Nanatsu no Taizai: All Sacred Treasures and The Power

Sacred Treasure is a unique and powerful weapon owned by owned by the Kingdom of Liones and entrusted to the members of Nanatsu no Taizai when they still serve as the Kingdom's Holy Knight.

Based on the explanation from King, Sacred Treasure has a special ability to maximize the potential of its user to the maximum. King explained that there was a big difference when he fight with Chastiefol compared to fighting without that weapon.

There are seven Sacred Treasure that are each wielded by a member of Nanatsu no Taizai. So, how about the power of the weapon? Immediately, let's discuss the following for more details!

1. Spirit Spear Chastiefol

This Sacred Treasure of the King was made from a Sacred Tree that was only found in the Fairy King's Forest. Chastiefol is very unique because this weapon has ten forms with each various abilities. However, Chastiefol is most often seen in the form of a pillow that King uses all the time.

The strength of Chastiefol is stronger than steel and has the high qualities of a Sacred Tree. Because of that, King can maximize his full power when he fight using Chastiefol. This weapon became even more terrifying when King managed to bring out the true power of the Sacred Tree in the Fairy forest.

2. War Hammer Gideon

Next, there was Diane's giant hammer which had disappeared for no apparent reason. However, Diane managed to get Gideon back after she won the Vaizel Fighting Festival. This hammer was deliberately designed for the Giant clan.

With this hammer, Diane is able to bring out her full power. She can manipulate the ground with incredible power. Not only that, she can also easily give a fatal attack to the opponent with just one hit.

3. Twin Bow Herrit

Twin Bow Herrit is Sacred Weapon that possessed by Gowther. The arrow is shaped from a kind of purple colored energy that appeared at the will of Gowther.

Uniquely, the working mechanism of Herrit is different from that of ordinary arrows. Gowther can fire attacks from the pair of arrows simultaneously with his magic. In addition, he can also increase the attack range of his Invasion magic to write large amounts of the opponent's memories at once.

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4. Lostvayne

Lostvayne is a Sacred Treasure owned by Meliodas in the form of a sword with a dragon tattoo motif. Despite its relatively short size, Lostvayne's sword is extremely sharp and matched Meliodas' strength perfectly. With the sword, Meliodas can defeat his enemies briefly.

Previously, Lostvayne was sold by Meliodas to run the Boar Hat cafe he runs. Fortunately, Merlin finds the sword and keeps it until he is reunited with Meliodas.

Besides being used to slash enemies, Lostvayne has a special ability that allows Meliodas to create four clones of himself. Not only that, this sword will turn red when Meliodas uses Assault Mode.

5. Holy Staff Courehouse

Ban's Courehouse is unique Sacred Treasure. After the Nanatsu no Taizai group disbanded, this holy staff was stolen when Ban was captured and imprisoned in Weird Fangs. Ban again gets this weapon from Merlin in the middle of his fight against Indura.

Like other Sacred Treasure, Ban can use his full power when using Corehouse. In addition, Ban has an advantage in both close-range and long-range combat as the Corehouse can lengthen and shorten. In addition, Ban can issue attacks with significant speed.

6. Morning Star Aldan

Next, there is a Sacred Treasure named Aldan which is owned by Merlin. Aldan is a small crystal ball that usually appears in Merlin's hand. When this weapon is summoned, Aldan will be seen floating around Merlin's palm.

Aldan has various special abilities that are very useful and match Merlin's magic. Usually, the power of this sacred weapon is related to Merlin's telekinesis and can display a specific location when Merlin wants it. In an emergency, Merlin is able to transfer his soul into this crystal ball to avoid serious damage.

7. Divine Axe Rhitta

This giant golden ax is owned by Escanor. This Sacred Treasure is super cool and looks like a crescent moon. In addition to having a beautiful decoration, Rhitta also has a fairly massive weight so it is difficult to master.

However, it's not a big deal for Escanor who has a strong physique as well as stamina. With the axe, Escanor was even able to maximize his full power in battle. Rhitta can absorb and store the power of heat emitted by Escanor throughout the day. Because of this, this ax has the potential to burn everything around it when used in combat.

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