10 Most Interesting Endou Mamoru Techniques in Inazuma Eleven

If you love to watch Inazuma Eleven, you must be familiar with the Inazuma team goalkeeper named Endou Mamoru. He is a character who is full of passion and loves football very much.

As a goalkeeper, Mamoru uses a variety of interesting techniques. Most of these techniques he learned through notes left by his grandfather named Endou Daisuke.

In this article, we have compiled a list of the most interesting Endou Mamoru techniques in the story. Come on, check out the full information below!

1. God Hand

God Hand is one of Mamoru's mainstay techniques that he learned through his grandfather's notes. To master this technique, Mamoru needs to go through very hard training so that he can control his energy.

As the name implies, this technique is in the form of a large palm created from Mamoru's energy. After that, he will hold the ball with full force so that the ball does not go into the net.

2. Nekketsu Punch

Nekketsu Punch is a technique developed by Mamoru without the help of his grandfather's records. This shot is very useful to block the ball that is leading to the goal.

When using this technique, Mamoru will hit the ball with full power. Interestingly, the hit will produce a fire effect around the ball. Besides, this technique was used by Mamoru when he couldn't take out the God Hand.

3. Bakuretsu Punch

Similar to the previous technique, Bakuretsu Punch relies on the power of Mamoru's punch to block the ball into the goal. This technique was first developed by Mamoru when he faced the Teikoku Gakuen club.

When using this technique, Mamoru will stop the ball with consecutive strokes. This technique is proven to be able to block Twin Boost kicks. However, this technique is no longer effective against stronger kicks, such as Divine Arrow and Astro Break.

4. Majin The Hand

Majin The Hand is one of the typical techniques that Mamoru often relies on to catch the ball. This technique is very difficult to master. Moreover, the power of the technique is said to originate from the user's heart.

Unlike the God Hand technique, Mamoru will issue a spirit in the form of a Majin which is shiny yellow. In addition, the Majin has the same movement as Mamoru.

5. Seigi no Tekken

In the story, Seigi no Tekken is a technique that Mamoru's grandfather cannot master. Even so, Mamoru managed to master this technique thanks to his creative thinking and unyielding nature.

Similar to the God Hand, Mamoru will issue a punch created from a golden aura. The shot will spin with full power to dispel the ball that is about to break into the goal.

6. Ikari no Tettsui

This technique is quite unique and has a different way of working compared to the previous Mamoru technique. In addition, this technique can be regarded as a development of Majin The Hand. Literally, Ikari no Tettsui can be interpreted as a hammer of wrath.

In accordance with the name, Mamoru will hit the ball with full force until the ball stops. Uniquely, the effect of this technique is able to produce a kind of ground crack around Mamoru.

7. Ijigen The Hand

The next most interesting Endou Mamoru technique is Ijigen The Hand. If the previous technique focused on stopping the ball, this technique focuses more on blocking the direction of the ball's movement.

When using this technique, Mamoru will create a golden barrier or barrier. When the ball hits the shield, it will automatically point upwards.

8. Megaton Head

This technique can be considered as out of the box. This technique was created accidentally when Mamoru tried to block the ball in the penalty box area. Since he couldn't use both hands, he used his head.

When using Megaton Head, Mamoru will create a giant golden fist. Besides being useful for blocking opponent kicks, Mamoru can use this technique for offensive purposes.

9. God Catch

When using God Catch technique, Mamoru will gather energy similar to lightning around his body. After that, he will summon a golden Majin-like spirit with a red cape like a superhero.

Mamoru and the spirit will catch the ball at the same time with full power. This technique also has a pretty interesting effect, where the ball looks like it's enveloped in an electric spark.

10. Fuujin Raijin

In closing, there is Fuujin Raijin technique which is inspired by the god of wind and god of thunder in Japanese mythology. This technique is very interesting and able to keep the goal defense from various kicks.

When activating this technique, Mamoru must first summon Majin The Hand. After that, he would stomp his feet on the ground to summon Fuujin and Raijin. During the process, there is a tornado and lightning effect that looks really cool.

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