10 Weakest Pirate Captains in One Piece

In One Piece, not all pirates are strong and are considered a serious threat to the navy. In fact, there are still many pirates who are weak and easily defeated in battle.

On this occasion, we would like to review the list of the weakest pirate captains in One Piece. Who are they? Check out more information below!

10. Peachbeard

Peachbeard is a pirate affiliated with the Blackbeard Pirates. He has a distinctive pink mustache. In addition, he and his men had caused chaos in the Lulusia Kingdom.

Even though Peachbeard sailed under the Blackbeard flag, he was not a strong character. He is relatively weak because he was easily defeated by Belo Betty and the other revolutionary army commanders.

9. Devil Dias

Devil Dias is known as the captain of the Acumate pirates. He has a pretty cruel appearance. In addition, he has a bounty that is quite large, which is 60,000,000 Belly. Even so, he is considered a weak character.

This is evident from the fact that he was captured and made into a slave by the Tenryubito. In addition, he had a very tragic fate. As he tried to escape, the ring around his neck exploded, giving him a fatal wound.

8. Gyro

Gyro is a pirate captain from South Blue. He can be considered a lucky pirate because he was able to reach the first half of the Grand Line. Unfortunately, he met an unlucky fate when he landed on Fish-Man Island.

Gyro has to face off against Hody's group and is forced to become their subordinate. He did run away, but it was in vain because he was so weak. He was defeated easily by Hody Jones.

7. Rosio

Roshio is described as a mad man by the residents of Mock Town. He is a pirate captain with a bounty of 42,000,000. He had played a card game along with a bet with Bellamy.

Seeing Roshio win the bet, Bellamy did not accept it. He was beaten badly by Bellamy without putting up a fight. It shows evidence that Roshio is a very weak pirate.

6. Alvida

At the beginning of his appearance, Alvida looks to have a fat body with a bad appearance. However, she is able to transform into a very beautiful woman and is able to attract men around her.

In terms of strength, Alvida is a weak and harmless pirate. She decided to become affiliated with Buggy because he was obsessed with hunting down Luffy. Seeing Luffy's current strength, this obsession is just a fantasy.

5. Mikazuki

Mikazuki is a pirate who had rioted at Water Seven. He led a group of pirates called the Big Helmet. In addition, he has a bounty of 36,000,000 Belly.

Mikazuki did have a sinister and sinister appearance, but he was very weak. His strength couldn't be compared to the workers from Galley-La. Because of that, he was easily defeated by them.

4. Demaro Black

Demaro Black is a trash claiming to be Luffy. He and his group of pirates disguised themselves as the Straw Hat crew and rioted on Sabaody Archipelago. Surprisingly, many believe and are interested in joining them.

Demaro Black is basically just a weak and cowardly pirate. He has a bounty with a relatively small nominal. Besides, he wasn't a serious threat as he could be defeated easily.

3. Charlotte Lola

In third place, there is Charlotte Lola who is known as the captain of the Rolling Stones pirates. She is the daughter of Big Mom with an old man named Pound. She fled to the sea because she didn't want to get involved in the political marriage made by Big Mom.

In the Thriller Bark story, Lola and her crew lose their shadow due to Moria's actions. It proved that she is very weak. Despite this, she played an important role in helping Luffy defeat Moria.

2. Gally

Gally is one of the pirates who rioted in Logue Town. Like pirates in general, he has a rude and arrogant nature. In addition, he has a very distinctive mustache.

Apart from that, he is a very weak and stupid pirate. He had caught the attention of Smoker who was guarding security in Logue Town. He and his crew were defeated by Smoker in the blink of an eye.

1. Kibagaeru

Maybe many of you don't remember this character. He is the captain of the Toad Fang Pirates who lost the Davy Back Fights. As a result of this defeat, he and his men were forced to become Foxy's subordinates.

As a captain, Kibagaeru was obviously very weak. He can't sustain crew and his pride as a pirate. Because of that, he could be called a pathetic captain.

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