10 Best Characters in Kamonohashi Ron no Kindan Suiri, Ranked

Kamonohashi Ron no Kindan Suiri is one of the best detective anime in 2023. The anime is adapted from the manga by Akira Amano. As the title suggests, the anime story focuses on an eccentric detective named Ron Kamonohashi.

Ron has a dark past so he doesn't have official permission to become a detective. Even so, he became active again as a detective after he met Totomaru Isshiki who asked for his help in solving criminal cases.

In this article, MogiMogy wants to discuss the best characters in Kamonohashi Ron no Kindan Suiri. Check out the complete discussion below!

10. John Grizzly

John Grizzly is an instructor at BLUE who Ron greatly admires. He always wears a serious face and looks completely dedicated to carrying out his duties as a detective.

John also accepted an invitation from Jumonji to supervise events at the Nandan Observatory. He had thought that Ron was Onodera's killer, but that assumption turned out to be wrong until he was killed after being shot by the original killer.

9. Orihime

Orihime is known as an idol from the Orion star who has a famous reputation. She has a cute face and really likes the world of astronomy. Apart from that, she also received an invitation from Jumonji to see the meteor shower at the Nanba Observatory.

Orihima was involved in a tense situation due to a murder mystery that occurred there. Even so, she gave Ron an important clue regarding the identity of the murderer.

8. Winter Moriarty

Winter Moriarty is the fourth child of the M Family. He has great skills in disguise. He had disguised himself as a police officer handling the bodies of murder victims at the Nanba Observatory.

Winter also had time to find out information from Jumonji about Ron. After he got the information he wanted, he then killed Jumonji and reported it to his brother.

7. Mylo Moriarty

Mylo Moriarty can be said to be the main enemy that Ron must face. He is the leader of the M Family who is the mastermind behind various criminal cases. Plus, he always kept an eye on Ron.

Mylo explains that Ron is the descendant of Sherlock Holmes and James Moriarty. He also didn't allow Ron to act freely as a detective. Judging from his movements, he was the mastermind behind the tragedy that befell Ron five years ago.

6. Mofu Usaki

Next, there is a young doctor named Mofu Usaki who is no less eccentric. She is seen wrapping his face in disheveled bandages. Despite her less than convincing appearance, she was an excellent surgeon.

Doctor Usaki was invited on a TV show to prove the lies of people who claim to be espers. She also explained the esper's tricks using a scientific and rational approach.

5. Omito Kawasemi

The next most interesting character is Omito Kawasemi. He has a good reputation as a detective in the Aichi Prefectural Police. He has solved various criminal cases.

Kawasemi also has a disciplined nature and tends to be a perfectionist. He has a habit of carrying tweezers to tidy up the appearance of his subordinates. Because of his various strengths, he was considered a suitable candidate to become police chief.

4. Spitz Feier

Spitz Feier is an instructor at BLUE who specializes in tracking. He was assigned to monitor Ron, who was reportedly active as a detective. However, he had another purpose behind this task.

Spitz wants to ask Ron for help finding his missing brother. Ron didn't just agree to this because he didn't trust Spitz 100%. Even so, Ron still needs Spitz's ability to solve various cases.

3. Amamiya

Amamiya is the leader of the First Investigation Division of the Metropolitan Police Department. She has a firm nature as a leader. Additionally, she often scolds Totomari for her poor performance.

Despite her fierce nature, Amamiya still has a feminine side. When she first met Ron, she immediately fell in love with him. She also called Ron by the nickname Kamoo-sama.

2. Totomaru Isshiki

Totomaru Isshiki is a young detective who is naive and not very talented. However, he has a kind nature and a high spirit of justice. He always tries to uncover the truth behind a case.

Totomaru usually acts as a Ron puppet who performs in front of people. He will convey the deductions made by Ron to uncover criminal cases. Thanks to her help, Ron regained his enthusiasm to become a detective.

1. Ron Kamonohashi

As the main MC in the story, Ron Kamonohashi is an interesting detective. He is a genius at making deductions and uncovering crime cases. However, he has a dark background.

Ron was accused of being the murderer of a gang member. The incident cost him his license as a detective. In addition, he has a mysterious power that can force murderers to end their lives.

Apart from this, Ron actually really likes his job as a detective. Every time he hears about a crime case, he is always eager to uncover the mystery and truth behind the case.

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