to frighten Akuma.

Marian uses two Anti-Akuma weapons to fight, namely the "Grave of Maria" in the form of a woman and a revolver called "Judgment" which can be used to eradicate Akuma. Throughout the story, Marian tends to act as a father figure for Allen.

4. Lavi

Like Marian Cross, Lavi is one of the interesting characters in D. Gray Man's story. He has a strong ambition to eradicate the Akuma who are wreaking havoc in the world by using the exorcist power he has.

Lavi is a very detailed observer. He was able to remember every detail he had observed. In addition, Lavi uses an interesting Anti-Akuma weapon in the form of a hammer that can be resized as desired.

3. Arystar Krory III

Despite his terrifying appearance, Arystar is a gentle and emotional character. However, everything changed when he fought Akuma. In battle, Aleister can be very brutal and terrifying.

Aleister has the power of a vampire and relies on blood in battle. Arystar's blood is toxic to Akumas. He can poison and kill Akuma with his blood. In addition, Aleister can strengthen himself by drinking Akuma's blood.

2. Fou

Fou is a guardian deity who often accompanies Allen on adventures. Although Fou is not originally human, she often assumes human form to interact with other characters.

Fou had trained Allen to strengthen his power. Even though the way she did it was very harsh, Fou actually really cared about Allen. In terms of strength, Fou has interesting abilities, such as telepathic techniques and the ability to turn her hands into axes.

1. Allen Walker

Allen Walker is the main character in D. Gray Man. Since childhood, Allen had a curse that disabled his left hand so that he was abandoned by his family. In addition, Allen received a curse symbol after he received a scar from Akuma on his left eye.

With those cursed eyes, Allen was able to see the souls trapped inside Akuma's body so he was able to save the souls and send them out in peace. In addition, his left hand can be used as an Anti-Akuma weapon to fight. Despite having a bitter life and past, Allen moves on and fights to save others.

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