All Rangers In Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue

In Lightspeed Rescue, the Rangers must face off against evil monsters who want to destroy Mariner Bay. Under the command of Captain Mitchell, the Rangers fight by relying on high-tech weapons to destroy the monster.

In this article, we will review more information about the Rangers who appear in Lightspeed Rescue. Who are they? Come on, check out the direct review below!

1. Carter Grayson – Red Lightspeed Ranger

Before turning into a Power Ranger, Carter Grayson worked as a firefighter at Mariner Bay. He has a brave nature as well as a strong desire to save the lives of others.

Seeing his extraordinary determination, Carter was chosen to be the Red Ranger as well as the leader of the Rangers in battle. Armed with his experience as a firefighter, Carter was able to fight very tough.

In addition, Carter controls an interesting Zord named Pyro Rescue 1 which is inspired by a fire engine. He is also equipped with a Trans-Armor Cycle which increases his strength during combat.

2. Chad Lee – Blue Lightspeed Ranger

Unlike Carter, Chad Lee has great skills related to water, such as the ability to dive. In addition, Chad is a martial artist who is very talented in fighting.

Although Chad is quite quiet and rarely talks, Chad has a brave nature. In addition, he likes to teach Kelsey interesting things, such as the importance of meditation to practice calm.

Thanks to the karate he mastered, Chad was able to fight very bravely as the Blue Ranger. In addition, Chad controls Aqua Rescue 2 which matches his skills. He can also access Megabattle which is able to freeze opponents.

3. Joel Rawlings – Green Lightspeed Ranger

Joel Rawlings is known by the nickname "Sky Cowboy" who is very skilled in aviation. It was these skills that made Joel chosen by Captain Mitchell to take part in the team as the Green Ranger.

Joel initially turned down the offer to become a Ranger because he thought it was too dangerous for him. However, he slowly begins to take his responsibilities seriously to save Mariner Bay from danger.

Like Carter and Chad, Joel is one of the toughest Rangers on the team. He controls an interesting Zord called Aero Rescue 3 which excels in the air. Joel can also access Megabattle which can cut through metal and create wind fire.

4. Kelsey Winslow – Yellow Lightspeed Ranger

Kelsey Winslow is a professional rock climber who is passionate about the sport. In addition, she is very good at rollerblading. Thanks to these skills, Kelsey was chosen by Captain Mitchell to become the Yellow Ranger.

In terms of personality, Kelsey is arguably very attractive and easy to make decisions. In addition, she likes to act spontaneously without thinking about risks. However, these traits began to change after she trained with Chad.

Although Kelsey is not as strong as the previous three Rangers, she fights as the Yellow Ranger fearlessly against the monsters. In addition, she controls an interesting Zord named Haz Rescue 4.

5. Dana Mitchell – Pink Lightspeed Ranger

Dana Mitchell is the daughter of Captain Mitchell and Ryan's younger sister. Before fighting as a Ranger, Dana worked as a nurse who was very skilled in the medical field. Besides, Dana is very smart.

At the beginning of the story, Dana plays an important role in gathering the Ranger team. She is one of the most valuable assets in the team. Even so, Dana was often worried about her brother, who often acted alone.

After gaining the trust of her father, Dana fights very skillfully as the Pink Ranger. She usually plays a supporting role in the team. Additionally, Dana controls an interesting Zord called Med Rescue 5.

6. Ryan Mitchell – Titanium Ranger

As mentioned earlier, Ryan Mitchell is Dana's older brother and Captain Mitchell's eldest son. He had disappeared years ago due to an accident.

Unexpectedly, Ryan suddenly reappears as a Titanium Ranger working for Diabolico. Although he had become an enemy, Ryan then fought along with the Rangers after he learned the real truth.

As a Titanium Ranger, Ryan's strength is indeed very impressive and superior to other Rangers. In addition, Ryan controls an interesting Zord named Max Solarzord that uses solar power.

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