10 Most Popular Characters in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle is a animated series that tells the story of four mutant turtles who are trained by a master ninja teacher  so that they become skilled ninja. They live in the city of Manhattan and are tasked with eradicating enemies or criminals who endanger the city.

Well, this time we want to share about the most popular and iconic  characters in TMNT. Check our review below

1. Leonardo

For starters, there is Leonardo who is familiarly called Leo. He is the leader of the TMNT team who is described as a perfect brave hero. He is also the eldest brother of Don, Raphael, and Michelangelo. As a leader, Leonardo had a serious and disciplined attitude that often gave orders to his brother.

Leonardo's strength is more or less the same as the other ninja turtles. He can use ninjutsu, has high strength and stamina. In addition, he can also hide in the shadows. Only, Leo uses a katana in combat. He uses the traditional niten-ryu fighting style.

2. Raphael

Next, there is Raphael who is Leo's younger brother and Don and Michel's older brother. In this team, he earned the nickname "The Muscle". Compared to the others, Raphael is the member who messes up the most. He is very innocent, easy-going, impatient, and loves fighting. Because of his actions, his brother was often in difficult situations.

Just like his brother, Raphael is an expert in using ninjutsu. He has incredible strength and agility. He can be said to be the most powerful fighter in the TMNT team. He even once defeated his brothers both armed and unarmed. In fighting, the main weapon he uses is the sai/trident.

3. Michelangelo

Michelangelo is the youngest brother on the TMNT team. He is called “The Wild One” in this team. The nickname was given to Michel because he had a wild and silly attitude. He is also very good at socializing with other people. Not only that, he also loves video games, skateboarding, and making pranks to prank his brother.

Of all the ninja turtles, Michelangelo is the fighter who has the most agile movements. He is a formidable fighter and has extensive knowledge of ninjutsu. In addition, Michel also seems to have pure talent, but he is reluctant to train it. In fighting, Michelangelo uses a weapon in the form of a nunchaku that can turn into a kusarigama.

4. Donnatelo

Donnatelo or familiarly called Don is one of the main characters and a member of the TMNT team. In the team, he can be symbolized as the "brain" of the team thanks to his genius. Donnatelo is an inventor and also a maker of weapons and gadgets that they usually use in fighting.

In this story, Donnatelo has a variety of fighting techniques. Just like his other siblings, he is very skilled at using ninjutsu. He can jump on rooftops and is able to avoid various kinds of opponent attacks, such as fire shots, punches and kicks. In addition, he also has high endurance and stamina. In fighting, Don uses a stick that can also turn into a naginata (a stick with a sword at the end.

5. Master Splinter

Splinter is the adoptive father and teacher of the four ninja turtles. He has a very wise attitude, mature, and is very well trained in mastering the art of ninjutsu. The original Splinter was a human named Hamato Yoshi. He is from Japan. However, an incident made him turn into a rat-man.

As a master of ninjutsu, Splinter has a very broad insight, high speed, and power beyond reason. He can take down bigger opponents without any extra effort. In addition, its jaws are strong enough to crack hard objects, such as metal. Splinter also has very high sensitivity so he can detect the presence of enemies quickly.

6. Shredder

Shredder is a ninjutsu master as well as the main enemy of Splinter and the ninja turtles. He is also the leader of the Foot Clan who is known to be fearless as well as the main antagonist in the TMNT series. As a fighter, Shredder has dedicated his entire life to learning ninjutsu and raising it to the highest level.

Shredder's abilities can't be compared to ordinary ninjas. He has high ninjutsu skills after many years of rigorous training and also learned forbidden ninjutsu. He can also easily defeat the ninja turtles. In addition, Shredder also has physical endurance and very high speed. He also armed himself with extremely sharp iron claws. His body is also protected with armor that protects him from various attacks.

7. Casey Jones

Casey Jones is a young vigilante who is the best friend of the ninja turtles. He always looks consistent with the hockey mask and hockey stick that he always uses against the criminals who commit crimes in the city. He is actually just an ordinary student, but he turns into a hero who protects his city from mutant attacks and other crimes.

In fighting, Casey always relies on a hockey stick that he uses as his main weapon. Despite this, Casey was able to withstand an attack from Raph. According to Raph, Casey fights very well, but his fighting style is very haphazard. In addition, Casey also has stamina and endurance above ordinary humans. He can also run fast and is very good at driving cars.

8. Bebop

Bebop was a professional thief when he was a human by the name of Anton Zeck. He later turned into a mutant warthog (a type of pig) after being injected with warthog-DNA in an experiment. He also later became an accomplice of Shredder along with his partner Rocksteady.

In fighting, Bebop has high acrobatic abilities. In addition, he is also a very reliable thief and is able to plan criminal acts cleverly. Bepop also has various kinds of high-tech weapons, such as shuriken that can explode into millions of microchips, sticky bombs from glue, as well as special visors or special glasses that can improve their eyesight.

9. Rocksteady

Just like Bepop, Rocksteady was originally also a normal human. He used to work in the arms trade business. Currently, he is a mutant rhino after being the victim of an experiment. He is currently the partner of Bepop and the right hand man of Shredder. It's just that Rocksteady has an unfriendly attitude and lacks humor,

Rocksteady uses a variety of weapons in combat. He is a reliable sniper. He uses a minigun to attack his enemy. In addition, he also has other weapons, such as a knuckle duster and flameshower. As a fighter, Rocksteady also has high endurance and stamina so he can fight with his enemies for a long time.

10. Krang

Krang is an evil alien from Dimension X and is one of the main antagonists in the TMNT series. He came to earth with the aim of taking over the earth and making it their habitat to live and hide from their enemies. They try to talk like humans, but their vocabulary is often unclear. However, they are very dangerous.

Because their bodies are very weak, Krang usually use humanoids with a cockpit and they act as pilots controlling the humanoids. In this story, they also carry out various kinds of criminal acts, such as kidnapping scientists and conducting various kinds of experiments on human physique. They also formed an alliance with the Foot Clan led by Shredder to defeat the ninja turtles.

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