All Members of Wild Force Rangers and Their Power

Wild Force Rangers are a team of Power Rangers who get the power of the Wildzord from the Animarium. With these powers, they must work together to defeat an evil creature named Org.

Members of the Wild Force have very interesting and animal-inspired powers. In addition, they have their own characteristics in combat. For more information, let's just discuss their background and strengths below!

1. Cole Evans - Red Lion Ranger

Cole Evans is the leader of the Wild Force Rangers who have the power of the Red Lion Wildzord. Since childhood, Cole lived in the wild and he was very similar to the Tarzan. Because of this, Cole loves animals and is able to understand them.

Despite being doubtful at first, Cole was able to prove himself as the leader of the Rangers. He was able to cheer up the other Rangers to fight against the Org. In fighting, Cole is arguably very strong and agile compared to other Rangers.

As a Red Lion Ranger, Cole is equipped with a variety of interesting weapons, such as the Crystal Saber, Red Lion Fang, and Lion Blaster. In addition, he was holding three Wildzord Crystals, namely the Red Lion, Gorilla, and Falcon Wildzord.

2. Taylor Earhardt - Yellow Eagle Ranger

Before Cole joined the team, Taylor was arguably the leader of the Rangers. She had doubted Cole's strength at first. However, Taylor slowly began to recognize Cole's strength. To fight against the Orgs, Taylor was willing to leave her job as a pilot in an Air Force. Her experience while in the military greatly helped her in the battle against the Org. When fighting as the Yellow Eagle Ranger, Taylor is able to fly through the air and she is equipped with interesting weapons, such as the Crystal Saber, Golden Eagle Sword, and Armadillo Puck. Like Cole, Taylor also holds three Wildzord Crystals, namely the Yellow Eagle, Black Bear, and Polar Bear Wildzord.

3. Max Cooper - Blue Shark Ranger

Unlike the two previous Rangers, Max Cooper or Blue Shark Ranger has an easy going personality and is often considered adolescent. He is very close to Danny and often combines together in fights. Prior to acquiring the powers of the Blue Shark Wildzord, Max Cooper was a talented bowler. However, he had time to leave the hobby so that he could focus on being a Ranger to protect the Earth from the threat of the Org. As the name implies, the Blue Shark Ranger excels in water combat. He also has two Wildzords, namely Blue Shark and Giraffe. Apart from relying on the Crystal Saber, Blue Shark Ranger's main weapons are Blue Shark Fighting Fins and Sword of Pardolis.

4. Danny Delgado - Black Bison Ranger

The next member of the Wild Force Rangers is Danny Delgando who fights as the Black Bison Ranger. Despite having a burly body, Danny is basically a calm and has romantic side. In the past, Danny worked in a flower shop and he had a crush on a girl named Kendall. He has a motto to never give up. He often said it together with Max when they were in a difficult situation. In terms of physical strength, the Black Bison Ranger was the most superior to the other Rangers. He fights using the Crystal Saber, Black Bison Ax, and Rhino Shooter. In addition, he is able to control three Wildzords, namely Black Bison, Rhino, and Armadillo Wildzord.

5. Alyssa Enrile - White Tiger Ranger

Like Taylor, Alyssa is one of the first members of the Wild Force to join the team. She is very intelligent and has great martial arts skills. The ability is a family legacy that she learned from her father. Apart from being an expert in martial arts, Alyssa is also very intelligent and able to think calmly in any situation. Alyssa's presence is very important to calm emotions or fights that occur within the team. As the White Tiger Ranger, Alyssa is very agile in combat. In addition to relying on the Crystal Saber, she uses two interesting weapons, namely the Tiger Baton and the Deer Clutcher. In addition, she has three Wildzord Crystals, namely the White Tiger, Elephant, and Deer Wildzord.

6. Merrick Baliton - Lunar Wolf Ranger

Merrick Baliton is the last Ranger introduced in the Wild Force. He had become an enemy of the Rangers when he was still under the influence of the evil Zen-Aku. As an opponent, his strength was very troublesome for Rangers. Fortunately, Merrick was rescued by the Rangers and returned to himself. Despite this, Merrick often worked alone rather than fighting alongside the Rangers. Besides, he has a special relationship with Princess Alyssa. When turning into the Lunar Wolf Ranger, Merrick is equipped with a unique weapon called the Lunar Cue and can be used as a rifle to shoot opponents. In addition, Merrick has three strong Wildzords, namely Wolf, Hammerhead Shark, and Alligator Wildzord.

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