10 Strongest Master Hades Techniques in Fairy Tail, Ranked

For fans of the Fairy Tail story, you must be familiar with the figure of Master Hades. He is known as the founder of the Grimoire Heart guild as well as the former master of the Fairy Tail guild who has terrible power.

In this article, we has summarized top strongest Master Hades' techniques. Check out the full info below!

10. Piercing Bullet

One type of magic that Hades mastered was bullet magic. He is able to create various magic bullets to attack opponents from a distance. An example of a variety of attacks from Hades' bullet magic is the Piercing Bullet.

When using this technique, Hades will position his hands like a rifle. After that, he would create high power magic bullets and then fire them at the target.

9. Grimoire Ray

Just like the previous technique, Grimoire Ray is a variation of Hades' bullet magic attack. When compared to the Piercing Bullet, the attack power of this magic technique can be said to be much stronger.

This magical technique allows Hades to shoot bullets that are similar to laser beams. When the bullet hits the target, the bullet will produce a large explosion.

8. Grimoire Chain

Apart from being an expert in using magic, Hades is also very famous thanks to his skill in using chains when fighting. He has a very interesting chain magic and he can combine it with other magic techniques.

Hades' strongest chain magic technique is Grimoire Chain. When using the technique, Hades will shoot a very long chain through both of his hands. The chain attack is very dangerous for the opponent.

7. Katsu

Although the effects of this magic spell are not known for certain, Katsu is one of Hades' terrible magic techniques. He had shown this magic in a fierce battle against Lucy and friends.

Before the effect of this magic hits them, Horologium suddenly appears and protects them from this magic. In Horologium's opinion, this attack was so terrifying that he was terrified.

6. Amaterasu

Amaterasu is a very interesting magic belonging to Hades. When using this technique, Hades creates a very powerful magic formula. In addition, he could target specific areas affected by this magic.

The formula effect is capable of producing a very strong shockwave. Interestingly, the power of this technique depended on how big the number was in the magic formula he was making. The higher the number in the formula, the stronger the attack will be.

5. Formula 100

Formula 100 is the strongest attack variation of Amaterasu's magic. This magic technique was once shown by Hades to destroy Makarov's Three Pillar Gods magic in the battle on Tenrou Island.

When this magic technique is activated, Hades will create a shockwave capable of destroying several parts of Tenrou Island at once. Because of that, the destructive power of this technique was extremely terrifying.

4. Black Arts

As the name implies, Black Arts is a series of forbidden black magic. This magic allows the user to manipulate life. Although the exact details are not explained, the users of this magic are capable of creating havoc and chaos.

Hades was able to use this magic after he learned about Zeref. Moreover, he needed to use the power of the Demon's Eye to activate this magic. With this magic, he becomes even more difficult to defeat.

3. Nemesis

Nemesis is one of the strongest magic techniques shown by Hades in the battle against Natsu et al. Just like the previous case, Hades was able to use this technique after he activated the Demon's Eye power.

When activating this technique, Hades will create several very powerful demons from the wreckage of his ship. The demon was able to issue long-range attacks that were coated with an aura of darkness.

2. Grimoire Law

As the former guild master of Fairy Tail, Hades knows very well about Fairy Law's powerful magic. After he founded Grimoire Heart, he developed another variation of the magic called Grimoire Law.

The two magics are identical and have almost the same way of working. However, Grimoire Law has a much darker color and looks more sinister. In addition, the attack from this magic technique is also very destructive.

1. Demon's Eye

Demon's Eye can be said to be Hades' main power source in battle. When activating this magic, Hades will remove the patch of his right eye and release an enormous amount of magic.

Not only that, Hades' body will be covered by an aura of darkness that makes him look very scary in the eyes of his enemies. Thanks to this magic, Hades is also able to use various terrible magic, such as Black Arts and Nemesis.

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