10 Most Interesting Mamodos in Zatch Bell

Zatch Bell is one of the older anime that aired in the early 2000s. The story of this anime focuses on the battle between a unique creature called a mamodo who has special powers.

The mamodos have to fight each other for the title as the Mamodo King. In addition, they need to cooperate with humans so that their strengths can reach their maximum potential.

Through this article, we would like to share our opinion about the most interesting mamodo in Zatch Bell. Who are they? Check out the direct review below!

10. Laila

Laila is an ancient mamodo that has caught the attention of fans. She partners with a teenager named Albert. Before becoming a partner of Zatch Bell, Laila had become an enemy who worked under Zofis' orders.

After learning of Zofis' evil intentions, Laila switches sides until she helps Zatch Bell to fight the evil enemy. Laila has an attractive power associated with the energy and spirit of the moon.

9. Vincent Bari

Vincent Bari is a mamodo who has an evil appearance. He is obsessed with fighting. Because of that, he was extremely excited when he met a strong enemy he deemed worthy.

Bari includes a threat that is quite dangerous for Zatch at first. It has vortex magic that focuses on rotational attacks. With his aggressive fighting style, Bari is able to make Zatch trouble.

8. Kanchome

In contrast to Bari, Kanchome is a very funny and entertaining mamodo. He has a very unique appearance, especially his mouth looks like a duck's beak. In addition, he is very fond of sweets and is childish.

In the story, Kanchome cooperates with Parco Folgore. The two of them often display funny actions when together. In terms of strength, Kanchome is able to create illusions and use transformation magic.

7. Wonrei

Wonrei is a mamodo who works with a beautiful girl named Li-en. They both have expertise in martial arts. That's what makes them able to work together solidly.

Wonrei has a dream to become the protector of the Mamodo King. He is able to issue physical attacks amplified with spiritual energy. In addition, Wonrei will grow even more thanks to Li-en's support.

6. Tia

As a mamodo, Tia has a pretty cute and fun appearance. She is a very valuable partner to Megumi Oumi. In addition, the two of them often help Zatch and Kiyo in the story.

Tia has a courageous nature and is not afraid to face strong enemies. She uses defensive-type magic that can protect her from enemy attacks. Interestingly, the defense that Tia makes is closely related to her feelings or emotions.

5. Victoriam

Just like Laila, Victoriam is also an ancient mamodo that was resurrected by Zofis for his evil purposes. Besides having an attractive appearance, Victoriam is very cute and obsessed with melons.

In fighting, Victoriam turns into an aggressive figure. He is able to cast some interesting energy-based and laser-based spells. His attacks are quite dangerous as he is able to shoot powerful lasers from his body.

4. Ponygon

Ponygon is one of the mamodos who are friends with Zatch and Tia. His appearance is very similar to that of a pony. In addition, he has a voice that resembles a sheep and acts like a dog.

Ponygon has the power to create various armors. In addition, he is able to issue fire attacks. In fighting, he often uses his animal instincts.

3. Zeno Bell

Zeno Bell is the twin brother of the very attractive Zatch Bell. From the start, Zeno had fought so hard and through a series of military trainings that he had grown into a powerful mamodo.

Zao is a very difficult enemy to deal with. Zeno has an obsession with mastering the power of his father's bao. In addition, he is capable of unleashing extremely dangerous lightning-based attacks.

2. Brago

Brago is a mamodo that has a scary appearance. Not only that, he has a less friendly attitude towards other madomo. Despite this, he is very protective of his partner, Sherry Belmont.

In the story, Brago is the toughest rival of Zatch Bell which is quite difficult to deal with. He is able to issue a very strong and brutal gravitational attack. Because of that, he was able to dominate the battle with ease.

1. Zatch Bell

As the main character in the story, Zatch Bell can be considered the most interesting and loved mamodo by the fans. Zatch teams up with Kiyo Takamine to win the battle for the title of Mamodo King.

Zatch is the son of a mamodo king named Dauwan Bell. In addition, he inherited the power of the bao from his father. In terms of combat ability, Zatch is able to use lightning attacks that are yellow and golden.

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