One Piece: All Members of New Giant Warrior Pirates

The New Giant Warrior pirate is a reborn version of the once legendary Giant Warrior Pirate. After the two pirate captains had a fight in the past, the entire crew was divided until the group of the pirate disbanded.

Hajrudin together with his friends formed again the New Giant Warrior Pirate group to restore the glory of the giant from Elbaf in the past. Well, this time we want to discuss in more detail about them. Check this review below!

1. Hajrudin

Hajrudin is a warrior from Elbaf who is very tough and upholds the spirit of knighthood. Besides, he has ambitions to become the king of the giants. He fought at the Corrida Colosseum as a gladiator to fight for the Mera Mera no Mi devil fruit.

As a giant, Hajrudin is very strong and has great stamina. He was able to withstand the attack of Machvis which weighed 10,000 Tons. Even though he was injured, Hajrudin was able to deal a back blow to Machvis with a Gungnir technique that threw him into the air a great distance.

After being saved by God Usopp, Hajrudin also intends to return the favor to Usopp and the Straw Hats. He along with other captains decided to join the big Straw Hat fleet.

2. Stansen

This giant was first introduced in the story of Sabaody Archipelago. He and Rayleigh were caught as slaves at the auction. However, he managed to escape and now joins the crew of Hajrudin.

In his crew, Stansen plays a shipwright. Stansen may also have great strength as a giant. Not only that, Stansen also armed himself with a giant hammer.

3. Road

This member of the New Giant pirates is still quite mysterious because he is only shown briefly in the story. He is a ship navigator who knows the science of navigation and cartography in the new world.

Besides, Road's strength was most likely no less powerful than Stansen's. Road was seen carrying a very long katana. It was also possible that he was a strong sword user.

4. Goldberg

Goldberg is a member of the New Giant pirates who serves as the ship's chef. She seemed to have excellent cooking skills, especially Elbaf's special dishes. Apart from that, he also looks friendly.

Although Goldberg's strength was also a mystery, he was at least on par with the average giant Elbaf. In addition, Goldberg also uses a large mace as a weapon and a unique shield that seems to have devil fruit abilities.

5. Gerd

Gerd is the only female member of this pirate group. She first appeared in the flashback of Big Mom's childhood on the island of Elbaf. She had a very good nature and she seemed to be very close to Hajrudin.

Gerd plays the ship's doctor on the crew. That means she has extensive knowledge of the medical world. In addition, she seems to be tough too because of her giant power. Furthermore, she uses an ax as a weapon to fight.

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