15 Best Characters in ChalkZone

ChalkZone is an animated cartoon series produced by Bill Burner and Larry Huber Nickelodeon. This animation tells about the exciting adventures of Rudy Tabootie with his friends in another dimension called ChalkZone.

Well, this time I want to talk about ChalkZone characters who used to accompany our childhood. Come on, let's just look at the following article.

15. The Craniacs

The Craniacs are a group of advanced robots looking for advanced objects of the future. Like the Skrawl, they are obsessed with getting Rudy's magic chalk. Whenever a new version of Craniacs appears, the previous version is frozen and stored in storage.

14. Bull Nerd

Next, there is Bull Nerd, an image created by Rudy based on the annoying Reggie character. Bull Nerd is described as a figure who becomes Snap's main enemy. His appearance was quite violent and resembled a raging bull.

13. Spy Fly

Spy fly is a fly with a special camera on its head. She often uses the camera to spy on people in secret. Rudy had asked for her help when he was doing a prank on Reggie Bullnerd.

12. Vinnie Raton

Next, there is Vinnie Raton who has an antagonistic attitude. He accidentally finds a portal to the ChalkZone dimension and intends to monopolize the place and turn it into a park called "Vinnieland". 

However, that plan was eventually thwarted. Vinnie Raton has a unique appearance with a pompadour hairstyle and clothes like Elvis Persley.

11. Mr. Wilter

Mr. Wilter is Rudy's teacher who is very annoying and is the type of teacher that his students hate. He often punished students he didn't like. In addition, he also hates cartoons and often limits Rudy's creativity. Despite his incompetence as a teacher, Mr. Wilter had high expectations of himself.

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10. Millie Tabootie

Millie Tabootie is Rudy's mother who has a unique habit, which is that she always calls Rudy in a high pitched voice like an opera performer. In addition, she has a hobby of doing yoga with her sister. Although Rudy's mother is not aware of the existence of the ChalkZone, she is often aware that Rudy can disappear for hours.

9. Joe Tabootie

Next, there is Rudy's father, Joe Tabootie. Day-to-day, he runs his butcher shop. He is very happy to create new food innovations made from meat, such as Cheesburger Smoothies, Burger Gelatin, and Cinnamon Hot Dogs. However, Rudy's father has a concern for Rudy who often spends his time drawing.

8. Queen Rhapseba

Well, this one character has high popularity in the ChalkZone. Queen Rhapseba is a rapper and Snap's idol. She was about the same height as Snap and her lips always looked red with lipstick.

7. Blocky

Next, there is Blocky which is a drawing created by Rudy before he drew Snap. Blocky has a rectangular physical shape and is light green in color. He has a fun personality and always looks cheerful.

6. Reggie Bullnerd

Next, there is the most stubborn and bully boy in Rudy's class, yep, he is Reggie Bullnerd. He has a pretty annoying face and his teeth looked unkempt. In addition, he is very stupid, aggressive, and likes to cause trouble. He really hates Rudy and often gets Rudy into trouble.

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5. Biclops

Biclops is the guardian of the Magic Chalk mines in the ChalkZone dimension. He was originally created with one eye and was named Cyclops. However, Rudy then drew it until he had two eyes. Uniquely, Biclops eyes can function like a projector screen that can display images and videos.

Biclops has a friendly demeanor, but he is also very protective of the mines because he can't let just anyone take magic chalk. He sometimes gets angry when Rudy and Penny do dangerous things to the inhabitants of the ChalkZone. 

4. Skrawl

Skrawl is Rudy's nemesis in the Chalkzone series. He was drawn by Rudy spontaneously after one of his friends ruined his drawing. Skrawl have an asymmetrical physical appearance and are unique in that they sometimes resemble potatoes, jelly beans, etc.

Skrawl's ambition is to take over the chalk world and become ruler. In addition, he also intends to destroy Rudy and his friends. In addition, he has a very cruel and arrogant nature. However, behind that attitude, Skrawl really like jazz music.

3. Penny Shancez

Penny Shancez is Rudy's classmate as well as his best friend. She is a very smart and genius girl, especially when it comes to math problems and anything related to formulas.

In the story, Penny is the only person who knows the existence of the ChalkZone apart from Rudy. He gains the trust of Rudy and keeps a secret about the world of ChalkZone so that no one else finds out. Since she and Rudy were always together, she likely had feelings for Rudy.

2. Snap

Next, there is Snap, who is Rudy's best friend with the appearance of a superhero in a blue costume. Snap was drawn by Rudy when he was 8 years old, precisely after he was bullied by his classmate, the Bullnerd.

Snap has an adventurous demeanor and is quite humorous. However, Snap is very stubborn when no one is listening. In the world of chalk, Snap looks like he doesn't have a permanent home because he moves around a lot. Uniquely, Snap is a fan and is crazy about Queen Rhapseba.

1. Rudy Tabootie

Rudy Tabootie is the main character in the ChalkZone series. He is a 10 year old boy who is very cheerful and full of fantasy. One day, he was punished by Mr. Walter, the teacher, because he drew cartoons on the blackboard. 

He was sentenced to write the sentence “Cartoon is not funny” 500 times on the blackboard with chalk. However, by accident, Rudy managed to open a portal to the world of ChalkZone. 

With his magic chalk, Rudy goes on an adventure with his friends in the world of chalk and goes through various fun experiences. In addition, he sometimes gets into trouble with the evil inhabitants in ChalkZone, such as Skrawl and The Craniacs.

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