Fairy Tail: 15 Strongest Members of Fairy Tail (Guild)

Fairy Tail is the strongest guild in Magnolia, Ishgar. This guild has many great and powerful mages. In addition, they are also famous for bars and often do damage when carrying out missions.

However, they have very strong bonds between guild members because they are like family. This guild was first founded by Mavis Vermillion and their teammates.

Well, this time we want to share about the strongest mages in this guild. This list is only for members who are still active at this time. So, what's the order? Immediately, let's see together.

15. Freed Justine

Freed Justine is a member of Raijinshu who serves as Laxus' personal bodyguard. He is a powerful and genius mage. In addition, he has the appearance of a noble and used a sword as his magic support weapon.

Freed has an eye magic called Dark Ecriture which allows him to write runes with his sword or finger. Freed's runes have various effects on opponents as well as other uses, such as teleportation. 

In addition, he could use these runes on himself. For example when he uses the Dark Ecriture: Absolute Shadow technique which makes him covered in black armor when fighting.

14. Bickslow

Just like Freed, Bickslow is also part of the Raijinshu escorting Laxus. Unlike Freed, Bickslow has a barbaric and brutal attitude. Not only that, he is also very crazy about fighting.

Bicslow has a magic that is no less unique than Freed, namely Hitotsuki's magic which allows him to seal a wandering soul into an object called a doll and use it as he pleases. 

His cute dolls are able to move freely in the air and can be used as a form of defense and a tool to attack opponents. In addition, Bickslow also uses it like a vehicle.

13. Mest Gryder

The next strongest member of Fairy Tail is Mest Gryder or also known as Doranbolt. He is an intelligent mage as well as a spy who is very good at disguises. He was even willing to erase his own memories in order to join the Magic Council on orders from Makarov. 

The funny thing is, he once manipulated the memories of all the mage in the Fairy Tail guild so that he could join the guild. The main magic abilities that Mest uses are memory control and teleportation. 

Mest was very skilled at using both magics. With memory magic, Mest can erase other people's memories or add new momories to them. Besides, Mest can easily move freely with his teleportation technique within a certain radius. In addition, he also has a good sense of detecting enemies.

12. Elfman Straus

Next, there is Elfman who is no less formidable in the Fairy Tail guild. He is a man who has big muscles and is always eager to show his manly spirit. In addition, he is the brother of Mirajane and Lisanna.

In battle, Elfman uses Take Over magic which allows him to take over the appearance and abilities of other creatures. This form of magic from Elfman is called Beast Soul which allows him to record and seal the power of monsters into himself. 

With it, Elfman can turn into a monster in full or only certain parts of his body. This strength is also strengthened by his physical ability which is his superiority.

11. Wendy Marvel

Wendy Marvel is a former mage from Cait Shelter who later joined the Fairy Tail guild. She is also a Dragon Slayer, just like Natsu and Gajeel. Even though Wendy looks like a child and also has a shy demeanor, she is a strong and cares deeply about her friends. She have a great friendship with Carla.

She learned Sky Dragon Slayer magic directly from a dragon named Grandine. With that magic, Wendy can manipulate wind and air. She can emit a very strong air roar.

She is also able to change into Dragon Force mode which makes her strength increase many times. In addition, this magic also has a healing technique that is usually used to treat the wounds of his friends.

10. Juvia Lockser

Next, there is Juvia Lockser who is very infatuated with Grey. Juvia has a shy attitude, especially when she's around Grey. He used to be a member of the Phantom Lord guild. After the guild was disbanded due to a conflict with Fairy Tail, she joined the Fairy Tail guild.

In battle, Juvia uses water magic. With that magic, Juvia can manipulate water on a large scale at will. She can use all kinds of deadly techniques. The water magic that is released can be used to lock the opponent. 

In addition, Juvia can also issue a powerful wave of water to attack her enemy. The most unique, she can turn his own body into water so she is very difficult to attack by opponents.

9. Lucy Heartfilia

Next, there is a beautiful witch from Fairy Tail, Luci Heartfilia. She is a Celestial Spirit mage who comes from the Heartfilia family which is known as a noble family. Uniquely, Lucy instead chooses to live freely as a witch and aspires to become a talented novelist. 

In carrying out missions, he is always together with Natsu, Grey, and also Erza. Although at first Lucy lacks talent in combat and tends to rely on her Celestial Spirit, she gradually grows up to be a very powerful and skilled mage. 

She also has more golden keys than any other Celestial Spirit mage. Uniquely, Lucy can use a special dress when summoning one of her spirits. The dress can increase her fighting abilities so that she and her spirit can fight together.

8. Gajeel Redfox

Just like Juvia, Gajeel was also a member of Phantom Lord. He was even famous for being cruel and violent because he had tortured Levi and his friends. Uniquely, when Gajeel joins Fairy Tail, he falls in love with Levi. In addition, Gajeel is also often seen with his partner Lily, the Exceed cat from Edolas.

