10 Most Powerful Enemies in Power Rangers Jungle Fury


In addition to dealing with the very strong Dai Shi, the Rangers in the Jungle Fury story have to deal with enemies or other monsters that are very troublesome. Like Rangers, these enemies have the spirit and fighting style of certain animals.

In this article, we would like to further review the list of the strongest enemies in the Power Rangers Jungle Fury story. Let's just discuss together the following!

10. Red Shadow Guard

After Grizzaka took over Dai Shi's palace, he revived the Red Shadow Guards to supplement his fighting force. Unlike the previous Shadow Guard, the Red Shadow Guard's strength is far more terrifying.

Red Shadow Guard was able to defeat Casey and Theo easily. To defeat him, they need help from RJ aka Wolf Ranger. Despite being destroyed, the Red Shadow Guard was resurrected by Dai Shi in the final battle.

9. Camille

In terms of strength, Camille might not be as strong as the Red Shadow Guard. However, Camille was very troublesome because she always attacked the city with Rinshi's troops. When defeated by the Rangers, she will always come up with new plans.

Camille has a chameleon spirit and is able to transform into a monster form. In addition, her strength had increased drastically after she obtained the power of the Phantom Beast.

8. Jarrod

Jarrod is actually not 100% evil because he still has a good side in him. He is a senior student at Pai Zhua Academy who was assigned by Master Mao to guard a box containing an evil spirit named Dai Shi.

Unlike his other colleagues, Jarrod has an arrogant nature and oppresses others. His jealousy caused Dai Shi to be released from the cage until he became the human container of Dai Shi. Because of that, Jarrod was indirectly an enemy to the Rangers.

7. Jellica

Jellica is a very tough Sea Overlord and has a jellyfish spirit. She was first resurrected by Camille with the aim of training Dai Shi to get stronger. However, Jellica had refused Camille's request at first.

In terms of ability, Jellica has tentacles that can be used to attack opponents. In addition, Jellica is able to make her body liquid or liquid to avoid the opponent's attack.

6. Carinsoar

Just like Jellica, Carinsoar is one of the Overlords who has terrifying powers. In accordance with his design and appearance, Carinsoar has the spirit of an owl. He usually attacks the opponent by using his feathers like a shuriken.

One of Carinsoar's troublesome abilities was his ability to cast the illusions. In the illusion he creates, Carinsoar can attack the opponent with various deadly attacks.

5. Grizzaka

Grizzaka might be considered a very cunning and terrible enemy. Not only for Ranger, Dai Shi also felt that Grizzaka was a threat to him because Grizzaka had taken over the throne from Dai Shi.

Grizzaka has the spirit of a grizzly bear. In addition, he is a master of the attractive power called Zocato. With Zocato's power, Grizzaka is able to destroy anything in his path, including defeating the Rangers without difficulty.

4. Whiger

Whiger is one of the strongest members of the Phantom Beast who had stolen Casey's tiger spirit. In terms of appearance, Whiger looks similar to a chimer creature. In addition, Whiger has the spirit of a white tiger and has the power of Rinzin.

In addition to dealing with Casey, Whiger is also able to fight against RJ and Dominic without difficulty. The attack from the Whiger is capable of causing a fatal effect for the opponent. After being saved by Casey, his unique Whiger turns into a good partner and turns to help Casey.

3. Snapper

The next strongest enemy is Snapper known as the General of the Phantom Beast. As the name implies, Snapper has a spirit as well as a fighting style similar to a biting turtle. In addition, his strength exceeds Grizzaka and the other Overlords.

Snapper was able to maximize Rinzin's power within him. In addition, he had armor that was extremely difficult to destroy. To defeat Snapper, the Rangers need to combine their powers.

2. Scorch

Scorch is the leader of the Phantom Beasts as well as the strongest of them. He has the dragon spirit Avalon which makes him very strong. In terms of strength, Scorch is arguably the second strongest enemy in the Jungle Fury story.

Like the rest of the Phantom Beasts, Scorch is very skilled at using Rinzin's powers. In addition, Scorch could summon eight Phantom Beasts at will. To defeat him, Casey and Jarrod need to combine their powers in the final battle.

1. Dai Shi

Perhaps there is no doubt that Dai Shi is the strongest enemy that appears in the story of Jungle Fury. He is an evil spirit who intends to destroy mankind. Even though he was trapped in a box, Dai Shi managed to get back up because of Jarrod's actions.

Dai Shi then possessed Jarrod's body and used it as a vessel for his spirit. His power also grew stronger over time until he showed his true form in the form of an eight-headed dragon in the final battle against the Rangers.

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