Fairy Tail: 10 Strongest Irene Belserion's Techniques, Ranked

Irene Belserion is one of the strongest members of the 12 Spriggans from Alvarez Empire. She has a very beautiful appearance and is similar to Erza because she is her biological mother.

Apart from that, Irene is also capable of using various abilities and very powerful magic techniques. For more details, check out our review about Irene's strongest magic below!

10. Enchantment

Enchantment is one of the main magic abilities that Irene uses in battle. Users of this magic are able to transfer their magic to objects or people and add magic attributes to their targets.

For example, the user of this magic can make wood as hard as steel. Additionally, she can turn inanimate objects into living ones. With her immense magic power, Irene was able to cast powerful techniques with this magic.

9. Berserker

Berserker is one of the basic Enchantment techniques mastered by Irene. When issuing this moment, Irene will use her magic to turn her target into a ferocious and scary monster. 

Not only that, the monster's physical abilities also increased rapidly. In addition, they also don't feel the sensation of pain in battle so they are more difficult to deal with in battle.

8. Disappear

Irene's next strongest technique is Disappear. When casting this technique, she will use Enchantment magic to create an explosion around the battle area that is the target. Irene can create several explosions at once on a fairly massive scale. For this reason, this technique is quite dangerous.

7. Deus Zero

Deus Zero is one of the high level techniques of Enchantment magic. This magic allows Irene to negate the effect of the opponent's Enchantment magic. She had shown this technique when fighting against Erza and Wendy. Irene can easily cancel the magic used by Wendy on Erza by using this technique.

6. Personality Enchantment

Personality Enchantment is one of the high-level techniques of Enchantment magic. This technique allows Irene to turn inanimate objects such as swords into living things that have magical powers.

As proof, Irene has two subordinates named Juliet Sun and Heine Lunases who were created thanks to this magic. In addition, Irene can use this magic to transfer her consciousness to her target, for example when she enters Wendy's body.

5. Separation Enchantment

Separation Enchantment can be said to be the opposite of the previous magic technique. This technique allows Irene to separate magic from an object or person. In addition, this technique is categorized as high level magic.

Irene used this technique when she was trying to extract Fairy Heart magic from Mavis Vermillion's body. In addition, this magic technique also has a bad impact on the target.

4. Universe One

Universe One is one of the strongest magic mastered by Irene. This magic allows her to manipulate the geography of an area and narrow the area down to 5% of its original size.

Irene can use this magic to collect objects or people in a specific area. In this way, it is easier for her to find the target she wants to find. This magic is able to make wizards like Zeref and Acnologia surprised.

3. Sage Dragon Slayer Magic

One of the interesting facts about Irene is that she is also a Dragon Slayer magic user. She is able to transform into dragon form. While she was in that form, her magic power increased tremendously.

Irene is getting harder to beat because she has a strong defense. In addition, she is able to issue a variety of devastating attacks that can destroy opponents and the area around the battle.

2. Sage Dragon's Roar

Dragon's Roar aka Dragon's Roar is one of the typical attacks that a Dragon Slayer has. Of course it's not surprising if Irene is able to issue this attack in battle.

While in dragon form, Irene can let out a very powerful and destructive roar. The roar was capable of destroying a castle in the blink of an eye. Because of that, the power of this technique is no joke.

1. Deus Sema

Deus Sema is arguably the strongest technique mastered by Irene Belserion. This technique requires mastery of high level Enchantment. Additionally, she is only capable of using this technique when she is in her dragon form.

When activating this move, Irene will attract a giant meteor and drop it into an area that is her target. The meteor's power was extremely destructive and capable of wiping out an entire area in no time.

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