15 Best Battles in Whole Cake Island, Ranked

Whole Cake Island (WCI) is one of the longest arcs in One Piece. The arc presents the conflict between the Straw Hat Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates. Luffy and his friends try to save Sanji who was kidnapped by Big Mom.

In this article, MogiMogy would like to discuss the most best battles in Whole Cake Island. Check out the full discussion below!

15. Sanji vs. Oven

The battle between Sanji and Oven is fairly short. However, their fight is quite interesting. At that point, Sanji used his speed to attack Oven so he could save Chiffon.

Sanji's kick was able to bounce Oven's body until he hit the wall of the surrounding building. Sanji's movement was so fast that Oven didn't even realize that the attack was coming from Sanji.

14. Jinbe vs. Opera

Opera was assigned to guard the book prison that held Luffy and Nami. However, he let his guard down because he didn't expect that Jinbe would betray him. The two of them had a brief fight.

In terms of strength, Jinbe is far stronger than Opera. He was able to land a punch that gave Opera an immediate K.O. at that moment. Although short, their fight is quite interesting to watch.

13. Pedro vs. Tamago

Pedro and Tamago had a history of strong animosity in the past when Pedro was still a member of the Nox Pirates. Their fight happened again when Pedro helped Luffy while in WCI.

Tamago displays the unique Tama Tama no Mi devil fruit. He was able to match Pedro's strength in battle. Despite this, the fight doesn't last until the end as Pedro runs away.

12. Sanji & Luffy vs. Big Mom

After the tea party turned chaotic, Luffy and his friends were completely surrounded by Big Mom and her men. They had tried to escape even though they had to struggle.

Luffy and Sanji pulled him while giving a combination attack towards Big Mom. Luffy uses the Gear 4th technique, while Sanji uses Diable Janbe's kick. Although short, the battle even then looks interesting.

11. Sanji vs Vinsmoke Judge

The next interesting fight is the duel between Sanji and Vinsmoke Judge. Their duel can be regarded as a sparring event. Judge wanted to see how much Sanji's strength has grown.

In that battle, Sanji was able to match Judge's strength. The fight was somewhat emotional for Sanji because he really hates Judge who has treated him so badly in the past.

10. Carrot vs Big Mom's Squad

During the WCI storyline, Carrot was initially seen to be a burden to Luffy and company. However, she pointed out something very interesting. She changed to Sulong after she saw the full moon.

Carrot looks like a mature woman and full of aggressive aura. She quickly destroyed the rudder of the Big Mom Pirates ship so they couldn't get close to Sunny Go.

9. Jinbe & SHP vs Big Mom

Jinbe and the other SHP crew tried desperately to avoid Big Mom's rampage. They combined their strength to stop Big Mom and minimize the damage to Sunny Go.

In that battle, Jinbe showed a really cool moment. He was able to hit Big Mom with all his might and direct Big Mom into the ocean. Thanks to Jinbe, Nami and the others were able to survive against Big Mom.

8. Bege vs Big Mom

After Bege and Luffy's plans were destroyed, Bege took precautionary measures. He also showed the true power of Shiro Shiro no Mi devil fruit. He is able to transform into a giant castle man who looks very tough.

In this form, Bege tries to protect his crew along with Luffy and his friends. He also restrained Big Mom as much as possible even though the comparison of their strengths looked very contrasting.

7. Pedro vs. Perospero

Pedro is a character that contributes greatly to SHP's adventures at WCI. He is willing to sacrifice himself so that Luffy and his friends can escape from the candy trap Perospero made.

Pedro has prepared a series of bombs attached to his body. He blew himself up without flinching. The explosion was able to give Perospero a fatal blow until Perospero lost his right hand.

6. Nami & Zeus vs Big Mom

Even though Nami prefers to avoid fighting, she did manage to make some really cool moments at WCI. She is able to use Zeus' power and combine it with Clima Tact to attack Big Mom.

Thanks to the help of Zeus, Nami is able to issue lightning attacks on a large and terrible scale. Even though the attack was unable to take down Big Mom, the attack was able to temporarily paralyze Big Mom so that Luffy and his friends could escape.

5. Luffy vs Big Mom's Army

After Cracker was defeated by Luffy, Big Mom mobilized all of her men to hunt down Luffy. In a state of hunger and exhaustion, Luffy fights them in a very reckless way.

Their fight is very interesting. Luffy isn't afraid at all to face Big Mom's army. However, the comparison of their strength is still too far apart so Luffy and Nami are caught and detained in the Mont D'Or book prison.

4. Brook vs Army Chess & Big Mom

Even though Brook was considered useless by Nami, he was able to make a major contribution to WCI. He managed to copy the Big Mom Pirates' Road Poneglyph. Apart from that, he also showed cool fighting actions against the chess soldiers.

Brook's soul scream was able to defeat the chess soldiers easily. After they were defeated, Brook had to face Big Mom. Even though their fight isn't shown in full, it's a very interesting moment to watch.

3. Luffy vs. Sanji

The fight between Luffy and Sanji was very emotional. During the battle, Sanji completely attacked Luffy. He was forced to do so because he was at a huge disadvantage.

Even though he was hit by Sanji's kick, Luffy didn't fight back at all. He really understood Sanji's true feelings. He also said that he would not be able to become the Pirate King without help from Sanji.

2. Luffy vs Cracker

Cracker is one of the strongest enemies that Luffy has to face in WCI. He has the power of the Bisu Bisu no Mi devil fruit which allows him to create very formidable biscuit warriors.

Luffy was made immovable by Cracker's strength which is stronger than him. However, he was luckily helped by Nami. After fighting for hours, Luffy was finally able to beat Cracker with the Gear 4th Tankman attack.

1. Luffy vs Katakuri

Maybe there's no doubt that the fight between Luffy and Katakuri is the most interesting fight in WCI. The fight was initially one-sided as Katakuri's strength was on a different level from Luffy's.

However, Luffy progressed slowly during the fight. He was also able to master high-level Kenbunshoku Haki and matched Katakuri's level. In that battle, Luffy also showed a new form of change, Gear 4th Snakeman.

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