Gajeel is an iron Dragon Slayer who allows him to eat iron and use iron as his main ability in combat. He learned the magic directly from the dragon named Metallicana. With that magic, Gajeel can turn his hands into destructive iron weapons. 

In addition, Gajeel can also change into Dragon Force mode. In Fairy Tail, Gajeel often encounters powerful enemies, such as Bloodman from Spriggan 12.

7. Mirajane Strauss

Next, there is Mirajane Strauss who is a very strong S class mage in the Fairy Tail guild. She is the older sister of Elfman and Lisanna. In addition, Mirajane is also a rival of Erza when they were still early joining Fairy Tail. 

Even though she used to be a tomboy, now Mirajane looks feminine and calm. Just like Elfman, Mirajane has Take Over magic. The difference is, Mirajane's magic is named Satan Soul because her transformations are demonic forms with very powerful powers and are capable of destroying anything. 

No wonder, that's why she's one of the most difficult Fairy Tail mages to beat. Uniquely, one of the demon forms that Mirajane took over was a demon from Tartaros, like Sheilah.

6. Makarov Dreyar

In the next position, there is Makarov Dreyar who is the third guild master who is very dear to the guild members. He was already considered as parents figure by the mages in the guild. Makarov often said that all guild members are family and anyone who hurt their family would have no mercy. 

He is also one of the mages who bear the title of the 10 Saint Wizards in Isghar. As a guild master and Saint Mage's member, Makarov's strength certainly couldn't be taken lightly. He is able to use various kinds of magic. Some of his magic that he often uses are magic that makes his body become giant and also light magic. 

In addition, he is also able to use other magic, such as fire and ice magic. Makarov can also use the secret technique of Fairy Tail, namely Fairy Law which is a high-level magic. With this magic, Makarov can eradicate everyone who is considered an enemy of the guild in one hit.

5. Gray Fullbuster

In fifth place, there is Gray Fullbuster who is an ice mage. He is Natsu's best friend and rival in the guild. He is also Lyon's classmate from the Lamia Scale guild because they were taught ice magic by the same teacher. 

Uniquely, Gray has a strange habit, namely he rarely uses his clothes. With his Ice Make magic, he can construct ice into any shape, such as hammers, swords, prisons, arrows, and others. 

Gray's magic power increases greatly after he fights a demon that resembles his father, Silver Fullbuster. After the fight, Gray got a new magic, namely Devil Slayer magic. With that magic, Gray's power has the potential to defeat demons easily.

4. Laxus Dreyar

After Grey, there is Laxus Dreyar who is the biological grandson of Makarov. He is the leader of the Raijinshu and is greatly admired by his guards. In the past, Laxus had a slightly violent nature so he dared to rebel. 

After being exiled from the guild and being advised by his grandfather, Laxus' attitude slowly changes and he becomes a person who really cares about the state of the guild. In battle, Laxus uses Lightning Dragon Slayer magic. 

Unlike Natsu and Gajeel who are the original Dragon Slayers, Laxus gets this power from the lacrima implanted in his body. In this way, Laxus' once weak body could become strong. Apart from that, Laxus is very skilled in using his powers. So strong, Laxus is able to defeat guild enemies whose strength is above average.

3. Erza Scarlet

In third place, there is Erza Scarlet who is an S-class mage as well as the seventh master of the Fairy Tail guild. She is a very strong woman and is known as Titania thanks to her armor which is tough and hard to beat. 

Erza is also the daughter of Irene Belserion of Spriggan 12 who was dumped when she was a child. She uses Requip magic that allows her to store and change battle armor very quickly. Erza's armor has many kinds.

She usually adapts it to the enemy she faces because each armor has its own characteristics and advantages. Erza's terrifying power has been recognized by the guild members until she was asked to become a master to replace Makarov, who had disappeared.

2. Natsu Dragneel

As the main character in the series, Natsu belong to strongest member of Fairy Tail . He is a fire Dragon Slayer mage who is passionate and cares deeply about his friends. Whenever he appears, he is always accompanied by Happy who is his best friend. 

Behind his cheerful attitude, Natsu's real identity is Zeref's younger brother as well as E.N.D who created by Zeref. Natsu learned the Fire Dragon Slayer magic from a dragon named Igneel. 

With that magic, Natsu can release various fire techniques with deadly heat and can even burn anything. In addition, his strength also increases many times when he is angry or when he sees his friend being hurt. With Igneel's power within him, Natsu has the potential to kill Zeref.

1. Gildarts

The number one was none other than Gildarts the S class mage who was rarely seen in the guild because he often traveled on missions. He is the only mage who is willing to carry out the 100 Years Quest mission. In addition, he also briefly became the fifth guild master. 

Gildarts has a very strong magic, namely Crush magic which allows him to destroy anything he touches into small pieces. Not only that, Gildarts also has enormous magical energy that once intimidated Natsu. 

In addition, Gildarts also often faced with strong enemies that other mages in the guild could not face. The main reason why I consider Gildarts the strongest is because so far no Fairy Tail mage has been able to defeat Gildarts.

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