One Piece: 10 Most Strongest Jinbe Techniques, Ranked


Jinbe is a new member of the Straw Hat Pirates who is trusted as a helmsman. In terms of strength, Jinbe is a very good expert in Fish-Men Karate and Fish-Men Jujutsu.

On this occasion, we would like to further discuss the list of Jinbe's strongest and most interesting techniques in the One Piece story. Let's just discuss the following!

10. Kairugi

Jinbe is one of the users of Bushosoku Haki who is skilled in combat. By utilizing this Haki, Jinbe is able to issue a Kairugi technique that serves to withstand the opponent's attack.

When using this technique, Jinbe will harden his hands with Haki and put up a defensive stance. This technique proved to be able to withstand Cocnac's attacks from Big Mom for some time.

9. Mizugokoro

In addition to being an expert in using Fish-Men Karate, Jinbe also mastered the martial art of Fish-Men Jujutsu. One of his flagship jujutsu techniques is Mizugokoro which he often shows when he fights in the water.

This technique allows Jinbe to hold water like a solid object. After that, he was able to create an extremely powerful whirlpool. He first demonstrated this technique while in the waters of Impel Down.

8. Kairyu Ipponzeoi

After using Mizugokoro, Jinbe is able to issue another attack variation called Kairyu Ipponzeoi which is very powerful. This technique is in the form of a stream of water with a very strong current and is able to hit the enemy.

Jinbe first demonstrated this technique when he and other prisoners intended to attack a naval ship. Not only that, Jinbe was able to shoot several streams of water at once.

7. Uchimizu

Uchimizu is one of the mainstay techniques of the Fish-Men which is very practical and deadly. This technique allows the user to turn water splashes into live bullets capable of penetrating the opponent's body.

Jinbe first demonstrated this technique when he neutralized the effects of Hody Jones' Uchimizu attack. The more powerful the Fish-Men Karate expert, the more powerful and terrifying the attack effect of this technique will be.

6. Soshark

In the fight against the Who's Who in Wano, Jinbe shows a variety of new techniques that are very interesting. An example is the Soshark technique which is quite lethal and reinforced with Bushosoku Haki.

This technique allows Jinbe to destroy his target through the grip of his hand which is very strong like a shark bite. This technique could make Who's Who experience excruciating pain.

5. Karakusagawara Seiken

Karakusagawara Seiken is a Jinbe technique that can be issued within a certain distance. He first used this technique to attack Impel Down's guards when he and other prisoners attempted to escape.

When using this technique, Jinbe will issue a special blow by utilizing the water vapor in the air. After a certain amount of time, the transmission of Jinbe's punch generates a shockwave that can blow the opponent away.

4. Gosenmaigawara Seiken

Gosenmaigawara Seiken is one of Jinbe's strongest punching techniques. Unlike previous techniques that require a pause, Gosenmaigawara Seiken is able to give an immediate effect to the enemy.

Jinbe had used this technique to defeat Minorhinoceros. The power of this attack is seen more clearly in the fight between Jinbe and Opera on Whole Cake Island. In just one hit, he was able to make Opera faint.

3. Samegawara Seiken

Samegawara Seiken is not an ordinary punch technique like the previous technique. This blow is able to have an effect on the fluids contained in the target's body. Because of this, this technique can penetrate enemy defenses easily, even for devil fruit users.

Jinbe first used this technique to attack Moria at Marineford. This technique is so powerful that Moria is unable to withstand it. Interestingly, the way this technique works is almost similar to Rob Lucci's Sai Dai Rin: Rokougan technique.

2. Fish-Man Karate Ogi: Buraikani

Fish-Man Karate Ogi: Buraikani is one of Jinbe's most powerful ultimate techniques. When using this technique, Jinbe will attack the enemy with a water shot that causes a shockwave effect.

Jinbe demonstrated the power of this technique when he defeated Wadatsumi in a battle against Fish-Man Island. Not only that, this technique has also proven to be effective in repelling Big Mom in a short time.

1. Fish-Man Karate Ogi: Onigawara Seiken

So far, Fish-Man Karate Ogi: Onigawara Seiken is Jinbe's most powerful yet interesting technique. Jinba used this technique to defeat the Who's Who in the final battle at Onigashima.

When using this technique, Jinbe will issue his strongest punch coated with Bushosoku Haki. The blow is able to create a shockwave to splash black lightning. That's what makes this attack even more impressive.

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