One Piece: 10 Greatest Nami's Clima-Tact Attacks

Nami is a skilled navigator in the Straw Hat Pirates. She is famous for hrt excellent expertise in weather science. In addition, she wields an interesting weapon called the Clima-Tact which is capable of issuing weather-based attacks.

For more detailed information, below we have compiled a list of Nami's more powerful Clima-Tact techniques. What are those? Come on, check the discussion below!

10. Heat Egg

The Heat Egg was first shown by Nami when she was trying to dodge Monet's attack. As the name implies, this technique is a bubble-shaped attack capable of emitting heat.

Although this technique was not a very powerful technique, the attacks of this technique proved effective in melting Monet's snow and making her appear in pain.

9. Gust Sword

Gust Sword is one of the techniques that Nami showed after the time skip. This technique is quite simple because Nami only needs to use one of her Clima-Tact segments to attack the opponent.

After pressing Clima-Tact, Nami will release a gust of wind that is similar to a whirlwind. In addition, this technique is quite effective for Nami to use to defeat weak enemies.

8. Black Ball: Raiun Rod

Black Ball: Raiun Rod is one of Nami's attack techniques that can reach multiple opponents at once. When using this technique, Nami will create a chain of black clouds via Clima-Tact.

After that, Nami will swing the black cloud chain to the enemies around her. Anyone who is hit by Nami's attack range will receive a strong electric shock. This attack is effective enough to defeat several members of the New-Fishman Pirates.

7. Weather Egg

Weather Egg can be regarded as one of Nami's signature techniques after the time skip. She first used it when she fought Baby 5 and Buffalo who wanted to escape from Punk Hazard.

As the name implies, this technique is in the form of a weather egg which is usually filled with clumps of black clouds and flashing lightning. Nami often uses this technique as a first step to issue a much more powerful attack variation.

6. Thunder Breed Tempo

After removing the Wheater Egg technique, Nami is able to issue a very powerful attack called Thunder Breed Tempo. Interestingly, this technique can be considered as a mini version of Enel's Deathpiea attack.

When using this technique, Nami will control the lightning flashing through the Clima-Tact. Then, she will direct the lightning towards the opponent in one very powerful attack.

5. Thunderbolt Tempo

After Usopp and Franky modified Nami's Sorcery Clima-Tact, the weapon also had a much more interesting design. Not only that, the attack from the Clima-Tact became much more terrifying than before.

For example, Nami is able to cast Thunderbolt Tempo without the need for special preparation. All she had to do was spin the Clima-Tact to create a huge black cloud with powerful lightning.

4. Tornado Tempo

Tornado Tempo is one of Nami's signature Clima-Tact techniques. As the title implies, this technique allows Nami to issue a tornado attack that can blow opponents away with ease.

After obtaining the new Sorcery Clima-Tact, the attack effect of this technique was much stronger. Nami had used this technique to attack Ulti. However, Ulti was able to dodge this attack easily.

3. Thunder Lance Tempo

Thunder Lance Tempo is one of Nami's strongest techniques in the story. Like the previous techniques, Nami needs to create a black cloud first so she can use lightning to attack the opponent.

As the title implies, this technique can be said to be like a lightning spear. Opponents who are hit by Nami's attack range will be hit by a lightning strike that can deal massive damage to their bodies.

2. Ninpo: Raitei

Zeus is known as one of Big Mom's strongest Homie. After she sided with Nami, Nami's strength of course increased greatly. She is also able to issue deadly attacks, such as Ninpo: Raitei.

After feeding Zeus with the Weather Egg, Nami will swing the Clima-Tact with Zeus towards the target and its surroundings. With this technique, Nami is able to cover the entire area with a very massive lightning strike.

1. Zeus Breeze Tempo

Zeus Breeze Tempo can probably be considered as Nami's most powerful technique so far. Nami first demonstrated this technique when she and Luffy and friends escaped from the pursuit of an angry Big Mom.

At that time, Zeus was attracted by the black cloud ball and Nami's weather egg. He considers these two things as food. After eating it, Zeus grew so big that he covered the sky with black.

By harnessing the power of Zeus, Nami is able to issue lightning attacks on a large and terrifying scale. Even though the attack wasn't able to bring down Big Mom, it still looked impressive.

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