10 Most Popular Characters in My Life As Teenage Robot

For fans of the Nickelodeon cartoon, you may already be familiar with the My Life As Teenage Robot series. This cartoon tells the story of the adventures of a young robot whose job is to protect the earth from the threat of evil enemies.

There are many interesting characters shown in this cartoon story. Who are they? Come on, let's take a look at the following review!

10. Dr. Phineas Mogg

Dr. Phineas Mogg is a scientist as well as a genius robot creator. He is the rival of Nora Wakeman. When it comes to science and discovery, Phineas Mogg will be very competitive and not to be outdone by Nora Wakeman.

9. Crackus

Crackus is one of the main enemies as well as a scientist who had worked for the Cluster group. He is described as a character who is crazy and full of comedy. One of the funny things about this character is that his inventions often lead to failure.

8. Smytus

Like Krackus, Smytus is also an enemy who often fights against Jenny. He works under the orders of the Queen of Vexus. When fighting Jenny, Smytus used to rely on tools or weapons that were so powerful that he could be considered a troublesome enemy.

7. The X-J Line

X-J Line is a group of robots created by Dr. Nora Wakeman. This collection of robots consists of X-J 1 to X-J 9 aka Jenny. Uniquely, each X-J robot has different characteristics and personalities so that they look very interesting in the story.

6. Tuck Carbunkle

Tuck is the younger brother of Brad who is very hyperactive and easily attracted to something. He appears quite often in the story along with Brad. The two of them sometimes often clash because of differences in arguments.

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5. Sheldon Lee

Unlike Tuck, Sheldon is one of Jenny's very kind friends. In addition, Sheldon greatly admired Jenny's figure. Because of that, he would always help Jenny whenever she had a hard time against her enemies.

4. Dr. Nora Wakeman

Dr. Nora Wakeman is a genius scientist in the field of robots as well as Jenny's mother. He is the creator of the X-J series of robots whose job is to protect Earth from intergalactic threats. When things are in danger, Dr. Nora would sometimes take to the battlefield for action.

3. Vexus

Vexus is the leader of the Cluster group and the arch enemy of Jenny. She is very cunning and arrogant. In addition, she has loyal subordinates who always obey her orders to conquer the earth. However, her plans are always thwarted by Jenny et al.

2. Brad Carbunkle

Brad Carbunkle is Jenny's neighbor and best friend who always helps her when there is a problem. Brad loves adventure. Because of that, he didn't hesitate to fight alongside Jenny in the fight against evil.

1. Jenny Wakeman (X-J 9)

Jenny Wakeman is the main protagonist in My Life as a Teenage Robot. She is the best robot created by Dr. Nora is equipped with advanced weapons. With the power of a robot that she has, Jenny is not afraid to fight enemies that threaten the earth.

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