10 Most Powerful Enemies in the Power Rangers Super Megaforce

In Power Rangers Super Megaforce, the Rangers must protect Earth from the threat of an alien army called the Armada. They have enormous combat power and are practically invincible.

In addition, there were several Fleet troop generals whose strength was insane and hard to match. To deal with them, the Rangers need to use the powers of the previous Rangers.

In this article, we would like to discuss the most powerful enemies in Super Megaforce. Check the complete information below!

10. X Borgs

X Borgs is one of the main combat troops owned by Fleet. They have so many numbers that they can invade an area easily.

Not only that, X Borgs has more sophisticated systems and weapons. They are capable of firing missiles to energy shots. In addition, some X Borgs are also equipped with rifles for combat.

9. Bruisers

Like X Borgs, Bruisers are Fleet combat troops who often attack on the front lines. The number of Bruisers is indeed less than X Borgs. However, they are much tougher.

Bruisers have armor with strong defense. In addition, they are equipped with a pair of cannons that can fire lasers. They often fight alongside X Borgs to destroy the Rangers.

8. General Peluso

General Peluso is one of the most formidable generals in the Fleet troop. He was sent by Damaras to hunt down the Red Lion Wildzord in Animaria. Of course, his efforts did not go smoothly because he had to fight the Rangers.

The Peluso exhibits an interesting range of abilities. For example, he is able to issue attacks that are very fast and agile. He also has hands with very sharp claws.

7. Skatana

Next, there is an interesting monster named Skatana who is very skilled with swords. He has a high warrior spirit and tries to find a worthy enemy. He had challenged Noah to a duel.

Skatana has an interesting move called Blade of Infinity. He is able to pull out several swords at once to attack opponents. He is indeed very strong, but he was beaten by Noah who had trained very hard.

6. Commander Osogain

The next strongest enemy is Commander Osogain. He has a large body and looks like a crab and rhinoceros. Like his peers, he has the honor of destroying the Rangers.

Unlike Peluso, Osogain excels in hand-to-hand combat. His physical strength is indeed worthy of being reckoned with. Even though he cornered the Rangers, he was defeated by the Q-Rex Megazord controlled by Orion.

5. Prince Vekar

Prince Vekar might be more like an idiot. He was not the ideal leader for the Armada troops. However, he is still a dangerous enemy because he holds the authority to lead powerful monsters.

Prince Vekar often acts recklessly without thinking of further consequences. He likes to make decisions in a hurry because he wants to destroy the Rangers in the shortest possible time.

4. Levira

Levira is one of the generals who plays an important role in system and technology affairs. She is very intelligent and clever in devising tactics. In addition, she developed a sophisticated device that could turn monsters into giants.

Levira often sits behind the screen and monitors the battle situation from a distance. However, she always thought of an effective way to destroy the Rangers. She even created the Levira Megazord to fight the Ranger's Megazord.

3. Argus

Argus is a general and bodyguard of Prince Vekar who is in the form of a cyborg. He has great loyalty towards Vekar. Because of that, he tried to carry out Vekar's orders as much as possible.

In terms of combat ability, Argus has great sword skills. He was even able to defeat all five Rangers without difficulty. Nonetheless, he is ultimately crushed by Noah's sword slashes as well as his strong determination.

2. Damaras

Damaras is the most powerful and fearsome general in the Fleet army. He has a big and strong body. Moreover, he has a duty to watch over and protect the foolish Prince Vekar.

After the death of Prince Vekar, Damaras started his rampage and avenged his revenge on the Rangers. His fighting prowess was on a different level. Even though it seemed quite impossible, he was eventually destroyed by the Ranger teamwork.

1.Emperor Mavro

As the main leader of the Armada troops, Emperor Mavro is the most difficult enemy to defeat. He has a strong ambition to invade the earth and conquer the entire universe.

Before Emperor Mavro, the strength of his generals was nothing. He has a variety of destructive attacks that are very powerful and deadly. Because of that, the Rangers had to fight tooth and nail to the last drop of blood to destroy it.

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