10 Best Characters in FLCL, Ranked

FLCL is an absurd comedy anime created by Kazuya Tsurumaki and written by Yōji Enokido. The story of the anime focuses on a boy named Naota Nandaba and a mysterious woman named Haruko Harahara who claim to be aliens.

After being run over by Haruko, Naota experiences various strange and abnormal events. They are also often involved in funny moments that are strange but interesting, such as battles between sophisticated robots.

In this article, MogiMogy would like to discuss all characters in the FLCL. Who are they? Check out the full review below!

10. Miyu Miyu

First of all, there is a pet cat from the Nandaba family named Miyu Miyu. He has a very lazy nature. In addition, he also has a very fat body.

The funny thing is, Miyu Miyu is often used by Haruko Haruhara as a communication tool to contact her colleagues. In addition, he can also be used as a video camera by the Galactic Space Police Brotherhood.

9. Kamon Nandaba

Kamon Nandaba is the father of Naota who once worked as a pop culture journalist. He switched professions to become a freelance writer and manages a tabloid called Kamon-Mabase.

Even though Kamon is already middle age, he still shows a childish nature. He is also very close to Haruko and often acts flirtatious around her. However, he is only used by Haruko.

8. Kitsurubami

Next, there is Lieutenant Kitsurubami who acts as Amarao's right-hand man in the Intersetallar Immigration Bureau. She is young and has an attractive appearance. In addition, she is very professional in her work.

Kitsurubami is often seen monitoring data and mission-critical matters. However, she still shows a cute side. She likes to be amazed by Amarao's thick fake eyebrows and looks so ridiculous.

7. Amarao

Amarao is a commander working for the Department of Interstellar Immigration. Despite her position, he has a goofy and flirtatious nature. He likes to tease Kitsurubami with sweet nothings.

Apart from that, Amarao also sees Haruko as a serious threat. They have had conflicts in the past. He also often reminds Naota to stay away from Haruko. However, Naota never paid any heed to her words.

6. Takkun

Unlike Miyu Miyu, Takkun is a black wild cat kept by Mamimi. He is only four months old when he is adopted by Mamimi. He also often appears in various moments.

Because Mamimi was not allowed to bring animals into the house, Mamimi often played with Takkun by the river. Apart from being close to Mamimi, Takkun also often plays with Canti.

5. Eri Ninamori

Next, there is Naota's classmate named Eri Ninamori. She is the daughter of the mayor of Mabase. She also serves as class president so she often sets a good example for her friends.

Despite this, Eri felt sad and frustrated after she heard the news of her father's affair with his secretary. She also forms a close relationship with Naota. She gets jealous when Naota gets close to Mamimi or Haruko.

4. Canti

Canti is a unique robot with a head that looks like a television. He was produced by Medical Mechanics. However, he was briefly possessed by Atomsk until he traveled to earth via Naota's N.O. Channel.

After being defeated by Haruko, Canti then acts as a maid in the Nandaba family. He likes to help clean the house. In addition, he also shows human-like emotions so he is liked many people.

3. Naota Nandaba

In third place, there is Naota Nandaba who is the main protagonist in FLCL. He did look like an ordinary kid at first. However, he turns out to have channel N.O. He is also often involved in dangerous fighting actions.

Naota is quite mature and obsessed with being like his older brother. At first, he was quite uncomfortable with Haruko's presence. Gradually, he begins to realize that he likes Haruko.

2. Mommy Samejima

Mamimi Himejima is one of Naota's best friends. She is older than Naota. Even so, the two of them are very close and often spend time together playing or telling many things.

Mamimi really admires Naota's sister because she was saved by Naota's sister from a fire incident in the past. Mamimi also has a silly side, for example, her obsession with Canti and treating her like an angel.

1. Haruko Haruhara

It probably goes without saying that Haruko Haruhara is the most interesting character in the FLCL story. Haruko is often seen carrying a guitar and driving her typical Vespa motorbike.

Also, Haruko has a very chaotic personality and likes to cause trouble around her. She also often makes Naota in trouble. In the story, she is chasing an entity called Atomsk who has super powers in the galaxy.

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