One Piece: All Known Members of Blackbeard Pirates

On this occasion I want to discuss one of the strongest pirates in One Piece. They are the Blackbeard Pirates led by Marshall D. Teach who is one of the emperors of the ocean. Teach created his own group after a personal accident and left the Whitebeard pirates. 

He also gathered strong companions and in a short time they were able to become pirates who were recognized and wary of by the World Government. He was also desperate to enter Impel Down and play there. In the Impel Down incident, he was able to recruit dangerous criminals that the World Government wanted to eliminate.

Well, maybe some of you already know who the powerful Blackbeard pirates are. Immediately, let's discuss more deeply.

1. Marshall D. Teach - Captain

As I mentioned above, the captain of the Blackbeard Pirates is Marshall D. Teach. He and the Supernovas are also known as the worst generation that often messes up and is considered to bring a big storm in the pirate world. Teach himself has two devil fruit abilities, namely Yami Yami no Mi and also Gura Gura no Mi. So far, he is the only character shown to be able to use the ability of two devil fruits. Currently, the bounty is 3.996.000.000 Berries.

With that power, Teach was able to rank Yonkou easily and was able to match the strength of other Yonkou such as Shanks, Kaido, and Big Mom. One clear proof of his strength is that he is able to defeat Portgas D. Ace with ease. Not only that, he was also able to defeat Marco and his friends which made him rise to the rank of a Yonkou. Teach is able to neutralize the ability of the devil fruit and absorb all objects. He was also able to create earthquakes and tsunamis like Whitebeard.

Teach can also be said to be an overpowered character with the power of darkness and the power of his earthquake. Unfortunately, he has the downside of being overconfident and underestimating others. He will most likely also be Luffy's last enemy later in the fight for the throne as the Pirate King.

2. Jesus Burgess - Titanic Captain of 1th Ship

Jesus Burgess was the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' first ship. He had an enormous stature and was filled with dirt. Not only that, he also earned the nickname "Champion" or wrestling champion. 

In combat, Burgess basically uses free fighting techniques or martial arts that rely on physical abilities and muscles. Nonetheless, its strength is also not to be underestimated. He was able to easily defeat strong fighters in the Mera Mera no Mi tournament at the Colosseum, Dressrosa.

One of the attacks used by Burgess in fighting is the Hado Elbow. He uses his elbows to attack his enemies. On his right arm is also attached a tool that probably serves as an increase in damage from attacks. Burgess can also use Bushosoku no Haki well. Unfortunately, he was defeated by Sabo at Dressrosa.

3. Shilliew - Titanic Captain of 2th Ship

Shilliew is the former chief warden of Impel Down who joined Teach after the horrific incident at Impel Down. He is a swordsman whose strength is considered equal to Magellan, the former chief warden of Impel Down. 

Because of his hobby of killing prisoners, Shilliew was imprisoned by Magellan and not allowed to use his sword. But he was released when Impel Down was in chaos because of Luffy and his friends. It was then that he met Teach and decided to join.

It has now been confirmed that Shilliew has eaten the Suke Suke no Mi devil fruit which allows him to become a transparent human. At first, this power belonged to Absalom, one of Moria's men. Most likely, Absalom had been killed and had his power stolen by Shilliew with a certain technique – the same technique that Teach used to steal Whitebeard's powers. Due to his strength, Shilliew gains the position of captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' second ship.

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4. Van Auger - Titanic Captain of 3th Ship

Van Auger is a sniper in the Blackbeard Pirates. He also occupied the position of captain of the third ship after Shilliew. Just like the other captains, Van Auger has a tall stature and also has a cold personality. He is also known by the nickname Supersonic, perhaps this is due to his terrible and accurate shooting ability.

At all times, Van Auger is always seen carrying a rifle with a long barrel. He also wears a special pair of glasses on his right eye. One proof of his terrible shooting ability is that he is able to shoot a bird from a very long distance. In fact, if a normal person was in his place, that person would not be able to see the bird.

Not only that, he is also able to shoot enemy bullets with his very fast bullets. In the fight on the island of Banaro, he also seems to have very good reflexes and is able to shoot Ace's vital points in a very fast time. In the Marineford arc, he also looks calm when fighting guns with Yasopp who is the greatest sniper in the Akagami pirates.

5. Avalo Pizzaro - Titanic Captain of 4th Ship

Avalo Pizzaro is a former prisoner of Impel Down level 6. His stature is quite tall and he also has horns like Kaido. He also earned the nickname "King Corrupt" which is most likely due to his hobby that likes corruption. 

This may also be related to his crimes in the past that the World Government wants to keep his existence a secret. That said, if there is a level 6 criminal who infiltrates a country, then that country can be destroyed.

