One Piece: Top 10 Strongest Logia Users

Logia type devil fruit is a devil fruit that is able to make its users transform into natural element at will. This type of devil fruit is very rare to find when compared to other types. In addition, the logia type devil fruit has a very high destructive power so that users of this devil fruit usually have the strength of a monster.

Well, this time we wants to discuss the strongest Logia users in the One Piece story. Just take a look at this one.

10. Monet

Monet is a member of Doflamingo's executive family. She has eaten a Logia-type devil fruit, Yuki Yuki no Mi. By eating the fruit, she is able to manipulate and control snow at will. While at Punk Hazard, Monet was shown to have wings and legs like a bird. Her appearance looks like a Harpy. It is also an aid from Law's power.

Monet's power is also not to be underestimated. She was almost able to overthrow Luffy with her clever plan. Although that method is not very effective thanks to Luffy's strength. She also had conflicts with Zoro and Tashigi. But at the end of Punk Hazard story, she sacrificed herself by blowing herself up for her loyalty to Doflamingo.

9. Smoker

Smoker is one of the vice admirals who is nicknamed the White Hunter. He is able to transform and manipulate smoke thanks to his demon fruit Moku Moku no Mi. Smoker is a fairly strong character. He was obsessed with catching Luffy after the incident in Logue Town.

In addition to utilizing the power of his devil fruit, Smoker also uses a weapon named Jitte At the tip of his Jitte has been coated with sea stone which can weaken the power of devil fruit users. After the time skip, Smoker is also shown to be able to use Haki very well.

8. Caesar Clown

This crazy scientist is a pretty strong Logia user. Thanks to the Devil Fruit Gasu Gasu no Mi, Caesar is able to become gas and manipulate various gases. He also has a high bounty like the other Supernovas.

In his research, Caesar received financial support from many parties. He cooperates with Doflamingo and Big Mom. His business with Doflamingo is to create SMILE which is the forerunner of an artificial devil fruit. Meanwhile, on the other hand Caesar also conducts research to make people become giants for Big Mom's sake.

With the intelligence and power of his devil fruit, Caesar's power is quite frightening. He once defeated Luffy and Smoker at Punk Hazard. Luffy's defeat was caused by his carelessness in underestimating Caesar. In the Whole Cake Island arc, Caesar also took an important role in the assassination of Big Mom.

7. Crocodile

Crocodile is a powerful former Sichibukai. His strength is being able to manipulate and become sand thanks to the Suna Suna no Mi fruit. He had a confrontation with Luffy when in Arabasta. However, he lost thanks to Luffy's determination and strength.

Crocodile's defeat made Luffy's bounty rise and his Sichibukai status was revoked by the government. Crocodile was later taken to prison for crimes against the royal family of Arabasta. Despite having been enemies in the past, Crocodile had a brief alliance with Luffy during the great war in Marineford.

This was done by Crocodile in return for freeing him from Impel Down prison. In the great war, Crocodile had several times saved Luffy from marines. After the time skip, Crocodile has been shown several times in the story briefly. He is probably still gathering strength and plotting to survive in the New World.

6. Ace & Sabo

Mera Mera no Mi is a devil fruit that allows its user to become fire and manipulate fire. This devil fruit was originally eaten by Ace. The destructive power of this devil fruit is very powerful. In Alabasta, Ace’s fist was able to destroy several large ships belonging to Baroque Works members. Thanks to that, Ace earned the nickname "Fire Fist".

Unfortunately, Ace had to die protecting Luffy from Akainu's brutal attacks. HIS death is a deep enough pain for Luffy and for One Piece fans. After his death, Ace's devil fruit reappeared and was found by Doflamingo's hands. The devil fruit was used as the main prize in a gladiator fight at the Colosseum.

At that time, Luffy joined as a gladiator to get the devil fruit. Unexpectedly, Sabo appeared in front of Luffy. He was in shock because he thought that Sabo had died a long time ago. Sabo also replaced Luffy to fight in the final battle in Colosseum.

After going through a fierce battle, Sabo was finally able to take the Mera Mera fruit and he ate it. Ace's power has now shifted to Sabo. The combination of fighting techniques and the Mera Mera fruit makes Sabo's attack even more powerful.

5. Enel

Enel is one of the sky tribes, Birkan, who considers himself to be a god. On the island of the sky, the term of god refers to the leader of that place. However, Enel abused this authority. Even so, none of the residents dared to oppose Enel's existence because Enel had enormous power.

Enel ate the Goro Goro no Mi fruit which allowed him to turn into a lightning and control that element at will. His power proved capable of destroying his hometown. He also nearly destroyed the entire sky island with his power. But this can be prevented by a very reckless Luffy. Robin has mentioned Enel's devil fruit. She said that the Goro Goro no Mi is one of the strongest devil fruits.

4. Kizaru

Kizaru is one of the most powerful marine admirals. His real name is Borsalino and have the power of Pika Pika no Mi fruit. With this devil fruit, Kizaru is able to become a light and move with incredible speed. He is also capable of firing lasers at very high speeds and causing incredible explosions.

In Sabaody Archipelago, Kizaru was able to beat several Supernovas to a pulp. In addition, Kizaru's power is also implanted in the Pacifista's body. With this power, the Pacifista is able to fire  strong beams at full speed. Kizaru also had a draw with one of the legends, Silvers Rayleigh. But in the Marineford he looks scared when Ben Beckman points a gun at him.

3. Aokiji

Aokiji is a former admiral who has now left the navy. He decided to leave the navy because he did not want to be ordered by Akainu. They both have different views on justice. The latest news is that he joined the Blackbeard Pirates instead.

With the power of the Hie Hie no Mi devil fruit, Aokiji is able to become an ice man. Its power is terrible. He can freeze anything. One proof of the frightening evidences of his power is when he freezes the tsunami caused by Whitebeard earthquake. In addition, he was also able to make the third division commander Jozu paralyzed from freezing.

2. Akainu

Currently, Akainu is the new Fleet Admiral replacing Sengoku. He got the position after going through a fierce battle with Aokiji at Punk Hazard. Moreover, he also has absolute belief in justice. Akainu ate the Magu Magu no Mi devil fruit which made him can manipulate and control magma at will.

The power of his magma has tremendous destructive power. He is able to make the ocean boil and destroy anything. The Whitebeard alliance was overwhelmed by Akainu's power in Marineford. In addition, he is also a character who dares to challenge and counter Whitebeard's attacks. Although in the end he almost died after being hit by Whitebeard's anger after Ace died.

1. Marshall D. Teach

In my opinion, Teach is the strongest logia user compared to other users. He has a very unique body so he is able to use the ability of two devil fruits at once. Teach ate Yami Yami no Mi so he can control the darkness at will.

What is special about this devil fruit is that it is able to neutralize the power of all devil fruit users. For that reason this devil fruit can be said to be the strongest and most evil devil fruit. Even though Teach had run away against Akainu before the time skip, it didn't necessarily make Teach look weaker than him. It's possible that at that time Teach thought of a better decision as he preferred to avoid unnecessary fights. 

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