10 Best Characters in Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu

Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu is an interesting anime adapted from the light novel by Yukiya Murasaki and Takahiro Tsurusaki. This anime tells the story of a NEET and gamer named Takuma Sakamoto who was summoned to another world.

This other world has similarities with the game called Cross Reverie played by Takuma. There, he played Diablo aka the Demon King according to the character he plays in the game.

Diablo then goes on an interesting adventure with two beautiful girls named Shera and Rem. He often gets involved in awkward moments with the two of them. Not only that, he was also involved in dangerous fighting conflicts in that world.

Inthis article, MogiMogy would like to discuss the best characters in Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu. Who are they? Check out the complete discussion below!

10. Celestine Baudelaire

Celestine Baudelaire is the head of the Mage Association in the city of Faltra who has a friendly and kind nature. In addition, she had an important role in creating the magic barrier that protected the city from attacks by demons.

Before Diablo was summoned to that world, Celestine was the only person who knew Rem's secret and kept it tightly closed from everyone else. She is also willing to offer help to Rem if the girl finds it difficult.

9. Medios

Next, there is a slave trader named Medios who has an attractive face and a sexy body. She also wore a somewhat vulgar appearance. Even so, she has the skills as an excellent magic instructor.

Medios had time to help Diablo who was learning to see the flow of someone's magic. She asked Shera to be Diablo's training partner. Although the training methods are very unique, they work effectively.

8. Alicia Cristela

Alicia Cristela is a royal knight who also becomes Diablo's adventure companion. She looks like an innocent and weak girl. However, she has impressive fighting abilities.

Unexpectedly, Alicia really admires the Demon King. When Krebskulm awoke in an imperfect state, she felt disappointed because she hoped that the Demon King could carry out her task of destroying humanity.

7. Emile Bichelberger

Next, there is an interesting adventurer named Emile Bichelberger. He has an eccentric appearance with sparkling gold armor. Additionally, he claims himself to be the ally of all women.

Emile will not remain silent if a woman is injured or hurt. Despite his goofy nature, he has quite impressive fighting skills. He also had the responsibility to evaluate the level of the adventurers in the guild.

6. Edelgard

Edelgard is a loyal follower of the Demon King Krebskulm. She once led a demon army that tried to attack Faltra. She has an aggressive appearance and is typical of a fighter.

Edelgard had a fierce fight against Diablo. She was able to move swiftly and swing her spear very aggressively. Even though she dominated the fight, she was ultimately defeated by Diablo whose power level was insane.

5. Krebskulm

Krebskulm is the Demon King sealed in Rem's body. At first, she was depicted as a figure who was a threat to humanity. However, she turned out not to be that scary when she was resurrected.

Krebskulm looks like a little girl and she is in a state of amnesia. She forgot her mission as the Demon King. Apart from that, she is very obsessed with eating biscuits. She was then called Klem to cover up her identity.

4. Sylvie

Next, there is the master of the adventurer's guild named Sylvie. She has a cute appearance and typical rabbit characteristics. Apart from that, she has a kind nature and has sympathy for other people.

When she first met Diablo, Sylvie immediately realized that Diablo was much stronger than her. She had questioned Diablo's decision to join the guild because she felt reluctant to give Diablo a mission or quest.

3. Galleu Brake

Next, there is a beautiful Phanterian named Rem Galleau. She has a calm and serious nature. Even though she likes to argue unclearly with Shera, she actually has a high sense of loyalty and friendship.

Rem became an adventurer because she wanted to defeat the Demon King Krebskulm. She has skills as a summoner. She can summon magical creatures to aid her in battle.

2. Shera L. Greenwood

In contrast to Rem, Shera L. Greenwood is an elf who has a cheerful nature and is outspoken in her speech. She also has a really fantastic body and is often the subject of fan-service with hilarious comedy spices.

Apart from this, Shera has a quite complicated background. She decided to escape from her kingdom because she wanted to live freely. She also often relies on Diablo who always protects her from danger.

1. Diablo

Takuma Sakamoto aka Diablo is a high level player in Cross Reverie. For many years, he lived as a NEET and rarely socialized with other people so his communication skills were very poor.

When playing Diablo, Takuma always tries to act like an authoritative and intimidating Demon King. He is able to make people afraid of him because he has strength that can be said to be overpowering.

For example, Diablo is able to issue a magic attack called White Nova which can destroy enemy troops instantly. He is also very clever and good at analyzing the opponent's abilities.

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