Until now, the power of Avalo Pizzaro is still not clearly shown. However, both of his hands seemed to hold weapons that could be used in combat just like Cyborgs. He might also be a devil fruit user considering Teach and his friends are hunting for devil fruit users with interesting abilities. Despite all that, Avalo seems to be a strong figure considering his position as the captain of the fourth ship of the Blackbeard Pirates.

6. Lafitte - Titanic Captain of 5th Ship

Lafitte is a former police officer who has served in West Blue. However, he was exiled for being too cruel and harsh. He himself was quite thin with a pale face and carried a cane with him at all times. His current strength is also still mysterious. What is clear, he has a very scary hypnotic ability. It was proven when he was able to hypnotize the gatekeeper of justice during the Impel Down and Marineford arcs.

In addition, Lafitte is also able to create wings to fly. It is still a debate whether it was the effect of the devil fruit ability or Lafitte using another technique. What is clear, Lafitte's strength cannot be underestimated considering his position as the captain of the Blackbeard Pirates' fifth ship. In addition, Lafitte also has good navigation capabilities.

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7. Catarina Devon - Titanic Captain of 6th Ship

Catarina Devon is the only female member of the Blackbeard Pirates. Just like Avalo Pizzaro, she is also a level 6 prisoner of Impel Down and has the nickname "The Crescent Hunter". She has been shown to have the mystical Zoan-type devil fruit ability, Inu Inu no Mi model Kyubi no Kitsune.

The ability of this devil fruit is still a mystery, but what is clear is that the effect of this devil fruit is that she is able to imitate a person's form. A case in point is that she was able to disguise herself as Absalom. Judging from her nickname, it's likely that Devon's power will be used to its full potential during the crescent moon.

Besides that, Devon also carried a sword which she placed on the right side of her waist. What is clear, Devon is one of the dangerous criminals whose strength cannot be underestimated. Currently, she occupies the position of captain of the Blackbeard Pirates' sixth ship.

8. San Juan Wolf - Titanic Captain of 7th Ship

Just like Devon and Avalo, San Juan Wolf also includes high-profile ex-convicts imprisoned in Impel Down level six. He himself was a man of great stature and earned the nickname "Battleship". This may be due to his ability to change his body size into a giant. This ability likely comes from a devil fruit. In the Marineford arc, his body size is almost the same as the towering Marineford building.

His current fighting strength is still not known for certain, but it is clear that he is also one of the strongest members of Blackbeard. It was likely that he relied on physical attacks to defeat his enemies. If he wasn't strong, there was no way he would be able to beat the other prisoners at level 6.

9. Vasco Shot - Titanic Captain of 8th Ship

Vasco Shot is also one of the former prisoners of Impel Down level 6 who joined Blackbeard. He is a man who has a tall, slightly rounded stature. He himself also has a hobby of drinking, so he is nicknamed the "Heavy Drinker" or heavy drinker. Not only that, it seems he also has a hobby of killing.

His current strength is still a mystery. But what is clear is that like several other captains, Vasco Shot's strength is worth reckoning with because he was able to defeat other prisoners at level 6 and pass the test to join Teach. He also seems to have quite a strong physical ability.

10. Doc. Q - Titanic Captain of 9th Ship

Doc. Q is a long time member of the Blackbeard Pirates. He is a tall man with a sour face and looks sickly. Since childhood, his body was weak. Even so, he seems to have some medical abilities since he used to hold the position of ship doctor in the Blackbeard pirates. Doc. Q also gets a quite unique nickname, namely "Death God" or the God of Death.

His current strength is still not shown openly. But what is clear, he always carries a double-edged scythe which is probably his main weapon in battle. In addition, his fighting style might also be supported by his medical ability in concocting chemicals. What is clear, he is not a weak character because it is impossible for Teach to recruit him if Doc. Q has no special abilities.

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11. Kuzan

Kuzan is a former navy admiral who left the marines after his battle with Sakazuki. He himself didn't want to be led by Sakazuki because maybe they had different views on justice. From the news circulating, it is certain that currently Kuzan has joined the Blackbeard Pirates.

His motive is currently still unknown. However, he most likely has a certain plan because it is impossible for the humble Kuzan to join a ruthless and reckless pirate like Teach. Despite the suspicions of some crew members such as Burgess, Teach still accepts Kuzan. Maybe the consideration is Kuzan's strength which can increase the combat power of his pirate group.

12. Stronger

Stronger is the horse that Doc used to ride. He could be said to be the pet of the Blackbeard pirates. Just like his master, Doc. Q is also sickly. He often collapses in unexpected conditions, such as during Teach's fight with Ace on Banaro Island, instead of running he collapses and is carried by Burgess.

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