Naruto: 10 Strongest Deidara Techniques

Deidara is a criminal ninja from Iwagakure and member of Akatsuki. This ninja is very quirky and upholds the work of art. He considers that art is an explosion.

Deidara is so strong that he is able to take down the Kazekage alone with his skills. In fighting, he usually uses attacks or explosion-based techniques. What kind of explosion jutsu does Deidara have? Come on, let's discuss together the following!

10. Kibaku Nendo

Kibaku Nendo is Deidara's main technique that he got after studying Iwagakure's forbidden technique. After learning the forbidden technique, Deidara was able to turn chakra into material.

This technique can be developed into a variety of very powerful techniques to attack the enemy. Deidara has several mouths on his body that are capable of processing clay and transforming it in various forms to create explosions.

This explosive clay is usually the size of Deidara's palm, so this explosive is quite practical and easy to carry. Deidara can control the explosive remotely. To detonate the clay, Deidara will use hand seals and say the word katsu.

9. Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu

This one jutsu allows Deidara to turn the ground into soft sand by draining chakra into the ground. By activating this jutsu, Deidara was able to dig into the ground like a mole.

Interestingly, this Deidara can still track their location point even though their position is underground. On top of that, he could still sense whatever was on the surface so he could issue a surprise attack against the enemy.

8. Nendo Bunshin

Unlike the shadow technique in general, Deidara's shadow clone technique is very interesting and has multiple roles. This clay shadow serves as a substitute for Deidara as well as a trap.

This clone can receive attacks from enemies and trap the opponent into his body. The clone is able to turn hard to paralyze the enemy. When added with explosive clay, the clone is also capable of blowing up with the enemy.

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7. Kibaku Jirai

After creating the C2 dragon move, Deidara was able to control an explosive dragon which was very useful in battle. The dragon is able to remove several mine balls from clay known as Kibaku Jirai.

He and his partner can plant the mine in the ground. The mine will activate and explode automatically when the victim steps on the mine. Because they are in the ground, these mines are quite difficult to detect by the enemy.

6. Jibaku Bunshin

Jibaku Bunshin is one of Deidara's very clever jutsu. Apart from relying on his explosive skills, Deidara needs to use his skill in crafting words to trick opponents so he can escape in an emergency situation.

When activating this jutsu, Deidara needs to create a shadow clone first. The clone is then embedded with explosive clay. The explosion from this technique is strong enough to destroy a forest and leave an opening for Deidara to escape from the battle.

5. C1

C1 is one of the basic and versatile forms of explosive clay. When using this technique, Deidara only needs to change his clay into other forms, such as animals and insects that can explode when activated.

Not only that, Deidara can turn the clay into the shape of a bird that can fly in the air. He quite often uses this form in battle. In terms of strength, the explosive rate of C1's technique is quite terrifying and also effectively used.

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4. C2

Deidara's next strongest technique is the C2 technique which he creates by using the mouth that is in his palms. The dragon made of explosive clay was enormous in size and had the ability to fly through the air.

In addition, the C2 dragon can divide itself into several smaller forms and function like a guided missile to attack opponents. As mentioned earlier, this C2 dragon can also create mine balls that can be planted in the ground. Because of that, this Deidara technique has many variations of attacks.

3. C3

Deidara's next strongest technique is the C2 technique which he creates by using the mouth that is in his palms. The dragon made of explosive clay was enormous in size and had the ability to fly through the air.

In addition, the C2 dragon can divide itself into several smaller forms and function like a guided missile to attack opponents. As mentioned earlier, this C2 dragon can also create mine balls that can be planted in the ground. Because of that, this Deidara technique has many variations of attacks.

2. C4

In the second position, there is a C4 technique which is much more lethal than the previous technique. When activating this move, Deidara will use his mouth to create a giant clay doll that looks very much like himself.

After the giant doll explodes, the doll will produce a cloud of extremely deadly micro-sized bombs. When inhaled by an enemy, the microbomb is able to enter the enemy's bloodstream. When detonated, the bomb is capable of destroying the opponent's body on a cellular level so that their body is reduced to dust.

1. C0

Deidara's strongest technique throughout Naruto's story is the C0 technique which is considered the highest peak of Deidara's clay art. C0 is a suicide bombing technique that Deidara uses as a last resort to kill an enemy stronger than him.

When activating this technique, Deidara will feed the mouth in his chest with a giant clay ball. The mouth is directly connected to Deidara's heart which is able to build a large amount of chakra.

The explosive chakra will fuse with Deidara's blood vessels and then circulate it throughout the body. After reaching the right momentum, its body would then crack slowly until it produced an extremely powerful explosion within a radius of 10 kilometers.

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