10 Strongest Enemies in Power Rangers Wild Force

In Power Rangers Wild Force, the Rangers must face a mysterious threat from a monster known as the Org. Even though it was destroyed in the war 3000 years ago, the Orgs have risen again and wreak havoc on the earth.

Using the power of the Wildzord, the Rangers must protect the earth and stop the Org's actions. However, the Ranger's struggle is not easy because there are many strong enemies that stand in their way.

In this article, we would like to further discuss the list of the strongest enemies that appear in Power Rangers Wild Force. Guess who are they? Come on, let's just discuss the following!

10. Shadow Rangers

Shadow Rangers are special forces created by the Onikage through the shadows of the Rangers. Even though they were just shadows, they were very troublesome because they possessed the fighting skills of Rangers.

When fighting against them, the Rangers were in trouble. The Rangers' attacks couldn't injure them. Luckily, they were destroyed by the Rangers after the Onikage was defeated.

9. Locomotive Org

Although not part of the Duke Org, the Locomotive Org was different from the ordinary Org because this Org was very strong. As the name implies, this Org has a design similar to a locomotive train. So strong, the Rangers need a little help from Jindrax.

Even though it was defeated, the Locomotive Org was still able to turn into a giant and its power became even more troublesome. He was able to defeat Wild Force Megazord, Kongzord, and Predazord without difficulty. However, he was defeated with a combination of Isis Megazord Predator Mode.

8. Toxica

Toxica is a Duke Org as well as the main enemy faced by Rangers in the story. She always acts together with Jindrax and usually orders the Orgs to fight the Rangers. Toxica's actions often make Rangers troublesome.

Toxica uses a special stick usually used for fighting. The wand is able to issue a special bean that is able to turn an Org into a giant after the Org is destroyed by the Rangers.

In one moment, she had turned into a Necronomica using the crown of the Nayzord. Although she often clashes with the Rangers, Toxica ends up helping the Rangers and starting a new life with Jindrax.

7. Jindrax

Like Toxica, Jindrax is also a Duke Org who often gets into conflict with the Rangers. In contrast to Toxica who looks arrogant, Jindrax might be more suitable to be called a clown because of his ridiculous nature.

Even so, Jindrax can't be underestimated because his strength is also able to make Rangers troublesome. Jindrax used to fight using a sword and he was involved in a very fierce rivalry with Taylor aka the Eagle Yellow Ranger.

One of the positive sides of Jindrax is that he is very loyal to Toxica. After Toxica was killed because of Mandilok and Onikage's actions, Jindrax thought of various ways to bring her back. Their friendship looks very touching in the story.

6. Retinax

Unlike Toxica and Jindrax, Retinax is a General Org who serves the Master Org. He is very loyal to Master Org and does not hesitate to carry out any orders from his master, including destroying the Rangers.

In terms of strength, Retinax was certainly different from ordinary Orgs. When it first appeared, Retinax was able to dominate the power of the Rangers without difficulty. Even so, Retinax was defeated by Ranger by using a new Megazord, the Kongazord.

After learning the true identity of Master Org who turned out to be human, Retinax was killed by Master Org aka Dr. Adler to cover up his identity. Approaching the final battle, Retinax is resurrected by Master Org to help with his evil plans.

5. Onikage

Onikage is the last Duke Org introduced in the story. The Duke Org has ninja powers and has a cunning and manipulative nature. He had responsbility for killed Toxica after she following his words.

In terms of strength, Onikage is also very troublesome. He had trapped Rangers into trouble, such as when he created Shadow Ranger. In addition, the Onikage can create and trap Rangers in illusions.

Regardless, the Onikage is very loyal to Master Org. Therefore, he did not hesitate to attack Mandilok who had betrayed him. Even though his appearance was short, the Onikage left an unforgettable impression on the story.

4. Nayzor

Like Retinax, Nayzor is also a very powerful General Org. He has a very important role during the Curse of The Wolf storyline. Thanks to his ingenious plan, he was able to resurrect a monster called Zen-Aku.

Apart from being clever, Nayzor is also very manipulative. When Zen-Aku began to recall his memories from the past, Nayzord used a special trick to subdue Zen-Aku. With Nayzor, the Ranger's struggle becomes even more difficult.

Nayzor was eventually destroyed by Merrick who had been freed from Zen-Aku's influence. Although he was destroyed, he was resurrected to assist Master Org in accomplishing his evil plans.

3. Zen-Aku

Zen-Aku is the Duke Org who had taken over Merrick Baliton's consciousness. During the war 3000 years ago, Merrick had used the Zen-Aku mask to gain power so he could defeat Master Org.

Unlike the Org in general, Zen-Aku often acts alone and he doesn't want to be ordered by others. In addition, Zen-Aku was able to control the three Dark Wildzords and merge the three Zords into a Predazord.

Even though he was controlled by the evil power of Zen-Aku, Merrick was finally free from the influence of Zen-Aku thanks to the power of the Rangers. Interestingly, the figure of Zen-Aku still haunts Merrick until the end of the story.

2. Mandilok

Mandilok is known as the most powerful General Org. Unlike the previous two General Orgs, Mandilok is very cruel to his fellow Orgs. The most obvious example is when he killed Toxica to avoid Ranger attacks.

Shortly after being resurrected, Mandilok unhesitatingly finished off Dr. Adler because he couldn't accept the fact that Master Org was human. Mandilok's arrival gives Rangers a new challenge. Under Mandilok's orders, the Rangers have to face powerful Orgs.

Mandilok is eventually killed by the Master Org who returns to life with new powers. Nonetheless, he is eventually resurrected by Master Org to aid in his evil plans.

1. Master Org

For fans of the Power Rangers Wild Force story, you may already be familiar with the figure of Master Org who is very evil and filled with hatred. Master Org had originally been destroyed in the war 3000 years ago.

After thousands of years have passed, the figure of Master Org is back with a new figure, namely Dr. Adler. He gained the power of Master Org during an expedition in a forest. Accidentally, he finds a mysterious plant that turns him into a very evil monster.

Throughout the story, Master Org is very cruel and able to bring trouble to the Rangers. In the final battle, Master Org was able to evolve into a terrible monster and had made the Rangers despair because he easily destroyed the entire Wildzord.

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