Naruto: 10 Most Powerful Tenten's Techniques, Ranked

Tenten is one of the talented kunochi from Konoha village. Although rarely in the spotlight, she is very interesting because she has a very unique fighting style and is different from other ninja.

Tenten is a great bukijutsu user who is very skilled at using various ninja weapons. In addition, she is able to issue a variety of interesting jutsu throughout the story. What kind of jutsu does Tenten have? For more details, let's discuss it directly!

10. Funyu no Jutsu

Funyu no Jutsu is one of the basic jutsu of the techniques mastered by Tenten. By utilizing this jutsu, Tenten can seal various objects or weapons into a scroll.

When on the battlefield, Tenten can release the weapons she has stored in the scroll. Uniquely, Tenten's scrolls usually store a myriad of weapons of various kinds.

9. Kaifu no Jutsu

If the previous jutsu was used by Tenten to store her weapon, the way this jutsu works is the opposite. By using the Kaifu no Jutsu, Tenten can release the seal from the weapon she keeps in the scroll.

Tenten usually has several scrolls that can be used to attack opponents. Interestingly, she can unseal the scroll at once and attack the opponent with a hail of weapons that are difficult to parry.

8. Kaifujutsu: Shuriken

As the name implies, this Tenten jutsu is a shuriken attack that is quite dangerous. To activate this technique, Tenten must use the seal formula found on paper or ninja scrolls.

After that, Tenten will summon a large number of shuriken and aim it at the opponent. If the opponent faced by Tenten was very weak, this technique would definitely be difficult to dodge.

7. Kaifujutsu: Tetsu Engai no Yuminari

Unlike the previous Kaifujutsu techniques, Tetsu Engai no Yuminari has a focus in terms of defense. Tenten used to use this technique to protect herself from enemy attacks in battle.

When activating this jutsu, Tenten will summon a giant iron dome from one of the scrolls. The iron dome functions as a shield shaped like the shell of an armadillo.

6. Bakuryugeki

In fighting, Tenten does not only rely on ninja weapons or equipment, such as kunai, kusarigama knife, shuriken, and the like. However, she kept a secret jutsu in the form of a fire attack.

The jutsu is Bakuryugeki. When removing the jutsu, Tenten will open one of the scrolls and release the seal of a large fire dragon towards the opponent. Interestingly, the fire dragon is capable of producing a powerful explosion.

5. Sogu: Baku Ryusei

Sogu: Baku Ryusei is one of Tenten's very cool bukijutsu techniques. When using this jutsu, Tenten will release the manriki-gusari weapon from one of the scrolls to restrain the opponent.

After the opponent is trapped with his weapon, Tenten will use the scroll again to issue a continuous attack from the weapon right at the opponent. In closing, Tenten then finished off the opponent with her manriki-gusari.

4. Soshoryu

Soshoryu is one of Tenten's strongest techniques shown in Chunin Exams. She had shown this technique in a fierce battle against Temari which was very difficult to beat.

When using this technique, Tenten uses two main scrolls capable of releasing various ninja weapons. She then hovered in the air and threw the weapon at the enemy with an attack so fast that it was hard to dodge.

3. Sogu: Tensasai

Tenten's Jutsu can be said to be a much stronger version of Soshoryu. When using this technique, Tenten will use a very large scroll and then release countless weapons.

The attack of this technique is more like a rain of weapons that can cover a wide area. In addition, the speed of this attack is so frightening that opponents will find it difficult to parry or dodge this technique.

2. Bashosen: Hi no Maki

Bashosen is one of Rikudo Sennin's legendary weapons. During the fight against Kinkaku and Ginkaku, Tenten had an honor to use this Bashosen fan.

One of the jutsu used by Tenten using Bashosen is the Hi no Maki technique. By using Bashosen, Tenten is able to release an attack of strong fire at its target.

1. Bashosen: Kaze no Maki

Kaze no Maki is one of the main techniques or attacks used by Tenten when holding the Bashosen fan. In addition, this technique is the strongest technique possessed by Tenten because of its terrible attack power.

When using this weapon, Tenten is able to issue a powerful attack by swinging the Bashosen towards the opponent. The swing of the weapon produced a whirlwind so strong that its attack was able to destroy Kakuzu's lightning mask.

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