Black Clover: 12 Most Interesting Magic Tools or Items


In addition to relying on magical abilities, the magic knights/mages in Black Clover use an item or tool that is a support in battle. There are many interesting magic items/tools with different uses.

On this occasion, we would like to discuss a list of interesting items/magic tools introduced in Black Clover. Curious? Check out more information below!

1. Grimoire

Grimoire is a very important item for a magic knight. This book contains various types of magic spells that can be used to attack enemies. In addition, each kingdom has different Grimoire characteristics.

2. Wand

Unlike the previous items, magic wands usually serve as support for amateur magicians. For example, Noelle once needed the help of a magic wand to control her magic techniques in battle.

3. Broom

Like the Harry Potter movies, the magic broom serves as a means of transportation. However, a magician needs time and practice to ride a magic broom so that they fly safely and in control.

4. Magic Stones

Magic stones are very rare items in Black Clover. The item consists of eleven gems with various shapes. In addition, magic stones store a large amount of magic power so there are many parties who are after them.

5. Communication Magic Tool

As the name implies, this tool is useful for long distance communication. This tool can transmit visuals and audio. Through this tool, the magic knights could coordinate with each other while carrying out missions.

6. Barrier-erecting Tools

This tool is shaped like a ball that is used by several magicians at once. Through this tool, magicians can create magic shields on a large scale and cover a very wide area.

7. Eilia's Both

Unlike the previous tool, Eilia's Both is a magic tool owned by the Clover Kingdom's noble family. This tool is capable of producing healing magic that speeds up the wound healing process.

8. Crazy Cyclone

Crazy Cyclone is Magna's magic broom that looks very funky and interesting. The magic broom is equipped with a skull ornament on the front. In addition, the magic broom is capable of carrying three passengers at once.

9. Security Golem

The Security Golem is a magic tool used by magicians from the Witches' Forest. As the name implies, this magic tool is in the form of a golem and serves as a guard. The golem has sensor capabilities to detect intruders.

10. Paralyze Knife

Paralyze Knife is a knife that is practically used in combat. This knife is equipped with poison that can temporarily paralyze the enemy. However, the poison is not lethal.

11. Magic Scorpion

Unlike the previous magic tools, Magic Scorpion is a dark magic item used by Sally. The item is able to increase the user's magic power 10 times in ten minutes.

12. Special Properties +É‘

Just like the previous tool, Special Properties +É‘ is Sally's dark magic tool. It was equipped with a special liquid that could amplify certain magic spells or someone in battle.

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