Who is Narutaki in Kamen Rider Decade?

For those of you who have watched Kamen Rider Decade series, you are definitely familiar with the figure of a man named Narutaki. He likes to appear suddenly and say that Decade will destroy the world.

Who do you think Narutaki really is? Check the following discussion so you can know the answer in more detail!

His Background is Mysterious

Narutaki has very mysterious origins. Even so, he has the ability to explore the world just like Decade. He is able to overcome the convergence that exists throughout the world of Riders.

Narutaki's role in the Kamen Rider Decade series is actually quite ambiguous. However, he is in the opposite camp to Decade. He believes that Tsukasa Kadoya should not exist in all worlds.

Narutaki also often provokes other Kamen Riders that Decade will destroy their world. He also often warns Kasumi about the threat of Decade in the future which triggers battles between Riders.

His Fighting Abilities

Apart from being able to explore the world of Riders, Narutaki also shows several interesting abilities. He is able to summon evil Riders from other dimensions and make them fight against Decade.

Narutaki also often plays the role of antagonist in several Kamen Rider films. He has the ability to transform and access certain powers. Examples of changes include Colonoel Zol, Golden Wolfman, Doctor G, and Kani Laser.

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