Naruto: 10 Strongest Temari Techniques, Ranked

For fans of Naruto, you must be familiar with a kunoichi named Temari. She is the adoptive sister of Gaara as well as a great Sunagakure ninja. In addition, she uses a very unique weapon in the form of a fan.

With the fan, Temari is able to issue a variety of very powerful and interesting jutsu. What are those? Check out more information below!

10. Fusajin no Jutsu

Fusajin no Jutsu has the main function to distract the enemy. When using this technique, Temari will swing her fan to create a whirlwind and surround the area with dusty sand.

Temari can use this jutsu to areas filled with trees. Due to the presence of sand on the twigs or branches, the enemy becomes difficult to stand on. In addition, this jutsu can make the opponent's vision impaired for a while.

9. Futon: Kiryu Ranbu

When using the Futon: Kiryu Ranbu technique, Temari will create and control a current of air through her palms. With this jutsu, she was able to clean the area that was filled with dust.

However, the usefulness of this jutsu does not stop there. Temari can use this jutsu to create a sandstorm that she can control. Therefore, this jutsu is very practical to use.

8. Futon: Kakeami

Futon: Kakeami is one of Temari's offensive jutsu which is quite interesting. When releasing this jutsu, Temari will shoot wind currents that are sharp and shaped like a net.

This attack is able to easily tear the target's body apart. In addition, the effect of this jutsu is much stronger when collaborated with a tessenjutsu user. The combination proved capable of inflicting wounds on the body of the Third Raikage.

7. Futon: Okakeami

As the name implies, Futon: Okakeami is arguably a more powerful version than the previous jutsu. The way this technique works is also very similar, but the scale of the attack is much more powerful and deadly.

When using this jutsu, Temari will swing her fan and create a very sharp wind sword. The wind blade was shaped like a net and slashed at targets from various directions.

6. Kamaitachi no Jutsu

Kamaitachi no Jutsu is Temari's signature jutsu which is very useful for offensive and defensive purposes. When casting this jutsu, she will create a very strong windstorm through her fan.

Jutsu is able to destroy its target easily. If the target is caught in the vortex, her body will be torn apart by countless wind blades. In addition, this jutsu can be used by Temari to block the opponent's attack.

5. Daikamaitachi no Jutsu

Daikamaitachi no Jutsu is basically almost the same as the previous jutsu, but the effects and range of attacks are different. Temari can use this jutsu to attack enemies from a distance.

This jutsu allows Temari to cut through anything in her path or block enemy attacks. Interestingly, this jutsu is able to fend off genjutsu-based attacks, such as Tayuya's illusion of sound.

3. Futon: Kazekiri no Jutsu

Futon: Kazekiri no Jutsu is one of the jutsu mastered by wind element users, such as Temari. This jutsu allows the user to create a wind sword through chakra or ninja equipment.

With a high degree of sharpness, the wind sword is able to cut through targets with ease. In addition, the attack power of this jutsu will be much stronger if the tessenjutsu users combine their attacks.

3. Futon: Tatsu no Oshigoto

Although Futon: Tatsu no Oshigoto only appears in anime stories, this jutsu is quite interesting. Temari will swing her fan towards the sky until she creates a giant tornado.

The tornado was very strong and was able to blow anything in its surroundings. In addition, the effect of this jutsu is able to temporarily change the weather conditions in the battle area.

2. Kuchiyose: Kiriki Mai

In addition to relying on fan weapons and wind-based attacks, Temari was able to master Kuchiyose no Jutsu. She made a contract with a wild animal named Kamatari who looks very savage and has a tail as sharp as a sword.

After summoning Kamaitari, Temari can activate a combination attack called Kuchiyose: Kiriki Mai. This jutsu allows Temari and Kamaitari to inflict heavy damage around the battle area.

1. Futon: Okamaitachi no Jutsu

Futon: Okamaitachi no Jutsu is arguably the strongest version of Kamaitachi no Jutsu. This jutsu has a very strong attack range with a much larger scale than the previous jutsu.

Temari released a series of sharp wind currents in large numbers. The wind current will form a deadly slash and be able to cut its target easily.

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