Boku no Hero Academia: All The Users of One For All

One For All is a very unique quirk because this quirk can be passed down from generation to generation. This Quirk cannot be passed on to random people because it takes a strong belief to be able to receive this power.

In addition, One For All has a very long history with All For One and this quirk is the only weapon that can defeat All For One's overpowering power. So far, there are nine people who have this power. Who are they? Follow this article until the end to find the answer!

1. Yoichi Shigaraki

The first user is the younger brother of All For One who was initially thought to have no quirk. Because of that, All For One gave his brother a stockpiling quirk that allowed him to pile up the power.

However, Yoichi turned out to have a quirk that allows him to transfer his quirk to other people. Uniquely, the quirks given by All For One and Yoichi's combine and form One For All which can be passed down from generation to generation. This power is the starting point for the destruction of All For One.

With that power, at first Yoichi thought he could beat his brother. However, All For One is too strong for him so he bequeaths One For All to someone he trusts in the hope that the quirk will grow stronger until he is able to defeat All For One.

2. Second User

The true identity of the second user of One For All is still unknown so this character is still quite mysterious. The second user has spiky hair similar to Bakugo and wears a combat jacket.

Many suspected that this second user was the leader of a rebel army that opposed All For One's rule in its heyday. In flashback, he originally intended to kill Yoichi because he was related by blood to All For One.

However, he changed his mind and chosed to reach out to Yoichi who needed help. If the second user had ignored Yoichi at the time, the story might have been different and One For All would most likely not have been created.

3. Third User

Just like the second user, the real name of the third user is still unknown. He was also part of the rebel army that fought alongside the second user against All For One in its heyday.

Although his identity is quite questionable, a third user has been confirmed to possess a quirk called Fa Jin that allows him to gather kinetic energy and then release it in the form of a burst of power or speed. At that time, Deku began to train the power of the quirk.

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4. Hikage Shinomori

Hikage Shinomori is the fourth heir of One For All. Unlike his predecessors who fought all out against All For One, Hikage instead chosed to hide from All For One. He felt that the power of All For One was too strong at that time and he could not defeat.

While he was in hiding, Hikage trained himself very hard to strengthen the One For All power that was within him. However, his body began to deteriorate until he died at a relatively young age. He realized that it was a side effect of the power of One For All.

Before his death, the Hikage fortunately passed this power on to his successors. He also bequeathed his original quirk called Danger Sense. This ability allows him to sense the dangers around him.

From Hikage's case, One For All users begin to realize that anyone who has a quirk has a high vulnerability to use the power of One For All. The story will be different if the user doesn't have a quirk, like the case of Toshinori and Midoriya.

5. Daigoro


Daigoro is the fifth heir and the first One For All user who worked as a Pro Hero. He has a pretty funky nature. In addition, he has an innate quirk called Black Whip.

With this quirk, Banjo is able to release dark colored tendrils which have many uses in battle, especially to snare or capture opponents. He used to most likely combine the quirk with the power of One For All.

In the past, All For One had intended to steal One For All from him. However, the attempt failed. In the battle against All For One, Banjo gave some of his blood to En who he chosed as his successor.

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6. En

Just like Banjo, En also worked as a Pro Hero in the past and he was appointed by Banjo as the sixth heir to the power of One For All. En looks quite quiet but friendly. He is also a pretty good mentor in teaching Deku about his quirks.

En has a quirk called Smokescreen which allows him to create thick smoke that can be used to trick enemies or escape. He most likely also strengthened the quirk with One For All.

In the past, All For One had also intended to steal En's One For All power, but that attempt failed. At one point, En then met with Nana Shimura. After being seriously injured in the fight against All For One, En then passed this power on to Nana by giving her his hair.

7. Nana Shimura

The seventh user of One For All is All Might's beautiful mentor named Nana Shimura. In addition, Nana is also a good friend of Gran Torino as well as the grandmother of Shigaraki Shimura who is now the main villain of the heroes.

In the past, she was known as a very powerful Pro Hero. She was willing to leave his family so that he could keep her family away from threats and dangers because she have many enemies. She also felt very frustrated when she knew her grandson becoming a subordinate of All For One and asked Deku to stop Shigaraki's madness.

Nana has a quirk called Float which allows her to float in the air. She also had time to fight against All For One. However, she was still not strong enough that she could be defeated. Fortunately, she had passed the power of One For All to All Might before she died.

8. Toshinori Yagi

Toshinori, alias All Might is a One For All user who is known as the former number one Pro Hero and is considered a symbol of peace. He is also the longest One For All user, which is 40 years.

Toshinori is different from his predecessors because he does not have a quirk so he is like an empty glass that can fully accommodate the burden of One For All's power. Because of that, Toshinori was able to wield that power for a very long time.

So far, Toshinori is the most powerful One For All user and is able to use his powers to the fullest. He is the only person who survived and won the battle against All For One.

However, the fight left a scar so severe on Toshinori's stomach that he was only able to use his quirk for three hours in one day. He then met Midoriya and he saw Midoriya's strong determination to become a hero so he decided Midoriya as his successor.

9. Izuku Midoriya

Izuku Midoriya aka Deku is the ninth user of One For All and he will most likely be the last heir of One For All because people without quirks are getting thinner over time.

Just like All Might, he was originally just a kid that born without a quirk. He then gained the trust of All Might to inherit the power of One For All. After that, Midoriya's life changed and he had to train hard to train his powers so he could become a great hero.

Gradually, Midoriya finally begins to realize the big secret of One For All. In addition to having super powers that can increase his speed as well as his strength, Midoriya is also able to access the quirk powers of previous One For All users. In addition, he is also believed to be able to perfect the power of One For All.

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