10 Best Characters in Sekirei, Ranked

Sekirei is an interesting seinen anime adapted from the manga by Sakurako Gokurakuin. This anime presents fighting action between girls with super powers with the addition of strong ecchi and harem spices.

The anime focuses on a teenager named Minato Sahashi. His life changes drastically after he meets a cute Sekirei named Musubi. Minato then finds out that he has the ability to become an Ashikabi.

Ashikabi is the term for people who have special genes and are able to awaken the true power of a Sekirei. Minato then became Musubi's Ashikabi until the two of them were involved in various fighting conflicts involving Sekirei and Ashikabi.

Interestingly, Minato is not just Musubi's Ashikabi. There are several other Sekirei connected to Minato, such as Kusano, Mitsu, and Tsukiumi. He also often becomes a bone of contention between them.

10. Karasuba

Karasuba aka "Black Sekirei" is one of the loyal dogs that obeys the orders of the Mid Bio Informatics (MBI) organization. She serves as the leader of the Third Generation Disciplinary Squad whose job is to punish those who oppose the MBI.

Karasuba has a very firm nature and has deadly sword skills. Additionally, she seems to have a good relationship with Musubi. The main goal is to defeat Yume who resides in Musubi's body.

9. Homura

When she first appeared, Homura proclaimed herself the “Sekirei Guardian”. He protects the Sekirei who are not yet winged from attacks by other Sekirei. He has the power to manipulate fire in battle.

From his external appearance, Homura does look like a handsome man. However, his body underwent changes slowly after he reacted with Minato. This confused him and made his power unstable for a moment.

8. Miya Asama

Miya Asama is the owner of Izumo Villa who is very kind and cares about people who need help. She may seem weak at first, but she is actually very strong.

Miya turns out to be a Sekirei with the code #01. In the past, she had been the leader of the much feared First Generation Disciplinary Force. She had submitted to MBI, but she decided to leave MBI after her husband's death.

7. Uzume

Uzume is one of the Sekirei who lives at Izumo Villa. She has a friendly nature and easily gets along with other people. Even so, she keeps a secret that her friends don't know about.

Uzume is paired with a sickly Ashikabi named Chiho Hidaka. For the sake of Chiho's recovery, she is forced to follow Higa's orders to defeat the other Sekirei. She can manipulate veil to attack her opponents.

6. Matsu

Next, there is a Sekirei wearing glasses named Matsu. She lives in a hidden room in Izumo Villa. She has programming and computer skills and always monitors the situation in front of the monitor.

Mitsu has the special power to access and analyze electronic devices. However, she cannot control these tools. She once joined MBI, but she decided to run away until she became a fugitive.

5. Minato Sahashi

Minato Sahashi is the main MC in the Sekirei story who has an innocent and kind nature. He does not hesitate to help anyone who needs his help. Because of his sincerity, he was liked by the Sekirei who paired with him.

Even though Minato has a cowardly nature, he has a strong desire to protect the Sekirei who are precious to him. He was even willing to get himself into danger to save them.

4. Kusano

Kusano is a  young innocent, and cute Sekirei. She also often shows a childish attitude. When around Minato, she often acts spoiled.

Kusano doesn't want to lose to Musubi or Tsukiumi who are trying to fight over Minato. Even though she looks weak on the outside, she has extraordinary plant manipulation abilities.

3. Kazehana

Next, there is a Sekirei named Kazehana who is very sexy, typical of adult women. She really likes drinking alcohol. After meeting Minato, she became interested in Minato.

Even so, Kazehana needed time until she decided to make Minato her Ashikabi. In terms of strength, she is very strong and has the special ability to manipulate wind.

2. Tsukiumi

Tsukiumi was originally depicted as a Sekirei who really hated Ashikabi. She felt that she could fight independently without the Ashikabi's help. However, her views changed after she met Minato.

After seeing Minato's courage and kindness, Tsukiumi fell in love with Minato and made him her Ashikabi. She always considered herself to be Minato's legal wife. She is also very strong and can control water freely.

1. Musubi

According to the author, Musubi is the most interesting character in the Sekirei story. She has a beautiful face and always looks cheerful. Additionally, she has a very strong love relationship with Minato.

Musubi is a type of Sekirei who fights at close range. She has strong fists and is able to deal heavy damage to those around her. She always tries to protect Minato from various threats.

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