10 Strongest Characters in Kung Fu Hustle

Kung Fu Huster presents unique kung fu story with exciting and hilarious comedy feel. In addition, the storyline of this movie is very exciting to be enjoyed thanks to Stephen Chow's very distinctive action.

On this occasion, we would like to share our opinion about the most strongest characters in Kung Fu Hustle. Guess who they are? Check the information immediately below!

10. Brother Sum

Brother Sum is the leader of the Ax Gang who is feared by many. He has a lot of power and influence in the criminal world. In addition, he has a large number of followers.

In terms of fighting skills, Brother Sum may indeed be inferior to other kung fu masters. Even so, he is still one of the most dangerous characters in the story.

9. Coolie

As his name implies, this man works as a coolie or manual laborer in Pig Sty Alley. He has a muscular and stocky physique. Unexpectedly, he is a kung fu master who is highly skilled in martial arts.

Coolie tend to rely on their feet in the fight. He is capable of throwing powerful kicks at his enemies. Despite this, he is unfortunately overpowered easily by the harpist's lethal attack.

8. Tailor

At first glance, this tailor looks like a normal man who is weak and easily bullied. However, appearances can be deceiving. He is not that weak because he is one of the kung fu masters living in Pig Sty Alley.

Unlike porters, tailors use a fighting style that focuses on their fists. He armed himself with an iron ring bracelet. Despite his old age, his fighting skills are still impressive.

7. Donut

Donut includes a trio of kung fu masters living in Pig Sty Alley. By day, he runs a noodle shop. When compared to the two previous characters, Donut's fighting ability is arguably more powerful.

Donut specializes in the use of sticks and spears. Interestingly, he is able to use multiple sticks at once to attack enemies. In addition, he has advantages in close and long range combat.

6. Harpist #2

One of the most interesting foes in Kung Fu Hustle is the harpist duo. They are duo brothers who have high level kung fu skills. Their skills are superior to the previous three kung fu masters.

As the name implies, harpists use musical instruments to fight. Through harp passages, they are able to issue sharp and deadly sound attacks like swords. Besides, they are very difficult to attack.

5. Harpist #1

Even though the two of them looked identical in appearance, the first harpist is noticeably older and his fighting abilities are slightly superior. Besides relying on the harp, he is capable of fighting at close range.

This is clearly seen in his fight against the Tailor. He can use his fingernails to attack opponents. Even so, he still relies on the harp as a support in battle.

4. Landlord

Despite his flirtatious and unconvincing nature, Landlord is in fact a very strong legendary kung fu expert. He and his wife decided to retire from the world of kung fu after they lost their child.

In fighting, the Landlord mastered the art of Taijiquan fighting. He is capable of unleashing explosive attacks. In addition, he is able to move very quickly and agile so he is very difficult to attack.

3. Landlady

The difference in the strength levels of the Landlord and Landlady isn't really that significant. However, Landlady seemed slightly superior to Landlord. She has a very powerful lion's roar technique.

Landlady's screams are capable of cracking objects around her, such as wood, glass, and walls. That ability become even more destructive when Landlady used a bell as a loudspeaker.

2. Beast

Even though the Landlord and Landlady's abilities are formidable, they are nothing before the Beasts. From the outside, Beast does look like an old man who is relaxed and not at all convinced.

However, Beast has a very crazy and impressive speed. For example, he is able to stop bullets in the blink of an eye. In addition, he has a special frog-like technique called Kwantun-Toad Kung-fu.

1. Sing

In the beginning, Sing was just a loser who was often ridiculed and bullied by others. He's also not good at fighting at all. However, his life changed drastically after he was hit by a fatal attack from the Beast.

The attack awakens the natural strength in Sing's body. He is also able to use kung fu techniques easily, like the Landlord's Taijiquan. In addition, he is able to emit shockwaves that can destroy enemies and surrounding buildings.

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