10 Most Dangerous Enemies in the Hataraku Saibou

In the story of Hataraku Saibou, cells must face enemies who want to attack the body's defense system, such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Each enemy has unique characteristics and strengths.

On this occasion, we would like to discuss the list of the most interesting enemies in  Hataraku Saibou. Check the complete information below!

10. Bacillus Cereus

Bacillus Cereus is a bacterium that has opportunistic properties. He will strike when the body experiences a heat stroke. Unlike other bacteria, he has a slightly cowardly nature.

Bacillus likes to play games with his enemies and often runs away from the pursuit of white blood cells. Despite this, it has tentacles that function like whips. He can use it to attack opponents non-stop.

9. Streptococcus pyogenes

Streptococcus pyogenes is a gram-positive type of bacteria. He is described as an evil bacterium that has a sadistic and violent nature. He likes to torment the red blood cells which carry nutrients to the body.

This bacterium infects the human body at the time of wound abrasion. He is quite tough and able to deal with troops of white blood cells. He used to attack the throat and digestive tract.

8 Pneumococcus/Pneumonia Coccus

Pneumoccus is one of the bacteria that appears in the story Hataraku Saibou. He is known as a bacterium capable of causing diseases, such as pneumonia. Because of that, he was aiming for the human lung section.

In terms of strength, Pneumoccus is not strong because he can be defeated easily by White Blood Cell. Even so, he had a very large number of troops so his existence was quite troublesome.

7. Vibrio Parahaemolyticus

The next bacteria that is quite troublesome is Vibrio Parahaemolyticus. He looks like a huge monster with white fur. In addition, he has hexagonal eyes that look very unique.

Vibrio can cause digestive problems. Moreover, he possessed a ferocious and formidable strength. Although he gave the White Blood Cell a hard time, he managed to overcome them in the end.

6. Staphylococcus Aureus

Staphylococcus Aureus is described as a bacterium that is intelligent and capable of leading other bad bacteria. Before attacking, she had previously conducted research on the human body's defense system.

Staphylococcus is a dangerous bacteria that can cause skin infections, pneumonia, meningitis and septicemia. These bacteria attack the body's defense system when the body is injured and bleeding.

5. Cedar Pollen Allergen

Cedar Pollen Allergen is an allergic disease that comes from cedar trees. This allergy is described as a giant yellow lump. In addition, they are fairly tough and difficult for cells to deal with.

The presence of this allergy makes the cells react excessively. Even so, this allergy can be overcome after robots called steroids come. He has a sophisticated weapon that can beat the allergy.

4. Anisakis

Unlike previous enemies, Anisakis is a parasite that attacks the digestive system. This parasite is described as similar to a giant eel. Although harmless, this parasite can cause allergies.

Thanks to its size and ferocious nature, Anisakis is feared by the cells. He was not an enemy that white blood cells could easily deal with. He can only be defeated by Eosinophil who are specially trained to kill parasites.

3. Influenza

Influenza is one of the most troublesome viruses and enemies in the story. They are described as zombies that can infect other cells in a short time. Because of that, they were able to multiply troops easily.

To deal with them, White Blood Cell must cooperate with Macrophages and Killer T Cell. They mobilize as much strength as possible to defeat the Influenza army which is always growing all the time.

2. Dengue Virus

Dengue Virus is a virus that causes dengue fever caused by mosquitoes. In the story, this virus takes the form of a red Tengu mask created from a wound caused by a mosquito bite.

The mask is able to attract attention and infect Langerhan Cell. After wearing the mask, Langerhan Cell has super strength until he is able to issue powerful wind attacks.

1. Cancer Cell

Cancer Cell may be considered as the most powerful and dangerous enemies, both in stories and in the real world. He is an abnormal cell and can grow uncontrollably. In addition, he can damage the normal cells around him.

Cancer Cell have the power to manipulate their body shape. He has a very strong and brutal physique. He is able to take on some powerful cells, such as White Blood Cell, Killer T Cell, and NK Cell.

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