10 Most Popular Characters in the Seikoku no Dragonar

Seikoku no Dragonar is an interesting anime that aired in 2014. This anime is adapted from the light novel by Shiki Mizuchi and tells about the adventures of a teenager named Ash who becomes a student at Ansullivan Dragonar Academy.

At the school, Ash met many beautiful girls. Plus, he lives an exciting day with the dragons. He is often involved in competition with his friends in a dragon racing competition.

In this article, we would like to discuss the most interesting characters in Seikoku no Dragonar. Who are they? Check out the full review below!

10. Anya

Anya is known as a thief who comes from the Tantaros Tribe. Her real name is Shamara Kitzlkaya. Additionally, she was briefly an Imperial spy working under Milgauss' orders.

Apart from being an expert at stealing, Anya is very skilled at using a sword. She often shows this ability in the story.

9. Primrose Shelly

Unlike Anya, Primrose Shelly is a beautiful girl who serves as Veronica Lautreamont's personal maid. She has a fantastic and sexy body so she is quite popular among fans.

Apart from being good-looking, Primrose is friendly and hard-working. Unfortunately, she sometimes acts recklessly to the point where she likes to cause trouble.

8.Raymond Kirkland

Raymond Kirkland is one of Ash's best friends while at the Academy. He he was able to provide advice and assistance to Ash. Besides that, he has a cool appearance.

Despite his strengths, Raymond has a bad habit. He is very flirtatious and likes to look at girls around him. He is also easy to think dirty.

7. Veronica Lautreamont

Veronica Lautreamon is known as a formidable knight in the kingdom. In addition, she has a very pretty face and a hot body. She always looks so serious that she can intimidate anyone near her.

Despite her cold nature, Veronica really cares about Silvia by nature. She put a lot of effort into training Silvia so that her little sister could grow up to be a great knight.

6. Lucca Sarlinen

Next, there is a cute girl named Lucca Sarlinen. She has an awkward nature and lacks self-confidence. She was also afraid to ride the dragon because she had fallen in the past.

Nonetheless, Lucca began to overcome her fears slowly. Thanks to help from Ash, she was finally able to get up and look back into the future.

5. Navi

Navi is one of the most beautiful and popular characters among fans. She has extensive knowledge about the existence of dragons in the past. In addition, she showed a very wise nature.

Even so, she occasionally likes to joke and display a humorous side. For example, she often teases Echo and Ash when they are together.

4. Rebecca Randall

Next, there is a beautiful and charming girl named Rebecca Randall. She has a very confident nature. In addition, she is very obedient to rules and discipline because she was the student council president at Ansullivan Dragonar Academy.

In terms of abilities, Rebecca was a highly skilled Arch Dragonar. She is able to care for and improve the ability of dragons to reach the level of Maestro.

3. Ash Blake

As the main protagonist in the story, Ash Blake can be considered as a lucky character. He was surrounded by beautiful girls who were attracted to him, such as Eco, Silvia, and Rebecca. Besides that, he has the potential to be a great breeder and rider.

In addition, Ash really cares about the condition of others. He always helps anyone who is down and needs his support. Despite this, he can get angry and resentful when others harass his dragon.

2. Silvia Lautreamont

Just like Ash, Silvia Lautreamont is a character who plays an important role in the story. As the daughter of royalty, she has very high standards and always maintains her image in public.

Silvia also often looks down on other people who she considers weak and talentless. She also often competes with Ash. Even so, she gradually starts to like Ash after she is helped by Ash's kindness.

1. Eco

Eco is the most unique and popular character in Seikoku no Dragonar. She is a dragon born in the form of a beautiful girl with horns. Additionally, she plays an important role as Ash's Dragon Pal.

Eco has quite a complex and funny personality. She has a strong determination and a little stubborn. In addition, she is very fond of eating and sleeping. She can also feel jealous when Ash is around beautiful women.

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