Bocchi the Rock! Is one of the popular anime in 2022. This anime is adapted from a manga by Aki Hamaji. In addition, the anime focuses on a young girl named Hitori Gotoh alias Bocchi with her friends in the Kessoku Band.
Considering how popular this anime is, we would like to discuss the most interesting characters in the Bocchi the Rock!. Let's just check the discussion below!
1. Hitori Gotoh/Bocchi
As the main protagonist, Hitori Gotoh has a very acute introvert nature. She is very afraid of socializing with other people. She was always clumsy when talking to other people. On top of that, she likes to do absurd acts which are hilarious to watch.
Despite these characteristics, Hitori dreams of becoming a popular guitarist in a band, aka a music group. Since she is too afraid to appear in public, she prefers to upload her guitar playing through a channel called “guitarhero” on the internet.
After meeting Nijika, Hitori's dreams begin to come true. She is recruited to become a guitarist in a band called Kessoku Band. In addition, she is nicknamed by the nickname Bocchi because of her aloof nature.
2. Nijika Ichiji
Unlike Bocchi, Nijika Ichiji is a cheerful girl and easy to get along with other people. She is always optimistic and smart to see opportunities. When she first met Bocchi, she asked her to join her band without hesitation.
Nijika holds the position of drummer in the Kessoku Band. She and her friends used to perform at STARRY music concerts which were managed by her brother. Nonetheless, they need to work hard so they can appear there.
3. Ryo Yamada
Ryo Yamada is the bass player in the Kessoku Band. She has a fairly quiet nature and likes to issue bad words. In addition, she sometimes likes to be selfish with others.
For example, Ryo had borrowed money from Bocchi until she forgot to return it. Despite that, she is basically a good girl because she can understand Bocchi.
4. Ikuyo Kita
The last Kessoku Band member is a beautiful girl named Ikuyo Kita. She has a very pretty face and cheerful nature. She always appears colorful and sparkling in front of Bocchi and her friends.
Kita initially joined the Kessoku Band as a vocalist and guitarist. However, she ran away for no apparent reason. She later confesses to Nijika and Ryo that she is not very good at playing guitar.
5. Seika Ichiji
Seika Ichiji is Nijika's older sister and manager of the music house STARRY. In the past, she had been a musician in a band. However, she decided to stop and start STARRY for the sake of her younger sibling who likes to go to music concerts.
As an older sister, Seika has high concern for Nijika. However, she sometimes uses rather harsh methods so that Nijika can grow better. She also likes Bocchi and Kessoku Band which she thinks are very unique.
6. Kikuri Hiroi
Kikuri Hiroi is one of the most unique characters in the story Bocchi the Rock!. When she first met Bocchi, she was drunk and apprehensive. Seeing this condition, Bocchi was kind enough to help Kikuri.
Unexpectedly by Bocchi, Kikuri is a very talented bass player and vocalist. She joined a band called SICK HACK. Her playing is really cool to make her liked by fans.
7. PA-san
PA-san is one of the staff working at STARRY. She is in charge of the equipment and sound system used for concerts on stage. Although she may seem scary, she is actually very kind and friendly towards others.
8. Naoki Gotoh
Next, there is Bocchi's father named Naoki Gotoh. He has an old guitar that he used in a band when he was younger. He then entrusts the guitar to Bocchi who wants to learn to play the guitar.
In the story, Bocchi's father's face is not shown in full. That's what makes him quite unique. Despite this, he is able to be a good and supportive father to Bocchi.
9. Michiyo Gotoh
Michiyo Gotoh is a typical housewife in general. She often does household chores and takes care of her children. When Nijika and Kita visit Bocchi's house, she welcomes them warmly.
10. Futari Gotoh
Finally, there is Bocchi's younger sister named Futari Gotoh. In contrast to her older brother, Futari has an extrovert nature so she has many friends. In addition, she is very funny and often jokes with her sister.