10 Best Characters in Okashi no Tensei, Ranked

Okashi no Tensei is an isekai anime adapted from the light novel by Nozomu Koryu and Yasuyuki Shuri. The anime tells the story of a pattisiere who died and was reincarnated in another world.

On this occasion, MogiMogy would like to discuss best characters in Okashi no Tensei. Who are they? Check out the complete discussion below!

10. Agnes Mille Morteln

Beautiful and friendly, Agnes Mille Morteln is Pas mother. She shows great affection for her family.

Agnes usually appears in an elegant manner typical of aristocrats. Even so, she sometimes shows a silly side. An example is the moment when she dressed up Pas in a strange way.

9. Petra Mille Hubarek

Petra Mille Hubarek is the beautiful daughter of the Hubarek family and the older sister of Licorice. She has a very humble nature towards other people. Additionally, she is very caring towards her sister.

In the story, Petra is engaged to the grandson of the nobleman Kadrecek. Their relationship was threatened because there were people who didn't like it. Fortunately, Pas and his father managed to protect them from danger.

8. Brioche Salgret Mille Leteche

Brioche Salgret Mille Leteche is a noble who has high authority in the Retes region. She has a quite arrogant and calculating nature. Apart from that, she seems to be maintaining her image and the good name of her region.

Brioche had intense negotiations with Pas and his father because her troops failed to quell the bandits. In order to cover this, Brioche was willing to give compensation money to Pas.

7. Josephine Mille Morteln

Pas has a beautiful and cute older sister. She is Josephine Mille Morteln. Even though she is older than Pas, her character still looks childish and not very mature.

Just like her mother, Josephine also likes to dress up Pas in strange ways. This habit makes fitting less comfortable. However, Pas was not at all angry with their actions.

6. Sheet Beatwin

Next, there is an aide from Casserole named Sheet Beatwin. He has very high loyalty to Casserole. He had helped Casserole start from zero until they succeeded in creating a prosperous Morteln region.

Sheet is a flexible type of person. He can be laid back and like to joke around, but he can turn serious when the time comes. An example is when a village is attacked by bandit troops.

5. Marcarullo Doroba

Marcarullo Doroba is one of Pas' good friends. The two of them often play together. He also often acts as Pas's personal assistant who always follows his every order.

Because Marca is still a child, he still likes to do reckless stunts. An example of this is when he allows himself to fall for the tricks of bandits. The incident left Lumi injured, causing Pas to have a hard time.

4. Luminito Aidilichpa

Just like Marca, Luminito Aidilichpa is also a good friend of Pas. When compared to Marca, she has a calmer nature and is able to think rationally. She also likes to suggest smart ideas to Pas.

Lumi has a special closeness to Marca. Even though they like to fight, they seem to have feelings for each other. They were so close, Lumi's father asked Marca to marry her one day.

3. Casserole Mille Morteln

In third position, there is Pas' father whose name is Casserole Mille Morteln. He is of noble descent who has charisma and a leadership spirit. He built a village from scratch and developed it slowly.

Apart from that, Casserole has the abilities of a knight. He is very skilled in using swords and teleportation magic. Apart from that, he always protects the villagers from lurking dangers.

2. Licorice Mille Hubarek

Licorice Mille Hubarek is Petra's younger sister who has a gentle and shy nature. She also lacks self-confidence because she feels his older brother is brighter than her. However, all that changed after she met Pas.

Licorice and Pas were kidnapped by a group of bandits, leaving them in a dangerous situation. However, they luckily managed to survive thanks to Pas' clever thinking. After the incident, they got engaged as agreed by both families.

1. Pastry Mille Morteln

It probably doesn't need to be argued that Pastry Mille Morteln is the most interesting character in Okashi no Tensei. He has a strong passion for making sweet snacks. Plus, he's a genius for his age.

Pas often uses his creative ideas to solve problems around him. He was also able to amaze his father. He has a strong dream of creating a country full of sweet snacks.

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